Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT The teacher does not routinely use assessments to measure student mastery. The teacher uses assessments to measure student mastery, but may not differentiate instruction based on this information. The teacher uses assessment data to identify students’ strengths and needs, and modifies and differentiates instruction accordingly, although the teacher may not be able to anticipate learning obstacles. The teacher uses assessment data to identify students’ strengths and needs, and modifies and differentiates instruction accordingly, as well as examines classroom assessment results to reveal trends and patterns in individual and group progress and to anticipate learning obstacles. ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING (Standard 3: Assessment) The teacher rarely or never checks the students’ understanding of content. The teacher fails to make adjustments in response to student confusion. The teacher checks for student understanding and makes attempts to adjust instruction accordingly, but these adjustments may cause some additional confusion The teacher checks for understanding at key moments and makes adjustments to instruction (whole-class or individual students).The teacher responds to student misunderstandings by providing additional clarification. The teacher continually checks for understanding and makes adjustments accordingly (whole-class or individual students). When an explanation is not effectively leading students to understand the content, the teacher adjusts quickly and seamlessly within the lesson and uses an alternative way to explain the concept.
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT There is little or no evidence of a positive rapport between the teacher and students. For example, the teacher may respond disrespectfully to students or ignore their questions or comments. The teacher is fair in the treatment of students and establishes a basic rapport with them. For example, the teacher addresses students’ questions or comments but does not inquire about their overall well-being. The teacher has positive rapport with students and demonstrates respect for and interest in all students. For example, the teacher makes eye contact and connects with individual students. The teacher has positive rapport with students and demonstrates respect for and interest in individual students’ experiences, thoughts and opinions. For example, the teacher responds quietly, individually, and sensitively to student confusion or distress. CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT (Standard 1: Students; Standard 5: Learning Environment; Standard 6: Collaboration and Communication) There are no evident routines or procedures; students seem unclear about what they should be doing or are idle. Transitions are inefficient with considerable instructional time lost. Lessons progress too slowly or quickly so students are frequently disengaged. Routines and procedures are in place, but the teacher may inappropriately prompt or direct students when they are unclear or idle. The teacher transitions between learning activities, but occasionally loses some instructional time in the process. Routines and procedures run smoothly throughout the lesson, and students assume age-appropriate levels of responsibility for the efficient operation of the classroom. Transitions are efficient and occur smoothly. There is evidence of varied learning situations (whole class, cooperative learning, small group and independent work). Routines are well-established and orderly and students initiate responsibility for the efficient operation of the classroom. Transitions are seamless as the teacher effectively maximizes instructional time and combines independent, collaborative, and whole-class learning situations.
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor cannot articulate The school counselor articulates all components The school counselor articulates all components The school counselor implements all components of a comprehensive school of a comprehensive school counseling program. of a comprehensive school counseling program, components of a comprehensive school counseling program. reflects on future program needs and works to counseling program and frequently reflects on design a plan of implementation. future program development. The school counselor does not collaborate with The school counselor collaborates with key The school counselor collaborates with key The school counselor collaborates with key key stakeholders to set the goals, priorities and stakeholders on a limited basis to set goals, stakeholders to set the goals, priorities and stakeholders to set the goals, priorities and implementation strategies when a priorities and implementation strategies that implementation strategies that align to the implementation strategies that align to the comprehensive school counseling program is partially align to the school’s goals and mission school’s goals and mission when a school’s goals and mission when a being designed. when a comprehensive school counseling comprehensive school counseling program is comprehensive school counseling program is program is being designed. being designed. being designed and suggests enhancements and adjustments for program based on needs and results. The school counselor identifies no resources to The school counselor identifies resources The school counselor identifies resources to fully The school counselor utilizes resources to fully implement the program. needed to partially implement the program. implement the program. implement the program from an innovative or diverse set of partners. Evidence
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor lacks knowledge of academic program and/or does not deliver counseling, activities, and/or experiences that support students’ academic progress and goals. The school counselor does not deliver developmentally appropriate counseling, activities, and/or experiences that build students’ awareness of Ohio-specific college, career and education options and resources. The school counselor does not deliver counseling, activities and/or experiences that promote student well- being. The school counselor uses knowledge of the academic program to plan and deliver counseling, activities and/or experiences that support students’ academic progress and goals. The school counselor inconsistently or ineffectively provides developmentally appropriate counseling, activities and/or experiences that build students’ awareness of Ohio-specific college, career and education options and resources. The school counselor attempts to deliver counseling, activities and/or experiences that promote student well- being with limited success. The school counselor plans and delivers effective comprehensive counseling, activities and/or experiences to support students’ academic progress and goals and makes adjustments as needed. The school counselor plans and delivers effective comprehensive counseling, activities and/or experiences to support students’ awareness of Ohio-specific college, career and education options and resources and makes adjustments as needed. The school counselor consistently delivers counseling, activities, and/or experiences that promote students’ social/emotional development and well-being. The school counselor plans and delivers effective comprehensive counseling, activities and/or experiences in collaboration with stakeholders to support students’ academic progress and goals and makes adjustments as needed. The school counselor plans and delivers effective comprehensive counseling, activities and/or experiences to enhance students’ and parents/guardians’ awareness of Ohio-specific college, career and education options and resources and makes adjustments as needed. The school counselor plans and delivers effective comprehensive counseling, activities and/or experiences in collaboration with stakeholders to promote students’ social-emotional development and well-being and makes adjustments as needed. Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished The school counselor provides no information to parents/guardians and school personnel for students’ acade...
