COURSE EXPECTATIONS. Faculty are expected to teach classes in accordance with official descriptions and meet classes in accordance with published schedules online, at on-campus locations, off-campus locations germane to the subject matter, or at other locations. No classes will be taught on-line, off- campus or at unscheduled locations without prior written approval of the department head and xxxx. (A) Classroom Behavior Instructors may establish reasonable rules for classroom behavior, in addition to those in the Student Conduct Code. Such rules shall be articulated as part of the written course materials provided to the students. (B) Collaboration Among Students Instructors are encouraged to provide collaborative learning opportunities but must state in writing the limits of assistance permitted between and among students in a course assignment. (C) Instruction Responsibilities Instructors may establish rules for attendance and make-up exams and must state these in writing. Instructors must be prompt in meeting their scheduled classes, be available for appointments with students at designated times, be well prepared for classes, and be fair and prompt in grading class assignments and tests. The scheduled final examination period must be used for final examinations in the class or other instruction.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. Faculty are expected to teach classes in accordance with official descriptions and meet classes in accordance with published schedules online, at on-campus locations, off-campus locations germane to the subject matter, or at other locations. No classes will be taught on-line, off- campus or at unscheduled locations without prior written approval of the department head and xxxx. (A) Classroom Behavior Instructors may establish reasonable rules for classroom behavior, in addition to those in the Student Conduct Code. Such rules shall be articulated as part of the written course materials provided to the students. (B) Collaboration Among Students Instructors are encouraged to provide collaborative learning opportunities but must state in writing the limits of assistance permitted between and among students in a course assignment. (C) Instruction Responsibilities
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. It is the expectation that you arrive to the classroom and clinical locations on time, prepared, and willing to learn. This means: ▪ Students are responsible for their own transportation to class and clinical sites o students will arrive to class on time (must factor in travel time and traffic conditions) o students will be assigned to their clinical sites (instructors will do their best to make accommodations, but the sites will be assigned) and students will arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start of their assigned clinical rotation (students must factor in travel time and traffic conditions) ▪ All course assignments must be completed prior to the class to facilitate better comprehension of content and the ability to engage in a deep level of understanding o students may need to dedicate additional time outside the classroom to study, access supplemental resources such as ATI, and/or practice skills ▪ Students will be participating in laboratory activities that require the use of human subjects as part of the training procedures and students may be asked to perform specific skills or be asked to be the subject of specific skill practice by otherstudents ▪ Students at clinical health facilities must not leave their assigned facility during the clinical day and must notify their FCTC instructor and resource nurse if leaving the assigned unit o students have the option of bringing their lunch to their clinical site or buying their lunch at their clinical site, if applicable o students participating at clinical health facilities are practicing under the license of their FCTC clinical instructor, therefore students are held to the highest standard working with their FCTC clinical instructor at all times Practical Nursing students will strictly follow the standards regarding nursing practices: • No verbal or telephone orders are to be taken by students from physicians or physician designees. • Students will be supervised by instructor in dispensing medications during all courses; independent performance may only occur with preceptor, if applicable. • At all times during a clinical experience, Insulin, Digoxin, and Anticoagulants are to be checked by the instructor (or by preceptor with permission of instructor) before administration by a student. • No I.V. medications will be administered nor I.V. starts are to be performed by the practical nursing student. Practical nursing students will be responsible for checking solution order, amount rate of infusio...
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. The course lasts four weeks and participants can expect to commit to spending three hours a week on the course. Each module is scheduled to last one week and ends with a formal assessment. While some deadlines are flexible others are strict in order to enable synchronous activities. T Participants will be assessed by their participation in discussions, and their self-assessment quizzes (minimum of 50% correct).
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. Participants can expect to commit to spending approximately 10-12 hours a week for five weeks completing this course. There is a starting date and learners must complete each week’s session within that time frame. However, we will also explore the possibility of offering the course in a completely self-paced mode for all those interested. Learners are assessed by their responses to quizzes and the code they produce. Additionally, learners are expected to have one collaborative agent-based chat session per week.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. The course lasts five weeks and participants can expect to commit to spending three hours a week on the course. Each module is scheduled to last one week. There are three discussion sessions and a self-assessment at the end of each module. A final assessment consisting of both open and closed questions will complete the course. While some deadlines are flexible others are strict in order to enable synchronous activities. The participants will be assessed by their participation in discussions, and their self-assessment quizzes (minimum of 50% correct).
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. The course will take place over four weeks and participants are expected to spend the equivalent of two working days each week on the MOOC, for a total of 50 hours. The first two weeks will focus on theoretical concepts and techniques and the last two on applying the concepts on real-life (or plausible) settings. At the end of each week, participants will meet a milestone. In order to receive a passing grade, participants will have to take part in the weekly activities (i.e., discussions, weekly quizzes, short assignments) and receive a passing score on their portfolio.
COURSE EXPECTATIONS. It is the expectation that you arrive to the classroom and clinical locations on time, prepared, and willing to learn. This means:‌ Practical Nursing students will strictly follow the standards regarding nursing practices:


