Educational Programming. Assist DISTRICT in the preparation of educational programming for the Project to define the scope, size, space relationship and site development.
Educational Programming. Support in developing workshops relevant to the garden community’s needs, including solicitation of speakers and/or support for community gardeners leading workshops.
Educational Programming. The District will continue to assign teachers to the classrooms in which students are taking courses being taught live at a different location through distance learning. In addition, the District will develop and, upon OCR approval, implement a plan for locating live instruction for the District’s distance learning courses, including Advanced Placement and other higher-level courses, across its high schools in a racially equitable manner, ensuring Advanced Placement and other higher-level college preparatory courses are taught from the District’s racially identifiable African American high schools, including Xxxxxx High School and Xxxxx High School for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 and the 2018- 2019 school years. again by June 30, 2018, the District will provide to OCR its plan for locating live instruction for the District’s distance learning classes across its high schools in a racially equitable manner for the 2016-2017, the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years, respectively. The plan will include, for each of the District’s high schools, a list of the distance learning classes to be taught from the school; the name of the teacher teaching the class; the teacher’s race, gender, number of years teaching, highest degree awarded, and any certification to teach the specific class (e.g., from the College Board, to teach an Advanced Placement course); and when the live classes will be taught (i.e., time of day and quarter/semester). The plan will also include a list of the names of the teachers assigned to the classrooms in which students are taking courses being taught live at a different location through distance learning, and each teacher’s certification(s).
Educational Programming. At least once during the academic year the Chapter shall conduct educational programs for its Members on the following topics: (a) sexual assault and relationship violence, (b) controlled substance abuse awareness, and (c) hazing. The hazing programming must be held during each academic quarter in which the Chapter has a new membership education program in operation. It is expected that at least 80% of the Chapter’s membership will be in attendance for the entirety of all required programs at least once during each calendar year. Any materials used during the programs must be distributed to absent members, who should be encouraged to review the materials with a Chapter officer. All such programs must be a minimum of one hour in length. The Chapter must submit a completed Educational Program Verification Form to the OFSL as written verification of the date, topic, speaker and approximate attendance at each program. The Chapter President and the presentation speaker shall sign the form.
Educational Programming. A. HIMSS and HL7 will develop an award and pledge to recognize an individual annually. The award will be named the HIMSS/HL7 FHIR L.I.G.H.T Distinguished Service Award. L.I.G.H.T will stand for Leaders Inspiring Global Health Transformation. The HIMSS/HL7 FHIR L.I.G.H.T Distinguished Service Award recognizes the contributions and impact on global digital health transformation from leaders in the field of health information and technology that are accelerating the advancement of HL7 FHIR and the delivery of high value, quality care, and the patient experience as well as improved clinical workflows. The first award will be presented at HIMSS20 during the Views from the Top Consortium session. Each year before the HIMSS Global Conference, HL7 and HIMSS will meet to discuss candidates for the award and make a final award individual selection for joint presentation.
B. HIMSS will explore the feasibility of collaborating with HL7 on one or more of the following educational programs:
1. Introduction to XX0 XXXX (xxxxxxx(x))
0. XX0 XXXX Experience: A HIMSS21 Global Health Conference Workshop (bootcamp @ conference)
3. Co-hosted FHIR Solutions Showcase, entitled “The HL7-HIMSS FHIR App Challenge”, at the HIMSS21 Global Health Conference
4. HIMSS21 Invited General Education Session; Introduction to HL7 FHIR for Healthcare Leadership For the first year (for the avoidance of doubt, HIMSS21), HIMSS will develop a budget, which shall be approved by HL7, receive all revenues and assume all financial risks in relation to the above- referenced educational programs with the exception of the HIMSS21 co-hosted FHIR Solutions Showcase where HIMSS will develop a budget, which shall be approved by HL7, and following final reconciliation and less all reasonable expense, provide to HL7 a 25% share of the net profits. Thereafter, should the programs continue, HIMSS and HL7 will explore whether the events should be co-hosted or co-sponsored and net profits shared between the Parties. Where lawful and permitted, HIMSS will share information with HL7 related to attendance and insights on programming.
C. HL7 will provide and be reimbursed for reasonable materials and subject-matter experts to participate in and deliver the content to support all educational events the Parties co-host, co- sponsor, co-create or otherwise collaborate on as identified in this Section.
D. HIMSS will provide subject-matter experts to establish and enable the educational activities noted in this Section, and...
Educational Programming. Optionee shall offer educational programming to Simsbury schools k-12 curriculum and shall install a monitor/kiosk at Simsbury Town Hall to allow residents to see how much clean energy is produced by the Project.
Educational Programming. Hospital and/or the Program shall provide Resident with educational programs including but not necessarily limited to: physician impairment, sleep deprivation, fatigue, substance abuse, sexual harassment / harassment, and any topics required by the Accrediting Agency, and/or the Program specialty college standards. Resident’s completion of these educational programs is mandatory.
Educational Programming. ASU-COTO, as a campus in the Arkansas State University System, utilizing the facilities, faculty, staff, and other COTO resources, will continue to offer short-term technical programs, associate degree programs, non-credit business and industry training, workforce education and career opportunity training, remedial anddevelopmental courses, adult education and literacy courses, concurrent enrollment courses, secondary area career center programs, and programming at the Saline County Career and Technical Education Center.
Educational Programming. NMHC shall provide educational information and/or programs to Provider's physicians and employees as required to meet the clinical and service expectations of NMHC. Such educational offerings shall provide clinical as well as administrative information. Provider shall send appropriate Provider leaders (e.g., Administrator, Director of Nursing, Medical Director) and such other Provider employees as NMHC may from time to time request to attend NM NETWORK educational programs. NMHC shall work with Provider to accommodate schedules, and if a Provider leadership representative is unable to attend an NM NETWORK educational program, NMHC shall make best efforts to provide materials or reschedule such program, as appropriate.
Educational Programming. In conjunction with and subject to the approval of the Director, the Foundation shall collaborate in the development and provision of educational programming at the Department.