Calendar Development. The College shall involve the Federation through the Contract Administration Committee in developing the annual calendar prior to adoption by the College.
Calendar Development. Prior to establishing the calendar as provided in Section 5 hereof, the school district will convene a Calendar Development Committee. The school board will appoint three (3) administrators representing secondary and special education and one (1) school board member to the committee. Local 3904 will appoint four (4) members representing secondary and special education to the committee. The committee will develop calendar options for a common calendar for secondary and special education programs. The Calendar Development Committee’s recommended options, including designated preparation time, will be presented for school board consideration at the April board meeting.
Calendar Development. A. A District Advisory Committee shall be established as follows:
1. The Committee shall be composed of one (1) bargaining unit member from each elementary building, two (2) bargaining unit members from each middle school, and two
Calendar Development. CSEA shall designate 5 members to participate in the regular District calendar development committee for the district. CSEA shall be consulted annually on the yearly work calendar development.
Calendar Development. Prior to winter break, the calendar committee, including at least three members appointed by the Association shall establish the employee work year calendars, including the first and last employee contract days and the dates for winter and spring breaks for the following year. The Board shall take action on these dates in the month of February. The proposed calendars, including instructional, grading, inservice and conference days, shall be given to the Association by April 1, of each year for the purpose of identifying negotiated days and receiving Association recommendations regarding non-negotiated days. The Association shall have at least two (2) weeks to review the calendars prior to adoption by the board. Calendars for any alternative programs and calendars that operate beyond the regular school year shall be developed with staff involvement and be reviewed by the Association.
Calendar Development. The District Teachers’ Association (DTA) shall be included in the regular calendar development process of the District.
Calendar Development. Recommendations concerning the discretionary features of the college’s annual calendar (as opposed to features mandated by statute), shall be drawn up by the Calendar Committee and submitted via the District Superintendent/President to the Board of Trustees for approval.
a. Calendar Committee - The Calendar Committee shall consist of the Chief Instructional Officer (who shall serve as Chairperson), three faculty members appointed by the President of the Association, two classified members appointed by the CSEA, and two students appointed by the President of the Associated Students. The Calendar Committee shall convene no later than the sixth week of the Fall semester each year.
b. Time Schedule - Recommendations as described under Calendar Development, above, shall be submitted for approval or returned to Committee by May 30 of the year preceding the fiscal year of the calendar being considered.
Calendar Development. (a) Management and the Union will work together to develop the annual academic calendar. During the month of October and two (2) years prior to the academic calendar under consideration, a task force convened by the Xxxxxxx will be formed. It will be comprised of six
Calendar Development. (a) Management and the Union will work together to develop the annual academic calendar. During the month of October and two (2) years prior to the academic calendar under consideration, a task force convened by the Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs will be formed. It will be comprised of six (6) members, three (3) of whom are academic employees appointed by the TCCFT, and three (3) of whom are appointed by management. The task force will discuss issues related to academic calendar development and will prepare a calendar for review by the President. The academic calendar draft shall specify the following dates for each quarter: (1) beginning and ending dates, (2) final examination dates, (3) advising dates, (4) non-instructional dates, and (5) holidays. The beginning and ending dates and the dates available for continuing student advising shall be consistent with the terms of Article 6.00 of this agreement concerning academic year and instructional load and, whenever possible, the expressed interest of the Union.
(b) The academic calendar draft will be submitted to the President for review and approval.
(c) The finalized academic calendar will be presented by the President to the Board of Trustees, who will take final action. For Corrections Employees:
(a) Management and the Union will work together to develop the annual academic calendar. During the month of October and one (1) year prior to the academic calendar under consideration, a task force convened by the Education Director will be formed. It will be comprised of one full-time corrections academic employee and one office staff. The task force will discuss issues related to academic calendar and will prepare two calendar drafts for consideration that shall specify the following dates for each quarter: (1) beginning and ending dates, (2) non-instructional dates, and (3)
Calendar Development. The existing practice of involving representatives of the Association in the development of the school calendar will continue.