EMERGENCY LAYOFF. X. Xx emergency layoff is the suspension of an appointment to which an XXX has been assigned or is working, due to acts of nature or forces outside the University’s control to which the University must immediately respond. B. The Parties agree that the University may, but shall not be required, to pay ASEs during periods of Emergency Layoff.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. A. An emergency layoff is the suspension of an appointment to which an ASE has been assigned or is working, due to acts of nature or forces outside the University’s control to which the University must immediately respond. B. The Parties agree that the University may, but shall not be required, to pay ASEs during periods of Emergency Layoff.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. In the event of an emergency which prevents the operation of any department or work area, the Employer may temporarily lay off the entire workforce, or any portion of the work force at the completion of the normal workday as provided for in Section 20.01, Subdivisions 1 and 2 of this Article. Emergency layoffs shall be for no longer than the duration of the emergency.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. In the event school is closed for any reason, such as an epidemic, fire, or cause over which the School District may have no control, all or such of the employees as may not be needed shall be laid off until the emergency subsides.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. An emergency layoff requires no advance notice. Where an emergency layoff has occurred, the University shall notify FUPOA as soon as is reasonable under the circumstances.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. In the event of an emergency layoff, the University may attempt to avoid the layoff or ease its impact by: a. Scheduling the use of compensatory time off; or b. Offering affected employee(s) the opportunity to voluntarily use accrued vacation time or take a leave without pay. Such alternatives to emergency layoff may be provided in accordance with the needs of the University. If, however, after seeking alternatives, the University determines the need to layoff employees continues to exist, the emergency layoff shall be implemented.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. In the event of a major machine break- down, power failure, water failure, fire, or flood, then the Company may lay off the employees affected without regard to seniority and will be permitted up to two working days to determine seniority rights and make proper adjustments to staff, pro- vided that no employee may be laid off out of seniority for more than five working days in a calendar year. In the case of other simi- lar circumstances, beyond the control of the Company, the action to be taken shall be determined by mutual agreement of the par- ties. The Local Union President, and in his absence, the Vice-President or Chief Xxxxxxx will be notified immediately, where possible, by the Plant Superintendent or his superior prior to this clause being invoked. When this clause is invoked, the Union will be noti- fied in writing of the employees affected in a reasonable time.
EMERGENCY LAYOFF. For the purpose of this Article, Emergency is defined as a) Natural Disaster, b) Equipment Malfunction, to the point of hindering operations, c) Temporary Reduction in Hours, not to exceed seven (7) calendar days. The Company will give as much verbal notice as possible of these layoffs. Such layoffs will be conducted with regard to the provisions of Article 12.02, and probationary employees will be laid off before any employee with seniority. Layoffs of more than one (1) full shift may be made by seniority in the department (Yard or Plant). Layoffs of more than two (2) full shifts will be made by using plant-wide seniority. In the event of an emergency layoff in Maintenance, Article 12.05 shall apply.