Climate Surveys. Beginning with the 2025-26 school year and for the duration of this Agreement, the District will, by March 1, administer an annual climate survey that assesses the culture and climate in the District’s secondary schools, including the use of harassing sex-, race-, color-, and national origin-based language and conduct. The District will administer the survey as follows:
i. The District will develop questions for the survey with input from its Consultant.
ii. The District will provide a draft of the climate surveys to the United States for review at least 30 days before intended circulation.
iii. The District will distribute the survey to the entire secondary school community, with separate versions of the survey for students, parents, and employees.
iv. The District may use different survey questions for different grade levels, as appropriate.
v. The District will permit anonymous responses.
vi. The District will permit, but not require, respondents to indicate their own sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity, race, and national origin/ethnicity as part of their response.
vii. The District will make a good-faith effort to encourage participation and accurate responses. As part of this effort, the District will send communications encouraging participation in the survey, take precautions to avoid multiple responses from the same individual, take precautions to prohibit responses from individuals outside of the school community, and take other actions to ensure that the survey results are representative of the school community and contain accurate responses.
viii. The survey will allow and encourage respondents to identify physical locations where harassment occurs, such as particular stairwells, common areas, hallways, or bathrooms. The survey will also allow and encourage respondents to identify sources of anonymous or online harassment that affect the school environment, such as particular apps, websites, or other platforms.
ix. The District will solicit responses to the climate survey for at least 30 days and the survey will clarify the deadline for responses.
x. The District will ensure that the climate survey is accessible to students, parents, and employees with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency. The District will distribute a Spanish-language version of the climate survey, translated by a qualified translator, at the same time as the English-language version.
Climate Surveys. The College submits that it is required to conduct climate surveys for students every other year in accordance with state law, and that such a survey will be conducted in or around February 2017. The College submits that this survey will contain questions about the student’s knowledge of sex discrimination (including sexual harassment and sexual assault/violence), any experiences with sex discrimination while attending the College, and the student’s awareness of the College’s Title IX policies and procedures. The College submits that information gathered from these surveys will be used to inform future proactive steps taken by the College to provide an environment that is safe and supportive to all students and in compliance with Title IX.
Climate Surveys. The District will administer a school climate assessment to teachers, students, and parents/guardians at the School to evaluate the climate at the School with respect to race and the extent to which the survey respondents are subjected to or witness race-based harassment. Participation in the survey by students will be voluntary, and the survey will be conducted in a manner consistent with applicable law. The survey shall specifically inquire about the experience, knowledge, and perceptions of employees, students, and parents/guardians about the climate at the School with respect to race, color, or national origin, and will assess whether employees, students, and parents/guardians have sufficient information about the District’s anti-discrimination policies and are able to find the appropriate resources when necessary. The District will analyze the results of the assessment and provide a proposed plan of action(s) to OCR to address any concerns identified.
Climate Surveys. A. Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, the District will administer an annual age- appropriate climate survey of students in grades 3-12, a biennial climate survey of parents and guardians, and a biennial climate survey of District employees with respect to sexual harassment in the District’s schools, programs, and activities. The surveys will inquire about:
1. the prevalence of sexual harassment in the relevant school and the District;
2. the willingness to report sexual harassment to District personnel;
3. whether students, parents and guardians, and employees have sufficient information about the District’s policies prohibiting sexual harassment and how to report it;
4. whether students, parents and guardians, and employees are able to find the District’s policies and grievance procedures regarding sexual harassment;
5. perceptions of the District’s response to reports and complaints of sexual harassment;
6. whether employees and students have sufficient information about the District’s anti-harassment policies and are able to find the appropriate resources when necessary; and
7. suggestions for reducing incidents of sexual harassment in the District and improving the District’s response to reports and complaints of sexual harassment.
B. The District will, on a biennial basis:
1. analyze the results, information, and feedback provided in each climate survey;
2. use the results, information, and feedback to propose a plan of action to address all concerns identified and any revisions to its policies, grievance procedures, and/or training practices needed to respond to those concerns; and
3. provide for OCR’s review and approval the proposed plan of action and revisions.
Climate Surveys. By October 26, 2018, in collaboration with the Compliance Coordinator, the District will develop and submit to OCR, for its review and approval, a climate survey for elementary4, middle, and high school students designed to gather information relating to student safety, the prevalence of bullying and harassment in the District, including bullying/harassment on the bases of race and sex, and the responsiveness of District personnel to student concerns. (The District may choose to expand the survey to address other school climate issues if desired.) When developing the climate survey, the District may take the ages of the students who will be surveyed into account and adjust the survey questions and/or administration method accordingly. Along with submitting the proposed climate survey(s), the District will provide OCR a written explanation of how the District intends to distribute, collect, and utilize the results of the survey(s).5 Within 120 days of receiving OCR approval of its proposed climate survey(s) for students, the District will administer the survey(s) and review the survey results. Based on its review of the survey results, the District will take appropriate corrective action to address the climate issues related to racial and sexual harassment identified through the survey(s). If the survey results do not provide sufficient information for the District to identify climate issues specifically related to racial and sexual harassment, the District will develop a plan, in conjunction with the Compliance Coordinator, for conducting targeted follow-up with students where the racial and/or sexual harassment of students appear to be most prevalent. (The District may conduct a targeted survey designed to identify climate issues specifically related to racial and sexual harassment or may identify other means of collecting the relevant information from students. Any targeted follow up may be limited to students in particular grade levels as warranted.) In developing the plan, the District may draw from the results of the employee climate survey required by item 8 of the Agreement and other sources of 4 The District may limit the climate survey for elementary students to students in third grade and above.
Climate Surveys. In collaboration with the consultant, YPSA will develop and administer an annual survey of students (grades 3-6), parents, teachers and staff on matters relating to school safety and the clarity and fairness of the application of discipline policies and practices, including non-discrimination. YPSA agrees to submit the climate survey to OCR for review and comment;
Climate Surveys. The District will administer a school climate assessment to staff, students, and parents/guardians in the District to evaluate the climate at each school site with respect to race and the extent to which students are subjected to, or witness race-based harassment. Participation in the survey by students and parents will be entirely voluntary, and the survey will be conducted in a manner consistent with applicable law. The survey shall specifically inquire about the experience, knowledge, and perceptions of employees, students, and parents/guardians about the climate at their school with respect to race, color, and national origin, and will assess whether employees, students, and parents/guardians have sufficient information about the District’s anti-discrimination policies and are able to find the appropriate resources when necessary. The District will analyze the results of the assessment, including perceptions among students of different racial or ethnic groups and will provide a proposed action plan to address any concerns identified based on the results.
Climate Surveys. Useful Tools to Help Colleges and Universities in Their Efforts to Reduce and Prevent Sexual Assault. Retrieved from: climate-survey.pdf
Climate Surveys. A. By March 1, 2019, and again by the same date in 2021, in consultation with the Title IX Coordinator, the University will conduct, as planned, the climate survey of undergraduate and graduate students which includes questions designed to do the following:
1. assess students’ attitudes and knowledge regarding sexual harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation;
2. gather information regarding students’ experience with sexual harassment and sexual violence while attending the university;
Climate Surveys