  • Service Level Expectations Without limiting any other requirements of the Agreement, the Service Provider shall meet or exceed the following standards, policies, and guidelines:

  • Performance Expectations The Charter School’s performance in relation to the indicators, measures, metrics and targets set forth in the CPF shall provide the basis upon which the SCSC will decide whether to renew the Charter School’s Charter Contract at the end of the charter term. This section shall not preclude the SCSC from considering other relevant factors in making renewal decisions.

  • Expectations Faculty members participating in the annuitant employment program are expected to perform the full range of faculty duties, on a pro rata basis. They are subject to the professional development plans required under Article 22.

  • Course Materials The adoption of any course materials, print or electronic, after a Course Agreement is signed will require an agreed and signed addendum.

  • Historical Performance Information To the extent agreed upon by the parties, the Sub-Advisor will provide the Trust with historical performance information on similarly managed investment companies or for other accounts to be included in the Prospectus or for any other uses permitted by applicable law.

  • Budgets Borrower shall have delivered, and Lender shall have approved, the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year.

  • Demographics Obtain demographic information including age, race, ethnicity, and sex.

  • Senior Level Negotiations If after fifteen (15) Days of receipt of the Dispute Notice Response by the submitting party or, in the event that the receiving party fails to timely submit a Dispute Notice Response, either Party may, by providing written Notice to the other party, request that the Dispute be resolved by direct negotiations between senior level negotiators of the parties (“Senior Level Negotiations Notice”). It is within each party’s discretion to determine who constitutes a senior level negotiator, and this person may be, among other possibilities, a senior executive or in-house counsel. The senior level negotiators shall confer as often as they deem reasonably necessary to exchange information and attempt to resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) Days after the Senior Level Negotiations Notice is given to the other party.

  • FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no budget implications. The applicant will be responsible for all costs, expenses, liabilities and obligations imposed under or incurred in order to satisfy the terms of this proposed development agreement. The administration of the proposed development agreement can be carried out within the approved 2019- 2020 budget and with existing resources.

  • COURSE INFORMATION AND FEES 1.1 The PEI will deliver the Course as set out in Schedule A to the Student, towards conferment of the stated qualification upon successful Course completion. 1.2 The PEI confirms that the Course has been permitted by the Council for Private Education (CPE) and no amendments have been made to the Course as set out in Schedule A, unless otherwise permitted by CPE. 1.3 The Course Fees payable are set out in Schedule B and the optional Miscellaneous Fees in Schedule C. 1.4 The PEI considers payment made 7 days after the scheduled due date(s) in Schedule B as late. The PEI will explain to the Student its policy for late payment of Course Fees, including any late payment fee charged in Schedule C (if applicable) and any impact on Course/module completion (if applicable).