Hold Points. 1 There are no Hold Points referenced in this Part.
Hold Points. Prior to issue of any Subdivision Works Certificate for the construction of public domain and / or planning agreement works, including civil, drainage and subsurface works, a set of hold points will be provided by the City's Public Domain Unit in accordance with the City’s Public Domain Manual and Sydney Streets Technical Specification. The list of hold point inspections will be included in the Public Domain/Subdivision works approval letter. These hold point inspections must be adhered to during construction of public domain and / or planning agreement works. Evidence that hold point inspections have been completed and works have been accepted by the City must be provided to the Principal Certifier prior to the issue of any Certificate of Completion for Public Domain Works.
Hold Points. Prior to an approval being issued for the construction of public domain work, including civil, drainage and subsurface works, a set of hold points for approved public domain, civil and drainage work is to be provided by the City's Public Domain Unit in accordance with the City’s Public Domain Manual and Sydney Streets Technical Specification (an approved list of hold points will be included in the Public Domain works Approval letter). These hold points must be adhered to during construction works.
Hold Points. City shall submit to Owner the following items prior to the time/event indicated in the second column, and shall obtain Owner’s written approval of the item before proceeding, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. Each Party shall promptly respond to requests from the other Party for further information or details on any item under this Agreement. Specific review periods may be agreed to by the Parties in a separate schedule coordinated by the City’s Contractor. Item for Owner Approval Submission and Approval of Owner Prior To: Notice to Owner Predesign Meeting Predesign Meeting / Site visit Design Review / Approval Draft agreements for land rights (except where the agreement is, in all material respects, in a form already agreed by Owner) Construction Design Review Approval/Materials Review (may include request for approval at less than 100% completion, with any such approval being as customarily provided for the lesser percentage of completion) Construction (or further design, as applicable) Cut Over Clearance Scheduled Construction Governmental Authorizations (if any) Construction Construction Testing Proposed Outage Timing Outage (and in time for Owner to provide notice to customers) Testing/Acceptance Tie-in Red Line Drawings Tie-in As-Built Drawings Project Close Mapping Project Close
Hold Points. (a) Hold Points are mandatory verification points beyond which a work process cannot proceed without written approval by the CTA, and are identified in the Project Requirements.
(b) When a Hold Point has been reached, the Contractor shall submit all relevant documentation to the CTA. Approval by the CTA is required prior to the Contractor proceeding to the next stage of providing the Work dependent on that Hold Point. Approval by the CTA is subject to the requirements of ARTICLE 11 and the Specifications. If requested by the CTA, the Contractor shall make a presentation of the Contractor’s progress at Hold Points. The presentation shall be made to a panel of the CTA’s technical experts/personnel to facilitate release of the Hold Point. Contractor shall receive no additional Contract Time for Contractor’s failure to meet the Contract requirements necessary for release of any Hold Point.
(c) The CTA reserves the right to direct the Contractor to remove any work installed without the approval required for a specific Hold Point, at no cost to the CTA and with no additional Contract Time provided.
(d) Approval by the CTA or failure to detect a non-conformance shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for the satisfactory performance or execution of the Work subject to a Hold Point.
Hold Points. (a) The Owner shall not progress beyond a Hold-point other than in accordance with Clause 7.4(e)(i) or 7.4(e)(ii) (Hold-points).
(b) No later than thirty (30) Days prior to the date the Owner expects to give a notice pursuant to Clause 7.4(c)(ii) (Hold-points) the Owner shall notify the Lessee as to the progress made in relation to the relevant Hold-point; and
(i) the Lessee shall (no later than ten (10) Days after receiving such notice pursuant to this Clause 7.4(b) (Hold-points)) notify the Owner of its current best estimate of the evidence it will reasonably require in order to determine whether the relevant Hold-point has or will be achieved; and
(ii) the Owner and the Lessee shall (no later than five (5) Days after the Owner receives such notice pursuant to Clause 7.4(b)(i) (Hold-points)) nominate a Hold-point Expert to serve as an Independent Expert in the event of a dispute pursuant to Clause 7.4(e) (Hold-points).
(c) If the Owner considers that a Hold-point has been achieved or will be achieved within thirty (30) Days, then the Owner shall:
(i) complete and deliver to the Lessee the checklist for the applicable Hold-point as set out in Schedule 5 (Design, Build and Operational Readiness Requirements); and
(ii) notify the Lessee of the results of its readiness review confirming that the relevant Hold-point has been achieved or will be achieved within thirty (30) Days, (the "Hold-point Confirmation"), and shall provide all evidence reasonably required by the Lessee to show that a Hold-point has or will be achieved.
