Reduction of Work Force Sample Clauses
Reduction of Work Force. 9.1 Classified bargaining unit members shall be subject to layoff for lack of work or lack of funds. Whenever a classified bargaining unit member is laid off, the order of layoff within the job classification shall be determined by date of hire. The bargaining unit member who has been employed the shortest time in the class plus time in a higher job classification shall be laid off or reduced in hours first. Bargaining unit members laid off are eligible for re-employment for a period of 39 months. Re-employment shall be in the reverse order of layoff. Permanent bargaining unit members laid off shall have the right to participate in District promotional examinations at the In- House level during the thirty-nine (39) month period.
9.2 Bargaining unit members who accept voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time in lieu of layoff or remain in their present positions rather than be reclassified or reassigned shall be granted the same rights as persons who are laid off and shall retain eligibility for reemployment for an additional period of up to twenty-four (24) months. The bargaining unit member may return to any position within their former class with increased assigned time in order to regain the hours lost in the layoff action as vacancies become available, except that they shall be ranked in accordance with their seniority on any valid re-employment list.
9.3 For purposes of this Article, service commencing or continuing after July 1, 1976, "length of service" means all holiday, recess, or during any period that school is in session or closed, but does not include any hours compensated solely on an overtime basis.
9.4 Members of the bargaining unit shall hold re-employment rights for a period of thirty-nine (39) months from the date of layoff and shall be re-employed in accordance with their rank in their job classification on the re-employment list, and in preference to new applicants for a position in the same job classification.
9.5 The District will attempt to reassign a regular bargaining unit member who has been laid off according to their bargaining unit seniority, providing the bargaining unit member is qualified and is willing to accept such an assignment. Any adjustment in salary would be made in accordance with Article 6 of this Agreement.
9.6 Temporary bargaining unit members whose services have been discontinued because of a reduction in staff shall hold no re-employment rights as such.
9.7 Probationary bargaining unit memb...
Reduction of Work Force. 1. The BOARD agrees to make every reasonable effort to maintain the number of jobs within the unit. By June 1, the BOARD will notify the UNION of the intended positions planned for the next school year, indicating location, weeks of work and hours per day for each position. Any APA/Clerk who is laid off shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance, in writing, by the BOARD.
2. When a bargaining unit position in a classification is discontinued, employees in that classification in the same level or lower level(s) or classification shall use their classification seniority to (1) bump employees with less classification seniority, or (2) bump employees in lower classifications with less bargaining unit seniority, or (3) accept a layoff.
3. Employees who are bumped may use their classification seniority to (1) bump employees in the same level or lower level or classification with less classification seniority, (2) bump employees in lower classification with less bargaining unit seniority, or (3) accept a layoff.
4. It is agreed to by both the BOARD and the UNION that it is more effective to implement the concepts in paragraph 2 and 3 above in a general meeting. Therefore, the annual meeting to determine assignments shall continue whenever there are anticipated reductions. An APA/Clerk may volunteer for layoff provided that the following are understood as condition of the layoff:
a. The duration of the layoff could be any period of time from a week to a year.
b. The APA/Clerk on voluntary layoff may exercise qualification and seniority to bid on any posted positions.
c. The APA/Clerk on voluntary layoff may choose not to accept a recall as long as there are other laid off APAs/Clerks qualified for recall. If there are none, or none accept, then the APA/Clerk on voluntary layoff must accept the recall or resign.
d. The BOARD would not agree to Unemployment Compensation Benefits for a voluntary layoff and the APA or Clerk choosing a voluntary lay-off agrees that s/he will not apply for unemployment compensation.
5. The BOARD shall assign and utilize laid-off APAs/Clerks as substitutes. These substitutes will not necessarily be assigned on a seniority or classification basis; however, effort will be made to equalize work opportunities between the laid-off APAs/Clerks who are available for work.
Reduction of Work Force. 8.1 A reduction in the Sergeants’ work force shall be by inverse order of Classification Seniority.
8.2 Recall from a reduction in the Sergeant’s work force shall be by Classification Seniority within the Classification of Sergeant in inverse order of the reduction.
