Independent Financial Advice Sample Clauses
Independent Financial Advice. Up to the Benefit Xxxxxx stated in the Schedule of Benefits following a valid Claim for Accidental death or Permanent Disability under Items 1 – 6 under of Section 1 (Serious Injury) in respect of fees charged by an authorised independent financial advisor to provide professional financial advice.
Independent Financial Advice. If within the Operative Time an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury resulting in death or Loss of Limb(s) or Loss of Sight or Loss of Hearing or Loss of Speech or Permanent Total Disablement or Permanent Partial Disablement the Company shall indemnify the Insured for the benefit of the Insured Person for fees charged by an Independent Financial Adviser authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or equivalent regulatory authority in the Insured Person’s Country of Permanent Residence and who is not the Insured Person the Partner of the Insured Person a member of the immediate family of the Insured Person or an Employee of the Insured to provide the Insured Person with one session of professional financial advice in accordance with the Sum Insured shown in the Personal Accident Specification.
Independent Financial Advice. All financial advisory firms have to operate an either independent or restricted advice service. Independent An Independent adviser must consider all possible options for you, and do so free from any restrictions or bias. Restricted An adviser who’s not classed as independent will be a restricted adviser. Advice will be referred to as restricted if it considers only certain products, and/or doesn’t cover products from every available company. At Plan Money we operate as Independent Financial Advisers. Plan Money Ltd is Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under reference 605911. You can check this on the Financial Services Register by visiting the FCA website: or by contacting the FCA on 0800 1116768. The FCA regulates the retail financial services industry in the UK and in addition to providing financial planning services, we have been given permission to advise on and arrange savings and investments, pensions, personal and occupational pension transfers, equity release, long-term care insurance, mortgages, residential buy- to-let mortgages, and non-investment Insurance contracts. We can also advise on products and services which are not regulated by the FCA and will inform you when this is the case. Under the terms of the FCA, we will classify you as a Retail Client for investment business which provides you with the highest level of regulatory protection through the Financial Ombudsman Service. Where you have previously received financial advice, responsibility for that advice remains with the adviser/firm who provided it. We will not be obliged to provide any future reviews or advice unless such a service is mutually agreed in advance. Plan Money does not provide legal advice. Plan Money does not hold client money. Payment into investments should be made directly to product providers only. We do not accept any cash payments. We deal with payment for settlement of our invoices for agreed fees. Plan Money provides professional financial advice to help individual, families and business owners plan for their future and make important financial decisions with confidence. We take pride in presenting financial planning advice in a clear and engaging way. Avoiding technical jargon, we ensure that you have the facts that you need to make well-informed decisions. In a world of ever-evolving regulations, keeping technical knowledge up to date and relevant is vital to ensure that clients get the very best advice...
Independent Financial Advice. Clipsal encourages employees to obtain independent financial advice concerning the tax effectiveness of any salary packaging arrangement, prior to entering into any such arrangement.
Independent Financial Advice. Up to the maximum amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits following a valid claim for death, Permanent Total Disablement or a 100% Permanent Disabling Injury (items 1 to 5 in the Scale of Injuries) in respect of fees charged by an authorised independent financial advisor to provide professional financial advice.
Independent Financial Advice. In the event of Bodily Injury being sustained by an Insured Person that results in a claim for item 1 or item 4a of section A, the Company will pay the Insured at their request up to £2,000 for the fees charged by an Independent Financial Consultant who is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, to provide the Insured Person’s legal representatives with professional financial advice.
Independent Financial Advice. Notwithstanding the Trustee’s and Investment Manager’s duties set out in this Article 9, MLCN or the Trustee may engage an Investment Consultant to provide independent financial advice to Council, the Advisory Committee or the Trustee with respect to:
(a) the development and review of the Investment Policy;
(b) the development and review of the Investment Management Agreement;
(c) the selection, monitoring and evaluation of the Investment Manager; and
(d) the evaluation of portfolio performance. The engagement of an Investment Consultant for any purpose shall not negate or minimize the Trustee’s duties set out in this Article 9.
Independent Financial Advice. 2.1 The Staff Member acknowledges that the University has recommended the Staff Member obtain independent financial advice before entering into this agreement. By agreeing to enter this agreement the Staff Member warrants that he or she has obtained independent advice and is not relying on any information or representation made by the University.
Independent Financial Advice. Employees wanting salary sacrifice arrangements in addition to superannuation are encouraged to seek independent financial advice.
Independent Financial Advice. If within the Operative Time an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury resulting in Benefit per Insured Person per Event 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 as shown in the Personal Accident Specification the Company shall indemnify the Group Policyholder for the benefit of the Insured Person for fees charged by an Independent Financial Adviser authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or equivalent regulatory authority in the Insured Person’s Country of Permanent Residence and who is not the Insured Person the Partner of the Insured Person a member of the immediate family of the Insured Person or an Employee of the Group Policyholder to provide the Insured Person with one session of professional financial advice in accordance with the Sum Insured shown in the Personal Accident Specification. If within the Operative Time an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury that directly results in loss of, or Loss of Vitality of, permanent natural teeth, the Company will pay compensation up to a total overall maximum each period of insurance of £7,500 subject to the following inner limits: a Total Loss of anterior tooth (canine or incisor) £ 2,000 per tooth b Total Loss of posterior tooth (molar to pre-molar) £ 1,250 per tooth c i partial loss of anterior and/or posterior tooth Up to £ 600 per tooth ii the total Loss of Vitality of a permanent natural tooth £ 600 per tooth but not exceeding £2,400 in total for all teeth partially lost and/or teeth suffering total Loss of Vitality. Special Conditions: 1 Total loss of tooth must occur within three years from the date of the Accident resulting in dental injury and involve the complete permanent physical loss of tooth from the mouth.