HOUSING REGULATIONS. Student, his/her guests, on-site managers, and other employees of the property are required to abide by the BYU-Idaho Honor Code, Apartment Living Standards, and the approved addendum which are incorporated by reference as part of this Contract. Student agrees to notify Landlord of violations of the BYU-Idaho Honor Code or Apartment Living Standards. Failure to comply with the terms of this Contract will be seen as a material breach of this Contract and dealt with accordingly. No modifications of this Contract may be made by interlineations or other writing unless such other writing is approved by the BYU-Idaho Housing & Student Living Office.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. This agreement constitutes acceptance of all housing regulations and standards of North Carolina Wesleyan University. It is the obligation of the student to become familiar with and comply with these regulations as contained in this agreement, the North Carolina Wesleyan University Student Handbook and the North Carolina Wesleyan University Catalog. Particular note is made of the following:
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Unless the Office of Residential Life has approved a housing extension, this contract will only cover a resident’s room and board when the residence halls are open during the fall and spring academic terms, the duration of which will be determined and communicated by the University.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Subletting of any resident’s room is not permitted.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Unless the Office of Residential Life or the first year academic advisor has approved an early move in date, this contract will only cover a resident’s room and board when the residence halls are open during academic terms:
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Applicants will be informed of rules regarding provided accommodations during the orientation process (this information can also be found on our website). Applicants are expected to abide by those rules at all times. If at any time during the stay, the Applicant is not comfortable with his housing option, he/she should address the situation with the T&E resident Director. Moving into a different housing would only be allowed once during any given summer, semester or year long program only during the first 7 days into the program for whatever reason. After this time no changes will be allowed unless there are extenuating circumstances that warrant a change. Applicants are prohibited to change housing without notifying the program resident Director even if the move to another homestay is permissible by the new homestay family. If causing a severe infraction of housing regulations, T&E directors, in consultation with the rest of the staff, will determine whether or not the Applicant has to be dismissed from the housing facility and/or face other penalty, which could go up to expulsion from the Study Abroad program. Finally, if an Applicant is expelled from his/her housing but permitted to remain participating in the program, the Applicant will be responsible for finding and paying for the alternative housing on his/her own. In the case that housing could not be found, the Applicant would be required to go back to the US and so be deprived of academic credit and any financial refund. Travel and Education requires that Applicants enrolled in its programs meet a certain academic standards ensuring academic progress toward successful completion of the program of study while studying abroad in the country you are visiting. Applicants must maintain full time status, have a satisfactory academic evolution and meet the attendance regulations set forth by the host institution (15% absenteeism/85% attendance rate required in order to receive certification/ transcript). Also, T&E Applicants must at all times maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. Applicants who do not maintain these standards will receive a warning right away. If the Applicant continues his/her poor academic behavior after receiving the first warning the Applicant will be put on probation and will face possible dismissal from the program. This will result in losing any possibility to receive a transcript or academic credit from the Foreign host institution. Certain actions will result in immedia...
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Student, his/her guests, on-site managers, and other employees of the property are required to abide by the BYU- Idaho Honor Code, Apartment Living Standards, and the approved addendum which are incorporated by reference as part of this Contract. Failure to comply with the terms of this Contract will be seen as a material breach of this Contract and dealt with accordingly. No modifications of this Contract may be made by interlineations or other writing unless such other writing is approved by the BYU-Idaho Housing & Student Living Office.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Students are required to uphold the standards of behavior outlined in The Pathfinder and all other official publications of the College and Residential Life and Housing.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. Students are required to uphold the standards of behavior outlined in The Pathfinder and all other official publications of the College and Residential Life and Housing. Students are responsible for leaving their rooms, apartments, and all College furnishings and property in essentially the same condition as when they entered, subject to normal wear and tear. The damage, misuse, or theft of any College property will be the responsibility of the students in the living community. The cost of damages to any common/public area of a hall, small house, or apartment will be assessed and divided among the residents of the floor or building when the individual(s) responsible for the damage cannot be identified. The College reserves the right to enter any room or apartment at any time when necessary for the purpose(s) of health, safety, or maintenance. The College reserves the right to relocate students (i.e., if resident(s) vacate a room or apartment). Remaining residents must be willing to accept another roommate and/or move to another room when requested by the College to do so. If all members of an apartment vacate, Residential Life and Housing will assign students to the apartment. There may be times during vacation periods when rooms will be made available to persons participating in officially sponsored College events for temporary housing. Should this be necessary, advance notice will be given to those students involved. This agreement covers the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters) or the remainder thereof. There are a limited number of single rooms, apartments, and other types of housing. By signing this agreement, the student agrees to accept a housing assignment based on available spaces.
HOUSING REGULATIONS. This contract constitutes acceptance by the resident of all the rules and regulations pertaining to the University of Notre Dame apartment complexes set forth in this contract, in du Lac: A Guide to Student Life, in the University’s Housing Policies, and promulgated by the housing complex and Student Affairs Staff. It also automatically constitutes acceptance of membership in the respective governing bodies of the housing complex to which the resident is assigned, including all rights, privileges and responsibilities of such membership, and responsibilities for living in such a way that health, welfare and the academic pursuits of other students are not jeopardized.