Employee and Family Assistance. The Company will provide for an employee and family assistance service.
Employee and Family Assistance. The Canadian Labour Congress will provide for an Employee and Family Assistance Plan. Funding of the Employee and Family Assistance Plan will be the responsibility of the Canadian Labour Congress. Administration of the Plan will be the responsibility of a joint committee of COPE-225, IAMAW Local Lodge 3111 CULR and the CLC. The CLC will consult with the unions on the choice of the plan provider. The plan will provide for the full confidentiality for employees and their family members desiring to use such services. The CLC may refer an employee to the EAP where the employee’s job performance demonstrates the existence of a problem.
Employee and Family Assistance. The University and the Union agree that eligible employees and their dependents can find support through the employee and family assistance program (EFAP). This program is designed to provide information, advice and support for navigating many of life’s challenges and milestones. EFAP is a confidential program that includes professional counselling, information and referral services. The EFAP provider is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, with experience supporting people from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds. EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PREMIUM REDUCTIONS The Union in recognition of the personnel benefits provided under Article 28 agrees that the University retain the 5/12 portion of the E.I. premium reduction referred to in the E.I. Act and Regulations. The University agrees to report annually on the E.I. premium reduction benefit and cost of personnel benefits pursuant to Article 28. FILLING OF SECURITY OFFICER POSITIONS Where the University elects to establish a list of selected candidates for Security Officer positions that exceed the number of regular vacancies available at the time of posting, the University will, after filling the existing vacancies fill future Security Officer vacancies from the list of selected candidates for a period of up to two (2) years without having to initiate a subsequent posting. Where such a list is established the vacancies which occur after the initial posting shall, subject to final reference and criminal records checks, be filled by first offering these positions to:
Employee and Family Assistance. The Company will provide an employee and family assistance service. Coverage be provided by the Lower Mainland Assessment and Referral Service.
Employee and Family Assistance. PROGRAM (Refer to Art. 26) All information related to the Employee and Family Assistance Program shall be maintained in confidence and shall not be raised in evidence by either Party at any arbitration hearing under this Agreement. In this regard, an arbitrator shall not have the right to subpoena any Employee and Family Assistance Program representativeor any documentation related to the functioning of the Employee and Family Assistance Program including, but not limited to, any documentationconcerning the participation of any Employee. Notwithstanding the above, either Party may introduce evidence concerning the type (i.e. mandatory or voluntary), nature, and outcome of an referral. written submission a violation of the collective and the will be submitted each to a referee for an expedited recommendation. An Statement of Facts also be provided. the review of the written submissions,the referee shall render their recommendation within two weeks of the review. The cost of the referee will be shared between the Union and recommendation as a result of this process shall not be into evidence Arbitration. the above, the parties at of the grievance process, to of the
Employee and Family Assistance. The Company to provide for access to a confidential employee and family assistance service or program.
Employee and Family Assistance. The Employer shall contribute fifty percent (50%) of the regular monthly premiums for a mutually acceptable employee and family assistance program. Participation in the program shall be a condition of employment for all regular employees. Regular employees who are employed on a half-time basis or more shall be eligible for all benefits provided by this Agreement as the conditions of the benefit contracts will permit or as specifically provided in benefit clauses. When requires that an Occupational First Aid attendant is required at a facility an employee designated by the Employer shall be paid a premium based on the class of certificate set out below: Level Certificate per hour Level Certificate per hour plus course fees to the level required by Regulations. It is understood that the Employer may designate an employee other than a member of this bargaining unit.
Employee and Family Assistance. The Company will provide an employee and family assistance service. It is the intent of the Company to continue using the existing EFAP providers. If any issue arises with respect to these providers, the parties will meet and discuss.
Employee and Family Assistance. PLAN (“EFAP”)
Employee and Family Assistance. PROGRAM (EFAP) General Provisions The Company will provide for, and maintain, a confidential Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). Information on the specifics of the Program can be found on the Intranet under Human Resources. The EFAP provider can by accessed via their website on the Internet at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx. The EFAP provides all employees and their family members, with confidential access to professional services for assistance to overcome a wide range of personal problems, which may adversely affect work performance and/or personal quality of life.