Grievance Committee and Stewards Sample Clauses

Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Grievance Committee shall consist of two (2) employees who are members of the Union. The Union shall appoint six (6) Shop Stewards as follows: Riverlodge, Arenas, Pool, Inside Workers, Outside Workers, Chief Shop Xxxxxxx.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Union shall appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee which shall be composed of not more than eight (8) stewards. All stewards shall have completed their probationary period with the Employer. The name and area of each of the stewards and the name of the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee, from time to time selected, shall be given to the Employer in writing and the Employer shall not be required to recognize any such xxxxxxx or Chairperson until it has been so notified. Not more than one xxxxxxx shall be selected from any one school. The Union will endeavour to provide the Employer with a list of stewards and Grievance Committee Chairperson each January 1st. The Union shall have the right to use alternate stewards when the assigned xxxxxxx is not available.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. 1. Employees selected by the Union to act as Union representatives shall be known as “Stewards”. The names of the employees so selected and those of other Union representatives authorized to represent employees will be certified in writing to the Employer by the local Union. 2. The total membership of the Union Grievance Committee shall be four (4) employees of which one (1) will be the Local’s President and one (1) Chief Xxxxxxx. 3. Regular meetings between the Union Grievance Committee and the Employer shall be held at least once each month at a mutually convenient time. Emergency meetings may be called by mutual agreement. Such meetings will be held during working hours and employees will be paid for time falling within their normal work time. Each party shall submit a written agenda to the other not less than three (3) work days prior to each meeting setting forth the items it wishes to discuss at the meeting. No other third step grievances will be considered unless mutually agreed to by the parties. The purpose of Grievance committee meetings will be to adjust pending grievances, to discuss procedures for avoiding future grievances and to discuss and resolve matters pertaining to the administration of the Agreement (including safety and recommendations relating to job classifications). In addition, the Committee may discuss other issues with the Employer which would improve the relationship between the parties. 4. The Union will attempt to locate Stewards so as to insure the most efficient performance of their responsibilities and the minimum interference with their regular job duties. 5. Stewards shall be allowed a reasonable time to attend to the duties required of them under the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth. However, no Xxxxxxx shall leave his/her machine or job without first giving reasonable notice to and obtaining the permission of his/her supervisor. The Xxxxxxx shall be responsible for making appropriate arrangements with the supervisor in the department involved in the matter before requesting permission to leave his/her own department. The supervisor will not withhold such permission after having received such reasonable notice and opportunity to cover the Xxxxxxx’x work situation without interference in productions.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Union shall select a grievance committee of not more than four members to attend grievance meetings scheduled pursuant to Step 2 and 3 of this procedure. The Union shall select stewards to participate in the grievance procedure set forth in this Article. The Union shall notify the City Manager in writing of the names of all grievance committee members and stewards, and any changes of committee members or stewards within 10 calendar days of their appointment by the Union.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. There shall be a Union Grievance Committee of not more than three employees who, together with Stewards designated by the Local Union, shall represent employees in grievance proceedings. The Local Union shall send the Company a list of the names of the Committee members and Stewards and any subsequent changes. Such time off without loss of wages as shall be reasonably required shall be allowed to
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Employer agrees to recognize a Union Grievance Committee comprised of three (3) stewards of the Union from within the bargaining unit at the 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xx. X. location. All members of the Grievance Committee shall have completed their probationary period.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Union shall appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee which shall be composed of one xxxxxxx who has completed his/her probationary period and the Union President or designate. It is understood that the Union will endeavour to have a xxxxxxx who is employed by the RCJTC. The names of the Grievance Committee shall be given to the Employer in writing, and the Employer shall not be required to recognize any such person until so notified.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The Employer will a grievance committee which shall consist of a Chief Xxxxxxx and three stewards selected by the Union, not more than two of which committee members shall meet with management at any one time. The Employer shall be advised of the names of members of this committee and shall be notified of any changes from time to time. All members of the grievance committee shall be regular employees of the Employer who have acquired seniority. The purpose of the committee is to deal with complaints and grievances set out in the collective agreement. Union stewards have their regular duties and responsi- bilities to perform for the Hospital and shall not leave their regular duties without first obtaining permission from their immediate supervisor. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. If in the performance of his grievance duties, a union xxxxxxx is required to enter an area within the Hospital in which he is not ordinarily employed, he shall report his presence to the supervisor in the area immediately upon entering it. When resuming his regular duties and responsibilities, such xxxxxxx shall again report to his immediate supervisor. The Employer undertakes to instruct all members of its supervisory staff to co-operate with the stewards in the carrying out of the terms and requirements of this Agreement. The Union undertakes to secure from its officers, stewards, and members, their co-operation with the Employer and with all persons representing the Employer in any supervisory capacity. The Employer agrees that the Grievance Committee and Stewards servicing the employees covered by this Agreement, will act as the Grievance Committee and Stewards for the employees covered by the addendum of this Agreement.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. The number of stewards necessary to carry out this Agree- ment shall be calculated on the basis of one (1) xxxxxxx for each group consisting of approximately forty (40) employees, with a minimum of five (5) stewards. The Company agrees to recognize one additional xxxxxxx as long as the situation with respect to servicing external buildings remains the same. The Company agrees to recognize a Grievance Commit- tee of three (3) members to be chosen the Local from a panel of the permanent Stewards and Executive of the Local. The xxxxxxx in whose group the grievance has arisen, and who is not already a member of the Grievance Committee, may become an additional member when grievance is discussed.
Grievance Committee and Stewards. 13.02.01 The number of stewards necessary to carry out this Agreement will be a maximum of five (5) stewards. In addition, the Company agrees to recognize a Chief Xxxxxxx designated by the Union. 13.02.02 The Company agrees to recognize a Grievance Committee of three (3) members to be chosen by the Local from a panel of the permanent Stewards and Executive of the Local. The Xxxxxxx in whose group the grievance has arisen, and who is not already a member of the Grievance Committee, may become an additional member when that grievance is discussed.