Customized Employment Sample Clauses

Customized Employment. Competitive integrated employment for an individual with a significant disability that is based on an individualized determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the individual with a significant disability and the business needs of the employer and carried out through flexible strategies, such as: (1) job exploration by the individual; (2)working with an employer to facilitate placement including: customizing a job description based on current employer needs or on previously unidentified and unmet employer needs; developing a set of job duties, a work schedule and job arrangement, and specifics of supervision (including performance evaluation and review), and determining a job location; representation by a professional chosen by the individual, or self-representation of the individual, in working with an employer to facilitate placement; and providing services and supports at the job location. Deaf-Blindness – Concomitant [simultaneous] hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for students with deafness or students with blindness.
Customized Employment. Competitive integrated employment for a person with a significant disability that is based on the person's unique strengths, needs and interests; designed to meet the person's abilities and the employer's business needs; and carried out through flexible strategies. These strategies may include: Day training and habilitation services (DT&H): Services available through Minnesota's HCBS DD waiver that help develop and maintain life skills for people with developmental disabilities or related conditions so they can fully participate in community life. DT&H may include supports provided in a sheltered workshop or business owned by a service provider. Employment development services: Services available through Minnesota's HCBS disability waivers (CAC, CADI, BI, DD) that help a person achieve competitive integrated employment, become self- employed or establish a microenterprise business. Development services include job search and placement services. Employment exploration services: Services available through Minnesota's HCBS disability waivers (CAC, CADI, BI, DD) that help a person gain a better understanding of competitive integrated employment opportunities. Exploration activities and experiences strengthen a person’s knowledge, interests and preferences so he/she can make informed choices and develop informed goals about competitive employment.
Customized Employment. A structured program that provides a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer to meet the needs of both parties. The service must include a “job discovery” process that identifies the strengths, functional skills, and interests of the individual. The information gathered during the job discovery phase is used in combination with the identified business needs to create a customized position that is beneficial for both the individual and the business. Information pertaining to customized employment can be found here: xxxxx:// The Contractor must be certified by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to offer this service. Information pertaining to Virginia DARS can be found here: xxxxx:// Hour $80.48 $80.48
Customized Employment. A flexible process based on best practices that seeks to individualize the employment relationship between a job seeker/employee and an employer in ways that meet the needs of both.
Customized Employment. Customized employment is a subset of supported employment. It is designed to meet the specific abilities of an individual and the business needs of an employer. This service option may be provided when the assessment of rehabilitation needs indicates that the nature and severity of the individual’s disability is such that they need flexible strategies, such as job creation by the placement specialist working with an employer to facilitate placement by customizing a job description. Customization may include developing a set of job duties; establishing a work schedule and job arrangement; determining the specifics of supervision (including performance evaluation and review); and identifying a job location. Ongoing support services and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability including a youth with a most significant disability, in supported employment; organized or made available, singly or in combination, in such a way as to assist an eligible individual in maintaining supported employment; based on the needs of an eligible individual, as specified in an individualized plan for employment; provided by a State bureau, a private nonprofit organization, employer, or any other appropriate resource, after an individual has made the transition from support from XXX-MRS or XXX-BSBP. Extended services may only be provided to youth with the most significant disabilities by XXX- MRS or XXX-BSBP up to four years.
Customized Employment. A structured program that provides a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer to meet the needs of both parties. The service must include a “job discovery” process that identifies the strengths, functional skills, and interests of the individual. The information gathered during the job discovery phase is used in combination with the identified business needs to create a customized position that is beneficial for both the individual and the business. Information pertaining to customized employment can be found here: xxxxx:// The Contractor must be certified by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to offer this service. Information pertaining to Virginia DARS can be found here: xxxxx:// Hour $80.48 Travel Training - Provides one-to-one training for people with disabilities to obtain the skills required to travel safely and independently on fixed-route public transportation. This service will primarily be for individuals engaged in Group Supported Employment or Individual Supported Employment. Hour $80.48

Related to Customized Employment

  • Supported Employment Natural Supports

  • Outside Employment Employees may engage in other employment outside of their State working hours so long as the outside employment does not involve a conflict of interest with their State employment. Whenever it appears that any such outside employment might constitute a conflict of interest, the employee is expected to consult with his/her appointing authority or other appropriate agency representative prior to engaging in such outside employment. Employees of agencies where there are established procedures concerning outside employment for the purpose of insuring compliance with specific statutory restrictions on outside employment are expected to comply with such procedures.

  • Project Employment A. Permanent project employees have layoff rights. Options will be determined using the procedure outlined in Sections 35.9 and 35.10, above. B. Permanent status employees who left regular classified positions to accept project employment without a break in service have layoff rights within the Employer in which they held permanent status to the job classification they held immediately prior to accepting project employment.