(d) The Lessee shall, acting reasonably, review any Hold-point Confirmation proposed by the Owner pursuant to Clause 7.4(c) (Hold-points):
(i) without undue delay; and
(ii) by reference to the criteria set out in Schedule 5 (Design, Build and Operational Readiness Requirements) or any other checklist agreed in writing between the Owner and the Lessee.
(e) The Lessee shall, within ten (10) Days of receiving a Hold-point Confirmation pursuant to Clause 7.4(c) (Hold-points), either:
(i) confirm to the Owner that the relevant Hold-point has been achieved, in which case the Owner shall progress beyond the relevant Hold-point; or
(ii) notify the Owner of the reasonable grounds (determined by reference to the criteria set out in Schedule 5 (Design, Build and Operational Readiness Requirements) or any other checklist agreed in writing between the Owner and the Lessee and including failure to provide the evidence notified under Clause 7.4(b)(i) (Ho...
Hold Points. (a) The Quality Plan will include a schedule of Hold Points.
(b) The schedule will include any Hold Points nominated in Specifications and Appendix 9 to this Alliance Brief. The schedule will contain sufficient additional Hold Points as are necessary to ensure that the work under this Agreement and related activities are undertaken in a manner consistent with the quality system required under section 3.1.1 of this Alliance Brief.
Hold Points. (a) The Supplier must not proceed with the fabrication or manufacture of any item of Equipment beyond a Hold Point, if any, without first receiving written approval from the Purchaser’s Representative to do so.
(b) The Supplier must provide the Purchaser’s Representative with written notice of at least the period specified in Item 17 of schedule 1 in advance of it reaching a Hold Point.
(c) Following receipt of the Supplier’s notice referred to in clause 13.1(b), the Purchaser must then by written notice to the Supplier, nominate a date and time during normal business hours at which the Purchaser’s employees, representatives, contractors or agents will be present at the Supplier’s premises at which the Equipment is being fabricated or manufactured, to carry out a joint inspection with the Supplier, of the relevant Equipment. The date so nominated must be a date no later than the period specified in schedule 1 after the date that the Hold Point will be reached as set out in the Supplier’s notice.
(d) The Supplier must provide documentary evidence in advance of the joint inspection, of any tests (and test results) which are required to have been carried out prior to or upon reaching the relevant Hold Point.
(e) Representatives of each of the Purchaser and the Supplier must attend the joint inspection of the relevant Equipment at the date and time nominated in the written notice provided under clause 13.1(c) or as otherwise agreed by the parties. Within 5 Business Days of the later of the joint inspection and the provision by the Supplier of the evidence required under clause 13.1(d), the Purchaser’s Representative must by written notice to the Supplier, either:
(i) approve the fabrication or manufacture of the Equipment to proceed; or
(ii) specify any Defect or any steps to be taken before the Supplier can proceed with the fabrication or manufacture of the Equipment including whether the process set out in this clause 13.1 must be repeated in respect of the relevant Hold Point.
(f) The Supplier will not be entitled to an extension to the Time for Delivery in relation to any delay caused by the cessation of the manufacture or fabrication of any item of Equipment in connection with a Hold Point or the delay in the receipt of the written approval to be provided under clause 13.1(a), unless the Purchaser is in breach of its obligations under clause 13.1(c) or clause 13.1(e).
Hold Points. For the purposes of this Contract, “
Hold Points. Hold Points are events that require approval by the engineer prior to continuation of work. Hold Points occur at definable stages of work when, in the opinion of the engineer, a review of the preceding work is necessary before continuation to the next stage.
4.4.1 A list of typical Hold Point events is available on the MoDOT website. Use of the Hold Point process will only be required for the project-specific list of Hold Points, if any, that the engineer submits to the contractor in advance of the work. The engineer may make changes to the Hold Point list at any time.
4.4.2 Prior to all Hold Point inspections, the contractor shall verify the work has been completed in accordance with the contract and specifications. If the engineer identifies any corrective actions needed during a Hold Point inspection, the corrections shall be completed prior to continuing work. The engineer may require a new Hold Point to be scheduled if the corrections require a follow-up inspection. Re-scheduling of Hold Points require a minimum 24-hour advance notification from the contractor unless otherwise allowed by the engineer.