Duty Weeks Sample Clauses

Duty Weeks. Employees in the following classifications will, at management's option, be assigned to a 4-day or 5-day, 40-hour duty week year round: Forestry Field Trainee Forestry Assistant I and II Forestry Technician Forestry Aid Air Operations Officer I, II and III Air Operations Officer I, II and III (M) Fire Prevention Officer I and II *Forester I (non-supervisory) Fire Prevention Assistant Fire Prevention Specialist I and II Forestry Logistics Officer I
Duty Weeks. “Duty Weeks” shall mean those weeks when ASAP Members are expected to be on duty providing their contractual services.
Duty Weeks. Full-time employees covered by this section on a 72-hour Immediate Response Assignment (IRA-72) duty week, with the exception of Fire Captains B, will be scheduled to work an average of 72 hours per week which includes 19 hours of planned overtime compensated at the one-half time rate. Fire Captains B will be scheduled to work 68 hours per week during IRA status. The employee will receive 1/2 time compensation at the same level as employees described in Section above. Full-time employees covered by this section on a 53-hour Non-Immediate Response Assignment (NIRA-53) duty week will be scheduled to work 53 hours per week. Fire Captains (B) on a NIRA-53 duty week will be scheduled to work 53 hours per week which may or may not be scheduled on consecutive days as described below: The department will seek volunteers to work a shift that will give a sufficient level of Monday and Friday crew coverage at a camp before making involuntary assignments as provided below. If too few Fire Captains (B) volunteer, the department may assign a noncontinuous 4-day, 53-hour workweek to a maximum of two Fire Captains (B) at camps having 5 or fewer crews or to three Fire Captains (B) at camps having more than 5 crews. This noncontinuous 4-day, 53-hour shift pattern will not include weekend days. Thirteen hours of standby may be scheduled on one duty day but will not be scheduled on any duty day immediately preceding a regularly scheduled day off. Should it become necessary to make involuntary assignments to obtain the necessary coverage, an involuntary rotational assignment system will be used to identify which employee(s) will work the split shift each 28-day work period. The rotational system will be based on reverse seniority at the assigned camp and will rotate through all Fire Captains (B). Any employee covered by Section 8.2 may at management's option be assigned to an IRA or NIRA work schedule. Fire Lookouts will be scheduled to work an average 72-hours per week, which includes 19 hours of planned overtime compensated at the half-time rate. HFEO's may be required to remain at the duty location during any or all of their assigned standby hours.
Duty Weeks. Full time employees covered by this section on an 84-hour Immediate Response Assignment (IRA-84) duty week will be scheduled to work an average of 84 hours per week, which includes 31 hours of planned overtime compensated at the half time rate. Full time employees covered by this section on a 53-hour Non-Immediate Response Assignment (NIRA-53) duty week will be scheduled to work an average of 53 hours per week. Any employee covered by this section may be assigned to an IRA or NIRA work schedule. Employees covered by this section may, at the unit chief's option, be assigned a 4- or 5-day duty week.
Duty Weeks. Full-time employees covered by this section, excluding Fire Lookouts, will be scheduled to work an average of 72 hours per week which includes 19 hours of extended duty week compensation compensated as described in Section 8.2.3. Effective June 30, 2006 employees in this section shall be placed on year-round XXX. Fire Lookouts will be scheduled to work an average 72-hours per week, which includes 19 hours of extended duty week compensation compensated at the half- time rate. HFEO’s may be required to remain at the duty location during any or all of their assigned standby hours.
Duty Weeks. Full time employees covered by this section on an 84-hour Immediate Response Assignment (XXX-84) duty week will be scheduled to work an average of 84 hours per week, which includes 31 hours of extended duty week compensation compensated at the time and one half time rate. The 84-hour XXX duty week shall only be worked by employees who were permanently appointed to the Battalion Chief (non-supervisory) classification on May 12, 2006. These employees will continue, at the Unit Chief’s option, to be assigned to a 4- or 5- day duty week. The application of the current 84-hour duty week shift patterns shall continue for both field and staff Battalion Chiefs. Employees who are appointed to the Battalion Chief (non-supervisory) classification on or after May 12, 2006, will be scheduled to work a 72-hour duty week which includes 19 hours of extended duty week compensation. At the Unit Chief’s option, these employees may be assigned to a 3-, 4- or 5-day duty week. The duty week designation shall not be a factor in the selection process; nor shall it be a factor in the process for determining transfer or the assignment of overtime.
Duty Weeks. Full time employees covered by this section on an 84-hour ( 84) duty week will be scheduled to work an average of 84 hours per week, which includes 31 hours of extended duty week compensation compensated at the time and one half time rate. The 84-hour duty week shall only be worked by employees who were permanently appointed to the Battalion Chief (non-supervisory) classification on May 12, 2006. These employees will continue, at the Unit Chief’s option, to be assigned to a 4- or 5- day duty week. The application of the current 84-hour duty week shift patterns shall continue for both field and staff Battalion Chiefs. Employees who are appointed to the Battalion Chief (non-supervisory) classification on or after May 12, 2006, will be scheduled to work a 72- hour duty week which includes 19 hours of extended duty week compensation. At the Unit Chief’s option, these employees may be assigned to a 3-, 4- or 5-day duty week. The duty week designation shall not be a factor in the selection process; nor shall it be a factor in the process for determining transfer or the assignment of overtime.

