Action Steps Sample Clauses

Action Steps. State scope of practice laws can allow for broad, unre- stricted CPAs between pharmacists and other providers. To build and strengthen collaborative practices, phar- macists can use the following strategies, which were proposed by the APhA Foundation’s expert group: Use simple, understandable terms to describe the patient care services that pharmacists can provide. Educate other health care professionals about the value of including pharmacists on health care teams. Encourage other health professional organizations to work together when proposing changes to scope of practice laws. Set up or participate in interprofessional committees to discuss how scope of practice laws can expand the role of pharmacists and other health professionals in team-based care. Talk with local health care providers about entering into CPAs. Talk with payers about using viable business models to support pharmacists’ patient care services. Share appropriate health information with providers through the use of EHRs. Show relevant stakeholders the value of aligning incentives and reimbursement for all health care team members involved in patient care to improve health and decrease costs. Expanding and promoting pharmacists’ patient care services at the local level can help key stakeholders understand the value of CPAs. Patients, doctors, and other health care pro- viders can share their positive experiences with pharmacists to affirm and promote the value that pharmacists bring to the health care system. They can also champion policies that support collaborative practices.
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. RFP for statewide xxxxxx parent recruitment (Section 24.1.1) 2. Require multi-disciplinary case staffings for children in four or more placements (Section 6.1.1) 3. Implement strategies to increase appropriate matching between children and caregivers at time of initial placement (Section 6.2.4, beginning in December 2004 and fully implemented by June 2007) 4. Develop and implement policy to provide emergency respite to licensed xxxxxx care and relative caregivers to prevent disruption (Section 6.1.2(a)) 5. Complete implementation plan for 2003 legislation to increase educational stability of xxxxxx children (HB 1058). Complete and implement agreements with school districts, addressing transportation issues for children transferring schools upon placement or move between placements (Section 15.1.4) 6. Increase the appropriate use of kinship care (Sections 20.1.1 – 21.1.2) 7. Revise and implement policy and procedure to provide for the involvement of children and parents in assessments, development of case plans and major decisions (including changes in placement) (Section 13.1.1.) Additional action steps to be incorporated into KCF II – 8. Develop and implement annual local office and/or regional, plans for the recruitment and retention of xxxxxx homes that specifically assess the need for and availability of placement for children with special needs, and for respite (especially for adolescents). Such plans shall specify the recruitment activities targeted at increasing the number of such homes. The plans shall contain numerical targets for increases each year in the number of homes in the special populations of children listed above, beginning in July 2005 until the target identified in the plans is met. 9. Develop a plan by June 30, 2005 for Panel review and approval to reduce caseloads to COA standards. 10. Notify child’s representative (attorney/GAL/CASA) prior to placement move, except in emergencies. When a move has been made based on an emergency, the child’s representative will be notified on the next business day. 11. A history of the child’s placements will be reported to the Juvenile Court at each dependency review hearing as part of the child’s Individual Safety and Service Plan (ISSP). 12. Consistent with the outcomes and benchmarks in Section IV.2, develop and begin to implement pilot programs in at least 3 sites providing therapeutic xxxxxx care using effective, evidence-based models of care for children with...
Action Steps. For purposes of this Agreement, the District’s STEM programs offered at the high school level include: MC2STEM, Cleveland School of Science and Medicine at Xxxx Xxx, Design Lab Early College at Xxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx School of Science, East Technical Academy Engineering and Science (East Tech), New Tech East, and New Tech West.
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. Implement statewide after-hours crisis support line for xxxxxx parents and other caregivers (Section 6.2.1) 2. Develop and implement cross-training between xxxxxx parents and staff (Section 22.1.2) 3. Require written notification to licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers and provide support to increase their participation in meetings, staffings and hearings involving planning for children in their care (Section 22.1.3) 4. Implement RFP for providing statewide crisis support and other immediate support for licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers (Section 23.1.2) 5. Provide training for licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers on policy revisions and engaging families and children (Section 13.1.1) 6. DLR licensors develop and implement annual assessment and development plans for xxxxxx parents, and relative caregivers utilizing feedback and input from DCFS workers (Section 6.2.6) 7. Develop and implement a policy requiring ongoing training for licensed xxxxxx parents (Section 40.1). Additional Action Steps to be incorporated into KCF II – 8. Licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers shall be provided with the results and recommendations of all of the Department’s screenings and assessments, including the Pre-Passport or its successor, for children placed in their home five days after its completion, unless expressly limited by law or a child’s lawful assertion of confidentiality. Licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers shall be provided a copy of the child’s passport or its successor at the time of placement but no later than five days after its completion, unless expressly limited by law or a child’s lawful assertion of confidentiality. 9. Licensed xxxxxx parents and relative caregivers will be encouraged and supported to participate in staffings of pre-passports (or successor) for children placed in their homes. 10. The Department shall provide appropriate access to respite care for caregivers requesting and needing this service. 11. The Department shall develop a plan, subject to review and approval of the Panel, for training of unlicensed caregivers (by June 2006).
