Fire Captains Sample Clauses
Fire Captains. All Fire Captains who meet the eligibility requirement to take the Battalion Chief-Operations promotional exam may work out of class as Battalion Chief-Operations. When working out of class as Battalion Chief-Operations, Captains will be paid the appropriate out-of-class compensation for each full shift completed. They will be paid at the same step as their regular position, i.e., Step C-Captain is paid at Step C–Battalion Chief–Operations.
Fire Captains. Each employee shall be responsible for the coverage of the work assignment they he/she accepts. If the employee who agrees to work for another employee fails to show for the swap, and provides proper medical verification, they he/she shall be subject to repaying the actual length of the shift (e.g., eight [8] hours for an eight [8] hour shift, or ten [10] hours for a ten [10] hour shift). The swap sheet shall inform the individuals swapping that the employee who fails to pay back the swap shall be subject to repaying the actual length of the shift. The State shall first use the appropriate, accrued time credits for the repayment; then use “accounts receivable” should time credits be insufficient for the repayment. Once reimbursement is made by the employee, the employee shall not be subject to adverse personnel/corrective action for this incident.
Fire Captains and Firefighter/Paramedics shall accrue an additional .92 hours for each full biweekly pay period of duty owing to the current minimum staffing requirements for these positions. Should the Employer discontinue the minimum staffing requirement, leave accrual will revert to that listed in Subsection D F Seasonal and Long Term Temporary employees working a 42 hour work week shall accrue four hours of personal leave for each full biweekly period of work. There shall be no leave accrual during partial pay periods worked. Personal leave accrual shall be prorated for pay periods where the employee has authorized leave without pay.
Fire Captains. Research, develop and conduct both technical and manipulative instructions and drills in firefighting, rescue, hazardous materials, emergency medical services, driving and other required subjects to paid and paid call staff. Will be responsible for and maintain Training Bureau equipment and materials, training records, establish and coordinate monthly Paid Call Firefighters (PCF) drills. Test and certify employees for competence. Evaluate employees during training sessions and/or drills. Prepare written documentation of deficiencies as necessary. Conduct research and assist in the evaluation and implementation of the new material and technologies. Attend training sessions, meetings and other related activities.
Fire Captains. 13 3.4.1 Paramedic Certification 13 3.4.2 Paramedic Liaison 13 3.4.3 EMT I Ambulance Drivers 13 3.4.4 ALS Transport Units 13 3.4.5 BLS Transport Unit 14 3.5.1 Uniform Allowance 14 3.5.2 Call-Back Pay 14
Fire Captains. (1) A Captain who is required to furnish and wear uniforms prescribed by the appointing authority in the performance of their duties shall be reimbursed as listed below, payable every six months in arrears, the first biweekly pay periods in January and July. A Captain who is eligible for a uniform allowance for less than the full six-month period shall receive a prorated payment. Reimbursement shall be included in the regular salary payment.
(2) Effective June 24, 2007, the reimbursement for uniform allowance (covering all clothing, boots, and jackets) shall be discontinued and each eligible employee shall receive a uniform allowance payment of $30.77 biweekly included in the regular paycheck subject to taxation. If the County requires an employee to provide additional items of uniform clothing, the initial cost shall be borne by the County.
Fire Captains. Coordinates CPR/First Aid training to the community and city employees. Provides Incident Action Planning for all city sponsored events. Manages the Reserve Firefighter Training Program.
Fire Captains. Shall have supervisory responsibility of all employees of the Fire C Rescue Department, regardless of the person's employment status, i.e., Call Member, Per Diem, Full-Time, subject to the directives of the Fire Chief or their designee. Employees being promoted to the rank of Fire Captain must have at least five (5) years continuous service to the Department and a minimum of one (1) year of officer experience, hold certifications to meet the requirements of NFPA 1001, Standard for Firefighter Professional Ǫualifications, and NFPA 1021, Standards or Fire Officer Professional Ǫualifications. Employees must also hold and maintain at least an EMT Basic EMS license. Employees promoted to the rank of Fire Captain will be required to complete the mutually agreeable Fire Captains training program and task book. This program will be mutually agreeable between the Fire Chief and Union. Shall be responsible for carrying out and the enforcement of Department procedures, rules and regulations and the assumption of emergency scene responsibilities, according to operating procedures developed by the Fire Chief. The Captain of the shift may reassign the personnel on their shift from any assignment and/or equipment, for that shift only, subject to the goals outlined in their Agreement. This does not change the right of the Captain to make all decisions regarding staffing issues during an emergency and during fire ground command situations. For this section only, any disagreements regarding their rights shall be grievable to the Office of the Mayor only. If, however, the Union feels that the City has been abusive in the process of assigning people, then such abusive behavior may be subject to arbitration.
Fire Captains already qualified by examination as of the signing date of this Agreement shall be promoted to Fire District Chief in order of Departmental seniority as determined by the Department Eligibility List.
Fire Captains a A Fire Captain, upon hire, is entitled to 105 hours of vacation leave per calendar year, accrued at the rate of 8.75 hours per month.