8.3 The Employer shall not promote an Employee without Classification Seniority within the rank of Sergeant prior to reinstatement of Employees reduced in rank due to a reduction in the Sergeant’s work force.
8.4 An Employee reduced in rank shall be assigned to the Classification of Police Officer; subject to the terms of the Labor Agreement between the City of Apple Valley and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Local 71 applying to the Classification of Police Officer.
Reduction of Work Force. In the event that the Board anticipates a reduction in force of certificated employees in the District, due to a significant loss of revenue, the Board shall provide the Association with a detailed report on the financial condition of the District demonstrating the need to reduce the number of certificated employees. A seniority list shall be developed and distributed by October 1st each year. Employees shall be given ten (10) working days to examine the list and make corrections. Once the list is certified as correct, no changes shall be allowed until the next posting of the list for such corrections in October of the following year. New hires shall be added to the list as they commence employment. Upon the determination by the Board that a reduction in force is required, the District shall follow the procedure set forth below in this order:
1. Recognize as a priority the retention of as many certificated employees as possible.
2. Seek voluntary reduction through resignations, leaves of absence, and/or retirement.
3. Determine each program to be retained for the ensuing school year.
4. Develop a list of all certificated employees’ qualified teaching areas A. Certification
Reduction of Work Force. When the board determines it is necessary to lay off employees due to lack of work, economic reasons, or student enrollment, probationary employees in the position where the reduction is to take place shall be the first laid off. Thereafter, the employee(s) with the least seniority shall be the first to be laid off, provided always that the remaining employees are available and can perform the required work. In recalling employees following a layoff, the laid off employee with the most seniority, when work is available again, shall be the first employee recalled. Prior to recalling a laid off employee, employees currently working, in order of seniority, shall first have the opportunity to fill any vacancy. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employee at his last known address on record with the District by registered or certified mail. Except for reasons of emergency, the District shall give at least ten (10) days notice prior to layoff to the affected employee(s).
Reduction of Work Force. A reduction of the work force shall be defined as the elimination of a job position or positions, or the reduction of the yearly hours of a job position or positions. Upon receipt of notice of layoff or reduction in hours, employees shall be offered options listed below. When one or more employees are issued a layoff notice or reduction in hours, they shall be offered the following listed options, and they shall be mandatory by item (a)- (e), except when using (f) or (g), by seniority order. No upward bumping allowed.
(a) Replace the least senior employee in the same classification and employment status and hours per year, provided the employee is qualified for the position.
(b) Replace the least senior employee in the same classification having a different but more nearly equivalent employment status and hours per year, provided the employee is qualified for the position.
(c) If no such employee exists pursuant to (a) or (b), replace the least senior employee in successive lower classification with the same hours per year, provided the employee has greater seniority and is qualified for the position.
(d) Replace the least senior employee in successive lower classifications having different but most nearly equivalent hours per year provided the employee has greater seniority and is qualified for the position.
(e) Where the reduction in force is a reduction of employment status or hours per year in the employee's job position, retain the original job in its new status or hours per year schedule.
(f) Bid for a posted vacant or new job position in accordance with Article XIV.
(g) Accept a layoff. Employees who are replaced by (a) through (d) procedures shall themselves be entitled to utilize the foregoing (a) through (g).
Reduction of Work Force. (1) A reduction in force shall be defined as the elimination of a bargaining unit employee’s position in a department, a reduction in headcount in a department, or a reduction from full-time to part-time or to per diem status. A reduction in hours of a full-time or part-time employee(s) which results in an employment status change to per diem or results in the loss of the health plan or paid time-off coverage is also deemed to be a reduction in force.
(2) The Employer will exert every effort to avoid a reduction in force.
(3) The Employer shall confer with the Union at least thirty (30) days in advance of an anticipated reduction in the work force. The principle of seniority in each classification and department shall govern, providing that skills, training and experience are adequate. If the Employer and the Union agree that there are alternative ways of implementing a reduction in work force other than layoffs, the alternative way shall be submitted to the regular employees in the affected department(s) for a secret ballot vote. If there is to be such a vote, the Union shall be provided an opportunity to be present and state its position to the employees in the affected departments and shall be present when the vote is taken. The Employer shall implement the alternative accepted by a majority of the employees voting. If the Employer does not believe there are alternative ways of avoiding a reduction in the work force, no vote shall be taken.
