Annual Performance Reviews. Performance reviews shall be conducted on an individual basis at least once throughout each calendar year. Any Employee who has not had her/his review completed (with the person to whom she/he directly reports on a day-to-day basis) by 30 September in each calendar year shall advise that person in order to make mutually convenient arrangements for the review to be completed before the end of the calendar year. Wherever possible the Employee shall be advised in writing of the outcome of the performance review within one month of the review taking place.
Annual Performance Reviews a. Department Chairpersons shall annually review the performance of faculty members in their departments or units. In schools without Chairs, this review shall be carried out by the Xxxx or his/her designee, who will be another administrator holding faculty status. Although the faculty member bears the responsibility of demonstrating his or her achievement and potential in matters of reappointment, promotion and tenure, Chairs, Deans or Directors have a responsibility to con- tribute to the professional development of the faculty member by communicating to that person their regular assessment of performance, progress and areas of strength and those in need of im- provement.
b. At the initiative of the faculty member, performance evaluation may make reference to relevant accom- plishments for which no percentage of effort is recorded on the workload form. The Chair/Xxxx’x designee shall seek and incorporate input of the applicable administrator of any secondary units as described in Section 2 of this Article.
Annual Performance Reviews. All approved guidelines shall be distributed to all faculty to whom they apply and must be included in the dossier of every candidate for second reappointment of tenure-track faculty, promotion and/or tenure. One copy of all approved department and college or school guidelines will also be sent to the Union. Where external review is required, a copy of the guidelines shall also be sent to any external evaluators.
Annual Performance Reviews a. Department Chairpersons shall annually review the performance of faculty members in their departments or units. In schools without Chairs, this review shall be carried out by the Xxxx or his/her designee, who will be another administrator holding faculty status. Although the faculty member bears the responsibility of demonstrating his or her achievement and potential in matters of reappointment, promotion and tenure, Chairs, Deans or Directors have a responsibility to contribute to the professional development of the faculty member by communicating to that person their regular assessment of performance, progress and areas of strength and those in need of improvement. The annual review will include a report of annual activities by the faculty member and a review of such materials along with student evaluations by the Chairperson or, in schools without Chairs, by the Xxxx or his/her designee. The review will result in a written evaluation of the faculty member's performance and this evaluation shall serve as the basis for the Xxxx’x decision regarding performance increases along with the factors listed in Article 18. At the initiative of the faculty member, performance evaluation may make reference to relevant accomplishments for which no percentage of effort is recorded on the workload form. The Chair/Xxxx’x designee shall seek and incorporate input of the applicable administrator of any secondary units as described in Section 2 of this Article.
b. Reviews at the department and school level shall take place each Spring for all faculty members. Although such reviews can occur at any time, the first such review must occur by March 15 of the first year of any non-tenure track appointment and by April 15 for the first year of any tenure-track appointment. Subsequent reviews for all faculty must occur by April 15th.
c. Annual reviews will focus on the performance of the faculty member during the previous two semesters or the previous twelve (12) months, whichever applies to the faculty member’s appointment period, but will also take into account the performance of the faculty member during the preceding two (2) years if the faculty member was employed by the University. The Xxxx will instruct departments and units as to whether performance data on a faculty member should be submitted on a calendar, fiscal or academic year basis.
d. Annual reviews shall include a formal meeting between the evaluator and the faculty member at least every other year, except for ...
Annual Performance Reviews. Executive’s job performance shall be reviewed annually by the Board. In conjunction with such annual performance review process, Executive will be eligible for salary increases, cash bonus awards (the bonus target is set forth under Section 5 above) and additional stock option awards, which will be subject to Company policy and vesting terms. Salary increases, cash bonuses and stock option awards will be determined by the Board in its sole discretion based on the overall performance of Opnext as well as Executive’s individual performance. Stock options, salary increases and bonuses are awarded at the discretion of the Board.
Annual Performance Reviews. (a) The Contractor acknowledges that the Principal may conduct an annual performance review of the Contractor’s performance during each Operating Year (the first Operating Year will be deemed to include the period from the Site Possession Date), which will include consideration of:
(i) the information required to be included in the Annual Report for the relevant Operating Year;
(ii) the continuing appropriateness of the KPIs; and
(iii) areas for improvement of the Services.