Related to Duty Weeks

  • Duty Hours ‌ The following limits on requirements to undertake duty apply for full-time kaimahi (see clause 2.4.1 for part time kaimahi).

  • Duty Year A. The duty year for teachers shall not exceed 187 days, including days for professional activities. B. Except when school is delayed due to inclement weather, all bargaining unit members shall be released two and one-half (2.5) hours early on the workdays preceding the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. C. Bargaining unit members shall be provided with time within the work year for the following duties and responsibilities: Parent Conferences: 1. Two (2) days for parent conferences 2. Staff Development: a. Two (2) days prior to the start of school shall be used for professional and staff development activities, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee. b. Half-days within the workday and throughout the work year, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee.

  • Extra Duty Pay Reimbursement for activities such as gate-keeping, score book, etc.

  • JURY DUTY PAY All employees required to serve on jury duty shall be paid by the School District the difference between their regular pay and jury duty pay. In implementing this section, the School District shall continue to pay the employee the regular rate of pay and the employee shall be obligated upon receipt of the jury duty pay from the governmental agency to immediately remit any witness fees received to the School District less any mileage expenses. Absences under this section shall not be deducted from accumulated leave.

  • Duty Day Duty Day shall mean a day included in the university calendar or individual faculty member's appointment on which a faculty member engages in duties as described in this Agreement.

  • Civic Duty Leave A. Employees summoned for jury duty will be granted a leave of absence with pay for time lost from their regular work schedule while on said jury duty upon presentation of the appropriate summons to the department head by the employee. B. An employee who receives jury fees for jury service upon presentation of the appropriate court certificate of service, shall either: 1. Retain such jury fees in lieu of pay for the period of jury service if the jury fees exceed his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved; or 2. Remit to the Appointing Authority the jury fees if less than his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved. C. Jury fees for the purpose of this Article shall be the per diem rate paid for jury duty by the court not including the expenses reimbursed for travel, meals, rooms or incidentals. D. An employee summoned as a witness in court on behalf of the Commonwealth or any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or on behalf of the Federal Government shall be granted court leave with pay upon filing of the appropriate notice of service with his/her department head except that this Section shall not apply to an employee who is also in the employ of any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or in the employ of the Federal Government or any private employer and who is summoned on a matter arising from that employment. E. All fees for court service except jury fees paid for service rendered during office hours must be paid to the Commonwealth. Any fees paid to an employee for court service performed during a vacation period may be retained by the employee. The employee shall retain expenses for travel, meals, rooms, etc. F. An employee on court leave who has been excused by the proper court authority shall report to his/her official duty station if such interruption in court service will permit four or more consecutive hours of employment. Court leave shall not affect any employment rights of the individual. G. No court leave shall be granted when the employee is the defendant or is engaged in personal litigation.

  • Weeks Any leave of absence for maternity, paternity or adoption that results from the birth or adoption of a child(ren) that is medically necessary as evidenced by an attending physician’s statement is covered by the sick leave provisions of this Agreement. The attending physician’s statement shall be submitted to the District concerning the medical circumstances that require the leave. Employees may access their earned sick leave during parenting leave up to twelve (12) weeks or the time specified by their physician. Leaves to care for children in excess of twelve (12) weeks that are not medically necessary may qualify as personal leaves of absence.

  • Duty Free Lunch Except in emergencies, each teacher shall be provided a duty free lunch period of at least 30 minutes.

  • Duty of Loyalty Executive acknowledges and agrees that Executive owes a fiduciary duty of loyalty to act at all times in the best interests of Company. In keeping with such duty, Executive shall make full disclosure to Company of all business opportunities pertaining to Company’s business and shall not appropriate for Executive’s own benefit business opportunities concerning Company’s business.

  • Responsibility Pay (a) An employee who is designated in writing to relieve the Director of Care, shall be paid ten dollars ($10.00) per shift for each shift so worked, in addition to her regular rate of pay. (b) The Employer shall, when no supervisor is on duty, designate one employee when employees are on duty, to be in charge on those evening, night, or weekend shifts. Such employee shall receive nine dollars ($9.00) per shift in addition to her regular rate of pay.