(4) Employees who are transferred or transfer as a result of a reduction of work force shall receive the rate of the job to which they are transferred at the progression rate based on their seniority in the Center. If the transfer is not a result of layoff or reduction in work force (in accordance with Section 5.3) and, the rate to which they are transferred is less than their current rate, then their current rate will be red circled, i.e., continued at the current rate until such time as the employee's rate at the job in which they have been transferred is equal to or greater than the red circled rate. At that time, they will be eligible for advancement. Any employee who has been laid off or whose status has been changed as a result of reduction in force for lack of work shall retain bidding rights up to sixty (60) days for the employee's former position with retention of seniority.
(5) Any employee who has been laid off or whose status has been changed due to a reduction in force for lack of work shall retain biddi...
Reduction of Work Force. When the Board determines it is necessary to lay off employees due to lack of work, economic reasons, or student enrollment, probationary employees in the position where the reduction is to take place shall be the first laid off, provided there are employees within the position level with seniority who are available and can perform the required work with a break-in period but without training. The employee whose job has been cut back or eliminated shall have the same right to take the job of any employee with less seniority within the same classification at the same, or lower position level, for which he/she is qualified and that employee shall have the same right. An employee who wishes to exercise his/her right to bump a less senior employee must notify the employer of his/her desire to exercise his/her bumping rights within six (6) work days of the date upon which he/she receives notice that he/she is being displaced. Failure to provide such notice within the time limits set forth in this section shall be deemed a waiver of the bumping right, and the employee shall be laid off. In the event an employee exercises his/her bumping right and is subsequently unable to satisfactorily perform the job into which he/she has bumped within the probationary period specified in Article XVI, Section 1 (B), the employee will be returned to layoff status and placed on the recall list. Except for reasons of emergency, the District shall give at least ten (10) days notice prior to layoff to the affected employee. In recalling employees following a layoff, working employees affected thereby, will be offered the opportunity to return to the position they held prior to the layoff, provided it has not been eliminated and the laid off employee with the most seniority shall be the first employee recalled provided he/she can perform the available work with a break-in period but without training. In the event the vacancy to which the laid off employee is otherwise eligible for recall is full-time, and at the time of recall employees not laid off are working part-time, the most senior part-time employee will be offered an opportunity to fill the full-time vacancy and the laid off employee will thereafter be recalled to the part-time position, provided that each employee can perform the available work with a break-in period but without training. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employee at his/her last known address on record with the District by registered or certified mail.
Reduction of Work Force. 1. Employer will provide a minimum of fourteen (14) days written notice of layoff. Employer may elect to pay the employee the regular rate of pay for work time which would normally be performed during the fourteen (14) day notice. Employees will be reduced on the basis of job classification seniority. Employees will be recalled within job classifications on the basis of job classification seniority.
2. In lieu of layoff, an employee may elect to bump a least senior employee in a classification equal to or below the employee's current classification in which the employee has previously held. An employee on lay off shall have an opportunity to return to work within the job classification from which the employee was reduced or laid off for a two (2) year period from the time of reduction or lay off, before any new employee is hired or promoted. Any employee on layoff who is notified at the employee's last known address by registered mail to return to work, and who fails to return within twelve (12) work days, shall be considered to be a voluntary termination.
Reduction of Work Force. Both parties recognize that job security shall increase according to the length of service with the City. Therefore, in the event of a lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of seniority and classification. Employees about to be laid off will be allowed to exercise their seniority to bump an employee with less seniority in any classification provided they are capable of performing the work as per current job description, with a reasonable amount of job orientation as agreed by both parties. Employees wishing to exercise their bumping rights must do so in writing to the immediate Supervisor within three (3) working days of being notified of their layoff. An employee about to be laid off shall be entitled to one (1) hour off with pay to meet with the immediate Supervisor to determine eligibility to bump into another position. At this time, he/she shall be given all the information regarding the job; hours of work, salary, benefits and job description. The immediate Supervisor shall notify the employee of his/her decision within three (3) working days. In the event that an employee is refused a bump into another position, the employee shall be advised in writing of the reasons for such refusal.