  • TEACHER EMPLOYMENT 8.1. The Board agrees to employ only those teachers who hold at least a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university and are certifiable by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. This provision shall not apply in the instance where the availability of personnel is critical and an appropriate waiver is granted by the New Hampshire State Department of Education. 8.2 Teachers shall not be assigned outside the scope of their teacher certification and major or minor field of study except temporarily and for good cause. 8.3 For purposes of this Agreement, the period of service shall not be more than one hundred eighty-nine (189) days, to be allocated as follows: Regular School Days 180 Pre-School Year Faculty Meetings 1 Parent-Teacher Conferences 2 Teacher In-Service 3 Teacher Planning Days 2 Professional Development Day 1 Total Contract Days 189 The agenda for the Teacher Planning Days will be set by the teaching staff in each building, and shall be used for teachers to plan curriculum and/or curriculum development only. The Teacher Planning Days will be scheduled either immediately prior to the first day of school, during the school year, and/or after the last day of school, but no later than June 30. The Professional Development Day shall be scheduled in the fall and devoted to any activity that furthers the individual teacher’s Staff Development Plan. Parent- Teacher Conferences will be scheduled to accommodate and meet the needs of parents. Two (2) weeks notice will be given for make-up days. Teachers new to the District may be required to report one extra day. 8.4 Teachers employed by the District will be given an individual contract (See Appendix C attached hereto) each year of their employment. The contract will include teaching assignment, years of service, tenured status and annual salary. Tenure will be issued according to NH RSA 189:14-a. The notice of employment shall require that teachers certify they hold a valid New Hampshire certificate, license, or permit to teach. The Board agrees to pay for the State mandated recertification fee. The individual contract shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8.5 The workday shall begin for those teachers who have assigned duties at a time consistent with the individual schedules of each building. Those teachers who do not have duties before the start of the school day shall be required to report twenty (20) minutes prior to the first scheduled homeroom or class in their building each day. The workday for teachers will end at such time as necessary to carry out their professional duties including, but not limited to, faculty meetings, conferences with parents or students, extra help, open house, or conferences with administrators as required. Such meetings shall be of reasonable duration with end of day faculty meetings being no more than one (1) hour. Otherwise, the teacher workday shall end ten (10) minutes after the last period or class in their building each day, except for those teachers who have assigned duties consistent with the individual schedule of each building. In-service activities or workshops that are required of teachers by administrators will be conducted during the time regular classes are scheduled. 8.6 The Board will make every effort to provide a thirty (30) minute duty-free uninterrupted lunch period. In the event that a thirty minute lunch is not available for all teachers, a committee made up of three teachers appointed by the Association and three persons appointed by the Board shall study the situation and issue a report with recommendations as to how the thirty minute lunch period might be implemented for all teachers prior to the next annual District meeting. However, in no instance shall it be less than twenty (20) minutes. When a thirty (30) minute time period is not scheduled, teachers of self-contained classrooms will be provided a fifteen (15) minute relief period each day. 8.7 Teachers will be notified of their employment status and teaching assignments on or before April 15th, and will return their contract signed, no later than May 15. Any teachers who are in their state recertification year must have their State of NH Bureau of Credentialing Certification Renewal Form completed and approved by March 1st of Year 3, per the requirements of the FMRSD-SAU 60 Professional Development Master Plan, in order to be issued a contract renewal. In the event a teacher rejects a reassignment, the teacher shall be employed to fill any open position which may then be available, provided the Superintendent recommends to the Board that the teacher is qualified and certifiable. A teacher's refusal to accept the reassignment, or any open position which then may be available shall constitute a termination of contract without prejudice. Any change in assignment after April 15th shall be considered an involuntary transfer and shall be effected only for cause. 8.8 When involuntary transfers are effected for a necessary reduction in a school's staff allocation due to reduced student enrollments or the closing and/or consolidation of a building, resignations or leaves of absence, said transfers will be made on the basis of years of service in the District; that teachers in the affected building possessing the least amount of service and applicable certification being transferred first. Such transfer due to resignation or leave of absence shall be for a period not to exceed one (1) year. 8.9 Teachers actively engaged in credited coursework and/or matriculated in degree programs, should give notice by January 1 of their intent to pursue a salary lane change in the following year. All paperwork and formal grade documentation must be filed with the Superintendent’s office by August 1 in order for the salary adjustment to take effect for the upcoming contract year. Time requirements specified in this section may be extended by mutual agreement. 8.10 The Board agrees to submit to the Association for its consideration, suggestions for the school calendar on or before January fifteenth (15th) of the preceding year. The Board reserves the right to establish the school calendar and to make appropriate changes at any time.

  • Alternative Employment An employer, in a particular redundancy case, may make application to the Commission to have the general severance pay prescription varied if the employer obtains acceptable alternative employment for an employee.

  • Fixed Term Employment A fixed term employee is an employee engaged for specific period, project or task on an hourly basis and their rate of pay shall be 1/38th of the weekly rate prescribed by the Agreement. A fixed term employee will accrue leave entitlements (annual, personal/carers, long-service) on a pro-rata basis.

  • Application for Employment Employee understands and agrees that, as a condition of this Agreement, Employee shall not be entitled to any employment with the Company, and Employee hereby waives any right, or alleged right, of employment or re-employment with the Company. Employee further agrees not to apply for employment with the Company and not otherwise pursue an independent contractor or vendor relationship with the Company.

  • Supported Employment Reporting After the DORS consumer has completed the first month of Supported Employment job coaching and monthly thereafter, ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP shall complete the Employment Service Progress Form (Attachment D). The Form is required each month whether ALLOVER HEALTHCARE GROUP is sending an invoice to DORS or not.

  • Location of Employment The Executive's principal place of business shall continue to be at the Company's headquarters to be located within thirty (30) miles of Doylestown, Pennsylvania; provided, that the Executive acknowledges and agrees that the performance by the Executive of his duties shall require frequent travel including, without limitation, overseas travel from time to time.

  • Employee Discipline Appropriate sanctions must be applied against workforce 18 members who fail to comply with any provisions of CONTRACTOR’s privacy P&Ps, including 19 termination of employment where appropriate.