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. Develop an integrated, re-designed service model for adolescents (Section 19.1.1) 2. Offer support services to xxxxxx youth until age 21 (Section 10.1.1) 3. Propose statutory change to extend out-of-home care benefits to children through age 21 (Section 10.1.1.) 4. Implement multi-disciplinary staffings for youth 6 months before exit (Section 10.1.2) 5. Establish post-guardianship support program (Section 21.1.3) 6. Develop and implement regional resource centers for post-adoption kinship and post-guardianship families (Section 10.3.3)
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. Increase quality and frequency of visits between children and their siblings (Section 18.1.1) 2. Improve kinship support services (Section 8.2.1) 3. Hire and train relative search staff to support finding relative resources and supporting Family Team Meetings (Section 8.2.5) 4. Implement case conferences prior to dispositional hearing, as required by 2004 legislation (Section 13.1.7) 5. Develop and implement policies and protocols regarding visitations for children, parents and siblings (Section 18.1.1) 6. Submit and, if approved, implement Title IV-E Demonstration Waiver to develop and deliver kinship supports (Section 38.1.3) Additional Action Steps to be incorporated into KCF II – 7. Pursuant to the plans developed under KCF II, implement strategies to recruit additional licensed xxxxxx care and relative caregivers willing and able to accommodate sibling groups.
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. Improve availability and utilization of regional medical consultants (Section 16.1.4) 2. Increase utilization of “No Wrong Door” staffings to identify needs for family and connect to services and resources (Section 16.1.5) 3. In collaboration with community partners, utilizing Pre-Passport and Passport profiles or any successor model, identify regional services gaps and create plans to fill gaps through maximizing and developing local resources (Section 17.1.2) 4. Implement newly developed agreements with Regional Support Networks in each region (Section 17.1.4) Additional Action Steps to be incorporated into KCF II – 5. Xxxxxx children’s mental health needs will be periodically reassessed by mental health professionals, as indicated in their EPSDT or other relevant evaluation. 6. The Department will develop and encourage Juvenile Court Judges to use a checklist for each review which prompts the Court to seek information on whether or not the physical and mental health and education needs of dependent children are being met. Additional Outcomes, Benchmarks and Action steps to achieve this goal will be developed and added to the KCF II Plan as outlined in Section III, 5.b of this Agreement, with consideration of the recommendations of the Children’s Mental Health Workgroup, if appropriate, and including, Outcomes, Benchmarks and Action Steps related to the Department’s redesigned Pre-Passport and Passport programs.
Action Steps. Currently included in KCF II – 1. Increase contact between social worker and family, child and caregivers to at least once every 30 days (Section 11.1.2) 2. Increase compliance with policy requiring workers to visit children in placement within the first week of out-of-home care (Section 14.1.4, beginning in October 2005 and fully implemented by September 2007) 3. A face-to-face safety assessment with a child suspected to be a victim of child abuse or neglect while in the Department’s custody shall occur within 24 hours of the report for emergent cases, and within 72 hours of the report for non-emergent cases. (Section 1.1.4 and 1.1.5, by September, 2005 for emergent cases, and September 2006 for non-emergent cases) Additional Action Steps to be incorporated into KCF II – 4. Children in the custody of the Department will not be placed in: ▪ Institutions not designed to receive xxxxxx children, such as adult mental hospitals or detox facilities where children and adults are commingled ▪ A xxxxxx home without specialized training and support to provide for the safety of children in the home when sexually aggressive or physically assaultive children reside in the home ▪ DSHS offices, including repeated daily stays at DSHS offices ▪ Apartment or motels, unless an appropriate licensed xxxxxx family or relative caregiver is not available and only with administrative approval and a determination that adequate supervision is provided for the child. This does not preclude appropriate placement in a licensed or approved independent living program.
Action Steps. By October 1, 2014, the University will send to Student A, Student B, and Student C a letter via certified mail and email. The letter will: