PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 1. The probationary period shall be six (6) months from the date of hire, and during this period employees shall be classified as probationary employees. Probationary employees are considered at will employees and may be terminated without cause and shall not be entitled to representation by the Union. The Town shall have the ability to extend the probationary period for cause, in no greater than ninety (90) day increments, to a maximum of one (1) year. Probationary employees are not covered under the terms of this Agreement.
2. There shall be two (2) types of seniority:
(a) Department Seniority
(b) Classification Seniority There shall be two categories of seniority; Full Time Seniority and Part Time Seniority. If a part time employee moves to a full time position, his or her part time seniority freezes and full time seniority begins to accrue. Department seniority shall relate to the time an employee has been continuously employed by the Department. Classification seniority shall relate to the length of time an employee has been employed in a particular Classification.
3. Seniority shall only be applicable after the completion of the probationary period. Full – time employees shall have preference over part-time employees.
4. Where there are two (2) or more employees who are hired on the same date seniority will be based upon alphabetical order.
5. In the event of lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the order of their seniority beginning with the least senior in each job classification. It is understood that an employee retained must be qualified to perform the available work, or the least senior employee in the job classification shall not be laid off. In the event of recall, employees shall be recalled in the reverse order of lay-off in each job classification, provided the employee is qualified to perform the job available. Recalled employees shall be mailed a recall notice to the last known address on Town records. It shall be the employee’s responsibility to update such mailing address as necessary. An employee who fails to return to work within fourteen (14) calendar days of the mailing of the recall notice shall lose all recall rights and seniority. Recall rights shall continue for one (1) year after date of lay-off of the employee.
6. An employee shall lose seniority and shall no longer be covered by the provisions of this Agreement for, but not limited to the following reasons:
(a) Discharge not over turned by a competent authority
(b) Volunt...
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 15.01 New employees of the Employer shall be considered probationary employees until they have successfully completed a probationary period of fifty (50) days worked which would include days not worked but paid for by the Employer. Upon completion of the probation period, continuous service, for the purposes of this Agreement, shall date from the original date of hire.
15.02 It is a condition of this Agreement that the discharge or layoff of a probationary employee or employees during the said probationary period shall not be the subject matter of a grievance herein. The discharge of a probationary employee shall be at the sole discretion, on a rational basis, of the Employer.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 15.01 An employee will be on probation and will not have any seniority standing with the Employer until she has completed four hundred and fifty (450) regular hours of work. It is a condition of this Agreement that the discharge or layoff of a probationary employee or employees during the said probationary period shall not be the subject matter of a grievance herein. The discharge of a probationary employee shall be at the sole discretion, on a rational basis, of the Employer.
15.02 Upon the successful completion of the probationary period, the employee's seniority shall date back four hundred and fifty (450) hours from the date seniority was attained.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement it is mutually agreed that all new employees are hired on probation. The probation period of employment shall continue for six (6) months and during this period, no seniority rights shall be recognized. Upon completion of six (6) months continuous service, they shall be entitled to seniority dated from the day on which they entered the service of the City. Probationary periods shall be extended for employees where they are off work on an Approved Leave of Absence, excluding lay-off.
(b) For the purpose of determining seniority it is mutually agreed and understood that the Departments within the structure of the City shall be as set out in Article 2.3 of this Agreement.
(c) It is mutually agreed that, when hiring new employees, preference may, subject to the same conditions as in Article 10.2 hereof, be given to those employees of the City who have had previous seniority.
(d) Notwithstanding Article 10.1(a), employees who are authorized to change employee Definition from Regular Full-Time to Regular Part-Time or Auxiliary in the same position, classification and Department, shall not be required to serve a probationary period in that position provided there is not a break in service.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 7.01 An employee will be considered on probation for the first one hundred and twenty (1 20) consecutive worked days, and will have no seniority rights during this period of time. After one hundred and twenty (1 20) consecutive worked days, the employee's seniority shall date back to the day on which his employment began.
7.02 Layoffs which are anticipated to exceed one (1 ) working day, recalls after such layoffs, and promotions to higher rated jobs other than to supervisory positions, shall be based upon the following factors:
(a) Seniority.
(b) Skill and ability. Where, in the judgment of the Employer, which judgment shall not be arbitrary, unfair or discriminatory, the qualifications in factors (b) and (c) are relatively equal, then seniority shall govern.
7.03 In the event of a layoff exceeding one (1 ) working day, the Employer will endeavor to give as much advance notice of layoff as possible, but in no case shall such notice be less than one (1 ) calendar day advance notice. Employees who are laid-off will retain their full seniority for a period of twelve (1 2) months from date of layoff�:
7.04 Seniority Lists will be revised each year and when required by changes in staffing and a copy of the seniority list will be posted in the plant within the first thirty (30) calendar days of the new year and a copy given to the Union. An employee shall have 1 calendar day from posting to challenge. If an employee does not challenge the position of his name on the seniority list, he shall then be deemed to have proper seniority standing. An employee not scheduled to work on the day of posting will have the first one (1 ) working day from his return to work from authorized leave given the chance to challenge the position of his name on the seniority list, he shall then be deemed to have proper seniority standing.
7.05 The parties agree that all provisions of this Collective Agreement apply to all employees of the Employer covered by Article 3.01 , in the Village of Kleinburg, Ontario, located in the City of Xxxxxxx.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. An employee will be on probation and will not have any seniority standing with the Employer until she has completed three hundred and seventy-five (375) regular hours of work. It is a condition of this Agreement that the discharge or layoff of a probationary employee or employees during the said probationary period shall not be the subject matter of a grievance herein. The discharge of a probationary employee shall be at the sole discretion, on a rational basis, of the Employer.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. Each new employee appointed to a permanent position in the bargaining unit shall serve an initial probationary period of six (6) months of service from the date of appointment, or, for less than full-time employees, 1,044 hours. The initial probationary period may, with the approval of the President, be extended on an individual basis for a definite period of time not to exceed six (6) calendar months. The employee and the Union will be provided written notice of any such extension.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement it is mutually agreed that all new employees are hired on probation. The probation period of employment shall continue for four (4) months except for certain new technical and supervisory employees, listed in Schedule "E" attached hereto who may be subject to a six (6) month probationary period and during this period, no seniority rights shall be recognized. Upon completion of four (4) months continuous service, or six (6) months for new technical or supervisory employees, they shall be entitled to seniority dated from the day on which they entered the service of the City. Probationary periods shall be extended for employees where they are off work on an Approved Leave of Absence, excluding lay-off.
(b) For the purpose of determining seniority it is mutually agreed and understood that the Departments within the structure of the City shall be as set out in Article 2.3 of this Agreement.
(c) It is mutually agreed that, when hiring new employees, preference may, subject to the same conditions as in Article 10.2 hereof, be given to those employees of the City who have had previous seniority.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 10:01 A new employee of the Employer shall be considered a “probationary employee” until he/she has completed seventy (70) working days or four hundred and fifty (450) hours worked, consecutive or intermittent. The name of any such new employee, who after the completion of the said probationary period, continues to be employed by the Employer, shall be added to the seniority lists as of the date seventy (70) working days prior to the completion of probation. For purposes of this article, one working day shall be considered to be the equivalent of seven and one-half (7 ½) hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee will serve a probationary period of greater than seventy (70) days worked regardless of the total number of hours worked.
10:02 It is a condition of this Agreement that the discharge of a probationary employee or employees during the probationary period shall not be a subject of a grievance herein unless it can be demonstrated that such discharge is a violation of the Human Rights Code, other applicable statute or is arbitrary and in bad faith.
10:03 (a) “Institutional Seniority” shall mean the length of service since the most recent date of hire. An employee’s Institutional seniority date shall be date determined in accordance with sub-article 10.01 above.
PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND SENIORITY. 10.01 (a) Each newly hired full-time nurse shall be on probation for four (4) calendar months of active continuous service. The probation period for a regular part-time nurse, a casual nurse, and an interim, shall be six hundred and fifty (650) hours worked from the date of the nurses’ last hire by the Employer. If the probation is to be extended it is understood and agreed that any extension to a probationary period will be agreed upon mutually by the Union and the Employer and will not exceed an additional forty (40) shifts (300 hours) worked. During the probationary period, the nurse shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of this Collective Agreement except that the nurses’ may only grieve a termination or disciplinary action on the basis of the standard set out below. Seniority shall be effective from the date of hire. The parties agree that probationary nurses my be dismissed or terminated during the probationary period, in the sole opinion of the Employer, for such consideration as, but not limited to, unsatisfactory work performance, general attitude and suitability as a nurse.