Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).
General Leaves of Absence A. Upon written request from the employee and upon approval of the College President, unpaid leave of absence may be granted to any employee for such things as: (a) illness; (b) family emergency; (c) maternity/paternity; (d) adoption; (e) education; and (f) military leave. The terms of the leave of absence will be confirmed in writing by the College. B. The leave of absence of an employee on leave for reasons other than military service will terminate at the end of one (1) full year in which no service has been rendered. No more than one (1) year will be granted to any family unit for maternity/paternity leave for any one (1) child. C. Except for military service, there shall be no other employment while on leave without prior approval of the President. D. The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence. If that position is unavailable/eliminated, the employee may choose a vacant position substantially equal in duties and compensation or any opening for which the employee is qualified. E. Employees filling positions of employees on leave of absence will be assigned to such positions for a specific period of time, during which they shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the College to inform replacement employees of these provisions. This provision does not apply to leaves of short duration for which the College presently hires temporary employees. F. The employee will retain accrued sick leave, vested vacation rights, and seniority rights while on leave of absence. However, vacation credits, sick leave, and seniority shall not accrue while the employee is on leave of absence; provided, however, that if such leave is approved for extended illness or injury, seniority shall accrue.
Effect of Absence Where any leave of absence without pay exceeds thirty (30) continuous calendar days, the following shall apply: (a) The Employer shall pay its share of the health and welfare benefits for the calendar month in which the leave commences and in the month immediately following. (b) If the leave of absence exceeds thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, benefit coverage may be continued by the employee, provided that she pays the total cost of the premiums to the Employer for each monthly period in excess of the thirty (30) consecutive calendar days leave of absence except as modified by (a). (c) Benefits will accrue from the date of return to employment following such leave of absence. (d) The employee's anniversary date for salary increases shall be adjusted by the period of time in excess of the thirty (30) continuous calendar days, and the new anniversary date shall prevail thereafter. (e) Seniority, service, vacation credits or any other benefits under any provision of the collective agreement or elsewhere will not accumulate, but will remain fixed at the amount held at the commencement of the leave. (f) Notwithstanding the above, the Employer shall continue to pay its share of the premium for the benefit plans for employees who are on paid leave of absence or WSIB, and will continue to pay its share of the premium for the benefit plans in accordance with the Employment Standards Act for employees who are on pregnancy/parental leave (currently a maximum of twelve (12) months) or family medical leave (currently a maximum of eight
Leaves of Absence Without Pay Section 13.
Notification of Absence A unit member shall contact the office of the division xxxx whenever there is a need to be absent and at least thirty (30) minutes prior to missing any work assignment. Should circumstances prohibit this notification, the unit member shall notify the division office in writing within one week of returning to work, providing the reasons why the advance notification was not given.
Paid Leaves of Absence Paid leaves of absences granted under this Article shall not exceed the employee's normal work schedule.
General Leave of Absence a) Leave of absence without pay may be granted to employees for valid reasons as set out by Company policy. b) An employee on general leave of absence shall not accumulate sick leave credits, or earn vacation but shall retain the seniority, sick leave credits, and vacation credits earned prior to commencing leave of absence. c) Employees do not have the option of continuing their benefit coverage during the leave. d) Employees on leave of absence shall be required to apply for any extension.
Personal Leaves of Absence SRD includes the time an employee is on "leave", if the employee is on a: • personal leave of absence with pay; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is less than 15 working days; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is more than 15 working days and which was started on or after April 15, 1993 -- only that portion which was taken during the period from April 15, 1993 to August 31, 1997. • prepaid leave of absence, under the enhanced leaves of absence policy dated April 16, 1993, greater than eight (8) weeks.
Leaves of Absence applies for both paid and unpaid leaves. For the purposes of an unpaid 11.25 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 14.05 hours. For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours.
Leaves of Absences 10.1 It is agreed that the use of leave days will be confined to legitimate purposes provided in this Article and the Superintendent or his/her designee may, at his/her sole discretion, extend the leaves set forth herein.