Grievant Rights Sample Clauses
Grievant Rights. Should the grievance proceed to a hearing before the Board of Trustees, the grievant has the right:
1. To be present at the hearing.
2. To hear testimony presented to the Board.
3. To give testimony in his/her own behalf.
4. To call others to give testimony in his/her behalf.
5. To question (personally or through representation) any person giving testimony.
6. To be accompanied by Union representative, a xxxxxxx, and/or counsel.
Grievant Rights. 1. The grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by any person of his/her own choosing, except that he/she may not be represented by a representative, member or officer of any employee organization other than the Union, nor by any employee of the Board not assigned by the Union as an official representative.
2. When an employee is not represented by the Union, the Union shall have the right on its request to have its representative present to state its view at all stages of the grievance procedure. The Board shall notify the union of any grievance filed by a member of the bargaining unit and the dates, times and locations of attendant meetings or hearings.
3. Nothing contained herein shall prevent any grievant from presenting a grievance and having it heard without intervention or representation by the Union.
4. The Union agrees to process grievances for members of the unit regardless of whether or not the grievant is a member of the Union.
5. Copies of all grievances and grievance dispositions shall be transmitted to the Principal, the Superintendent, the Employee, the Union, and the Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources and Operations.
Grievant Rights. Should the grievance proceed before the Board of Trustees, the grievant has the right to:
11.11.1 Be present; and,
11.11.2 Hear all testimony presented to the Board; and,
11.11.3 Give testimony in his or her own behalf; and,
11.11.4 Call others to give testimony in his or her behalf; and,
11.11.5 Have his or her LRCEA representative question any person giving testimony; and,
11.11.6 Be accompanied and represented by the LRCEA, including legal counsel.
Grievant Rights. WORKER’S PRESENCE The grieving worker shall have the right to be present at all Steps specified in this procedure concerning his / her grievance with no loss of pay or benefits for meetings held on work time. No worker will be subjected to intimidation or harassment in the raising or processing of grievances, but in no case shall advocacy of a position nor encouragement of settlement be considered impermissible conduct.
Grievant Rights. In attempting to informally resolve the issue, the grievant(s) may represent themselves or may be represented by the Association. It is advisable that faculty members inform the Association as early as possible to meet grievance timelines. The Association has sole right to file a formal grievance as outlined below.
Grievant Rights. At his/her request, a grievant may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself/herself, his or her representative, or by an Association representative selected by the Association, except as provided in 19.3.4 of this Article.
Grievant Rights. A grievant may withdraw a grievance at any step of the grievance procedure by serving written notice of the withdrawal to the manager at the respective level. The parties agree to encourage the handling of grievances in as informal, timely, and confidential manner as possible. A grievant shall receive paid release time to attend scheduled meetings with management for grievance resolution within the procedures of this article.
Grievant Rights. An employee shall have the right to present grievances in accordance with these procedures free from coercion, interference, restraint, discrimination or reprisal.
Grievant Rights. 6.2.1 Any employee may present grievances relating to a contract dispute to the District and have such grievances adjusted without the intervention of a CSEA representative as long as the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
6.2.2 The employer shall not agree to the adjustment or resolution of the grievance until the employee or CSEA representative has received a copy of the grievance and the proposed resolution and has been given the opportunity to file a response.
6.2.3 Within the time limits, any involved party may request a personal conference at any time during each step of the grievance process.
6.2.4 A grievant may withdraw or terminate a grievance at any time of the grievance procedure by serving written notice of the employee’s intent to the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).
6.2.5 A grievant shall receive paid release time to attend scheduled meetings with the CSEA representative and/or the District for grievance resolution.
Grievant Rights. The grievant shall have the right at all times during the grievance procedure to have a Federation representative present.