(b) The Contractor must co-operate with, and provide any assistance reasonably requested by, the Principal in the conduct of the annual performance review contemplated by this clause. As soon as reasonably practicable after each annual performance review is completed, the Principal will provide to the Contractor a report in relation to the matters addressed by the annual performance review, including:
(i) the continuing appropriateness of the KPIs; and
(ii) areas for improvement of the Services for the next Operating Year.
(c) The Contract Manager and the Contractor Representative must meet within ten (10) Business Days after the Contractor receives a copy of the report specified in subclause (b):
(i) to discuss the report; and
(ii) agree any changes to the KPIs.
(d) Subject to subclauses (e) and (f), the Contractor must implement the Principal’s recommendations contained in the report.
(e) The Principal must give a direction in accordance with clause 25.2 if:
(i) the Principal's recommendations in the report involve a variation to the Services; and
(ii) the Principal considers it appropriate that they be implemented.
(f) If the Contract Manager and the Contractor Representative cannot agree changes to the KPIs, then, within ten (10) Business Days after either party gives notice to the other of such failure to agree, the Principal’s Director Contracted Services (or a person occupying an equivalent position within the Principal) and a senior executive of the Contractor must meet and must negotiate in good faith, to agree such changes. If these senior executives cannot agree such changes within ten (10) Business Days, the matter will be referred for consideration at the next meeting of the Custodial Contracts Management Board.
Annual Performance Reviews. At least annually, the General Manager and Xxxxxxx shall set mutually agreed upon objectives for each year. These objectives shall coincide with the General Manager's completion of a public employee performance evaluation of Xxxxxxx on or before the anniversary date of this Agreement ("Annual Evaluation"). Nothing in this section precludes the General Manager from completing an additional interim public employee performance evaluation of Xxxxxxx at any other time.
Annual Performance Reviews. The MMS, CSLC, and DOGGR will coordinate annual performance reviews, seeking to ensure all three agencies are present to discuss with the operator of the full spectrum of performance-related issues.
Annual Performance Reviews. The performance of each regularly scheduled employee covered by this Agreement shall be reviewed in writing by Cornish College at least once each academic year. Evaluation meetings with the Dance Musicians accompanying College-only classes will take place no later than the last of College classes. Evaluation meetings with Dance Musicians accompanying Preparatory Dance classes will take place no later than the Tuesday following student demonstrations.
Annual Performance Reviews. The Contractor acknowledges that the State may conduct an annual performance review of the Contractor’s performance during the preceding 12 months, which will include consideration of:
(i) the Monthly Reports and Quarterly Reports relating to the current Operation Year;
(ii) the Annual Report relating to the preceding Operation Year;
(iii) the continuing appropriateness of the Performance Measures, the Progressive Targets and the Fixed Percentages; and
(iv) areas for improvement of the Services. The annual performance review must be undertaken on or around 30 March of each year, such that any outcomes from the annual performance review can be put in place before the commencement of the following Operation Year. The Contractor must co-operate with, and provide any assistance reasonably requested by, the State in the conduct of the annual performance review contemplated by this clause. As soon as reasonably practicable after each annual performance review is completed, the State will provide to the Contractor a report in relation to the matters addressed by the annual performance review, including:
(i) the continuing appropriateness of the Performance Measures, the Progressive Targets and the Fixed Percentages; and
(ii) areas for improvement of the Services for the next Operation Year. The Contract Manager and the Contractor Representative must meet within 10 Business Days after the Contractor receives a copy of the report specified in clause 16.7(c):
(i) to discuss the report; and
(ii) agree any changes to the Performance Measures, the Progressive Targets and the Fixed Percentages. Subject to clauses 16.7(f) and 16.7(g), the Contractor must implement the State’s recommendations contained in the report. The State must give a Variation Notice in accordance with clause 19.2 if:
(i) the State's recommendations in the report involve a Variation to the Services; and
(ii) the State considers it appropriate that they be implemented. If the Contract Manager and the Contractor Representative cannot agree changes to the Performance Measures, the Progressive Targets and the Fixed Percentages, then, within 10 Business Days after either Party gives notice to the other of such failure to agree, the Department's Director, Operational Policy, Compliance and Contracts (or a person occupying an equivalent position within the State) and a senior executive of the Contractor must meet and must negotiate in good faith, to agree such changes. If these senior executives cannot ...