IEPs. Federal and State regulations require the regular monitoring of IEP progress on a quarterly basis. This should be aligned with theThe Charter School’s will align this requirement with its report card and grading system schedule. If the Charter School suspects that a child’s needs exceed the ability of the Charter School to implement a student’s IEP at the Charter School, the Charter School will expeditiously contact the assigned LCPS Department of Special Education personnel for a consultation. If LCPS staff together with the Charter School’s IEP team determine that the Charter School cannot implement the IEP, an IEP team meeting will convene to determine if the IEP is appropriate, revise as necessary, and determine placement. The Charter School’s failure to comply with this provision, after notice and an opportunity to cure is grounds for revocation of this Agreement or suspension of payments, without the need for placing the Charter School on probation, and may result in a suspension of payments to the Charter School and/or revocation. Within two (2) days of the enrollment of each student, the Charter School shall supply the name of the student to the LCPS Director of Special Education (which the Charter School assumes is accomplished through registering a student through the Phoenix registration system) to determine if the student has been found eligible for services in accordance with IDEA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and to arrange services. An LCPS Special Education representative or designee will be entitled to attend and participate in all IEP team meetings and any other activities related to the provision of special education and services to students.
IEPs. The classroom teacher shall not be solely responsible for completing Individual Educational Programs for those special needs children integrated into their classrooms.
IEPs. The School shall use District special education forms and procedures and shall document compliance with the requirements of federal and state law. The School's personnel shall be responsible for, without limitation, developing student IEPs; identifying and referring students as provided by the child find requirements of state and federal law and District guidelines for assessment of special education needs and determination of eligibility for special education services, including funding Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs); maintaining records as required by state and federal law; providing related services, supplementary aids and services, assistive technology, and supplies, materials, and equipment necessary to meet students’ special education and related service needs; providing tiered pre‐referral interventions to the extent required by law or District policy; obtaining informed parental consent for initial evaluations, re‐evaluations, and the initial provision of services; providing parents with procedural safeguards notices and prior written notices; providing extended school year (ESY) services; conducting manifestation determination reviews, providing alternative educational services, and otherwise complying with the disciplinary procedures outlined in the IDEA; and properly carrying out the applicable requirements of each IEP. Special education services provided by the School shall be delivered by teachers, related service providers, and paraprofessionals who are properly licensed, endorsed and trained pursuant to the applicable requirements of federal and state law.
IEPs. E.1 A teacher required to participate in IEP conferences shall work within his/her respective department to provide flexible time as approved by the administration to conduct the required conferences and to write the IEPs.
E.2 IEP conferences shall be held each year on a date mutually agreed upon among the teachers involved in the IEP’s and approved by the building principal. The Board is willing to pay an amount not greater than $500.00 for substitute teachers at each
E.3 If the Board finds that such change in the practice of IEP conference scheduling is not successful or causes undue hardship to the administration, the Board shall not be bound to continue the procedure set forth in paragraph one (1) for subsequent Contracts and may instead institute procedures it deems more appropriate.
IEPs. E.1 A teacher required to participate in IEP conferences shall work within his/her respective department to provide flexible time as approved by the administration to conduct the required conferences and to write the IEPs.
E.2 IEP conferences shall be held each year on a date mutually agreed upon among the teachers involved in the IEP’s and approved by the building principal. The Board is willing to pay an amount not greater than $500.00 for substitute teachers at each building (Xxxxxx, Intermediate, Middle and High School) for IEP conferences, or collectively totaling $2000.00.
E.3 If the Board finds that such change in the practice of IEP conference scheduling is not successful or causes undue hardship to the administration, the Board shall not be bound to continue the procedure set forth in paragraph one (1) for subsequent Contracts and may instead institute procedures it deems more appropriate.
IEPs. The contractor shall cooperate with school districts to provide medically necessary contractor-covered services when included as a recommendation in an enrollee's Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed by the school district's child study team, e.
IEPs i. IEP meetings will be held on time either virtually or in-person socially distanced as required by law.
ii. Accommodations for all IEPs and 504s will be followed and all services will be provided.
iii. Services will be provided virtually until students are allowed to return to school
IEPs. Digital options to meet and collaborate on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be implemented during the closure due to COVID-19. No IEP meetings will be held in-person unless allowed under the guidance of the SCCPHD.
IEPs. 2 The District shall make every effort to hold IEP meetings 3 during the workday. Unit members shall make themselves 4 available at any time during the workday that IEPs are 5 scheduled. If additional time beyond the workday is necessary 6 to complete an IEP meeting, the administrator in attendance, 7 in consultation with the case manager, shall determine 8 whether to schedule an additional IEP date to continue the 9 meeting during the workday, or to continue the IEP meeting 10 beyond the workday. Unit members shall be compensated at 11 the district extra-assignment hourly rate for additional time 12 beyond the workday.
IEPs. 8.9.1 Professional educators who are required to conference regarding IEPs shall have a substitute provided to allow for such meetings to occur within the workday. If a professional educator volunteers to attend such conference outside of the workday, such member shall be compensated at his/her per diem hourly rate for conferences which take place beyond the contract day. A professional educator who chooses to conference during her/his individual planning time, including the 15 minutes at the end of the work day, can do an equivalent amount of planning time outside of the work day and be compensated at her/his hourly rate for the length of the conference.
8.9.2 Professional educators who are required to write student plans other than IEPs, including Gifted Student plans or 504 plans, shall be provided at the professional educator’s option either release time or compensation at his/her per diem hourly rate. One hour shall be allotted for each student plan.