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor does not monitor student performance and progress. The school counselor does limited monitoring of individual and group student performance and progress data to identify gaps and develops some appropriate interventions to enhance or improve student success. The school counselor monitors individual and group student performance and progress data to identify gaps and develops appropriate interventions to enhance or improve student success. The school counselor monitors individual and group student performance and progress data to identify gaps and develops appropriate interventions to enhance or improve student success, and fosters student self-monitoring. The school counselor does not monitor effectiveness of the program. The school counselor uses some data with minimal effectiveness to conduct program monitoring, assesses implementation and effectiveness, and makes adjustments for program improvement accordingly. The school counselor effectively uses data to conduct program monitoring, assesses implementation and effectiveness, and makes adjustments for program improvement accordingly. The school counselor uses comprehensive data to conduct regular program monitoring, assesses implementation and effectiveness, and collaborates with stakeholders to make adjustments for program improvement accordingly.
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor does not attempt to establish professional relationships within the school through communication, teamwork and collaboration. The school counselor attempts to establish professional relationships within the school through communication, teamwork and collaboration with limited success. The school counselor establishes and maintains professional relationships within and outside of the school through communication, teamwork and collaboration. The school counselor establishes and strengthens strategic professional relationships within and outside of the school through communication, teamwork and collaboration. The school counselor does not advocate for nor responds to the needs of diverse populations. The school counselor attempts to respond to the needs of diverse populations and has demonstrated progress in promoting an inclusive, responsive and safe school environment for its diverse members. The school counselor effectively advocates for and responds to the needs of diverse populations, resulting in a positive impact on practices that promotes an inclusive, responsive and safe school environment for its diverse members. The school counselor effectively advocates for practices within and outside of the school community and proactively addresses the changing needs of diverse populations resulting in a positive impact that promotes an inclusive, responsive and safe school environment for its diverse members. The school counselor is unable to identify community, environmental and institutional factors that enhance or impede development and does not advocate for equity of opportunity for all students. The school counselor identifies community, environmental and institutional factors that enhance or impede development but does not advocate for equity of opportunity for all students. The school counselor identifies community, environmental and institutional factors that enhance or impede development and advocates for equity of opportunity for all students. The school counselor identifies community, environmental and institutional factors that enhance or impede development and collaborates with stakeholders to advocate for programs, policies and practices that ensure equity of opportunity for all students. The school counselor does not promote the program or the role of the school counselor in achieving the school’s mission and student success. The school counselor occasionally promotes the program and is beginning to articulate the role of th...
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor does not adhere to the American School Counselor Association and other relevant ethical standards for school counselors nor the relevant federal, state and local codes and policies. he school counselor has limited adherence to American School Counselor Association and other relevant ethical standards for school counselors and all relevant federal, state and local codes and policies. The school counselor adheres to American School Counselor Association and other relevant ethical standards for school counselors and all relevant federal, state and local codes and policies. The school counselor adheres to American School Counselor Association and other relevant ethical standards for school counselors and all relevant federal, state and local codes and policies. The counselor also helps colleagues access and interpret codes and policies and understand implications. The school counselor does not engage in self-reflection of practice, review data to set goals for improvement or participate in professional learning. The school counselor does not attend professional meetings nor belong to organizations at the local, state or national level. The school counselor engages in limited self-reflection of practice, reviews minimal data ineffectively to set goals for improvement and participates in professional learning to meet some goals, enhance skills and stay current on professional issues. The school counselor attends professional meetings and/or belongs to organizations at the local, state or national level. The school counselor engages in thoughtful self- reflection of practice, reviews data to set goals for improvement and participates in professional learning to meet goals, enhance skills and stay current on professional issues. The school counselor actively participates in both professional meetings and organizations at the local, state or national levels. The school counselor engages in thoughtful and ongoing self-reflection of practice; consistently reviews data to set and monitor goals for improvement; and participates in professional learning to meet goals, enhance skills and stay current on professional issues, educating others on learnings when appropriate. The school counselor coordinates, facilitates and/or provides leadership in professional meetings and organizations at the local, state or national level.
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. The school counselor does The school counselor The school counselor clearly The school counselor clearly not collect data nor collects data but cannot demonstrates a positive change demonstrates a positive change demonstrate a positive demonstrate a positive in students’ knowledge, behavior in students’ knowledge, behavior change in students’ change in students’ or skills within at least one or skills within three student knowledge, behavior or skills. knowledge, behavior or skills. student domain. domains. 00 Xxxxxxxx X
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. 4 KNOWLEDGE OF STUDENTS (Standard 1: Students) Sources of Evidence: Analysis of Student Data Pre- Conference • The teacher demonstrates a lack of familiarity with students’ backgrounds and has made no attempts to find this information. • The teacher’s plan for instruction does not demonstrate an understanding of students’ development, preferred learning styles, and/or student backgrounds/prior experiences. • The teacher demonstrates some familiarity with students’ background knowledge and experiences and describes one procedure used to obtain this information. • The teacher’s instructional plan draws upon a partial analysis of students’ development, readiness for learning, preferred learning styles, or backgrounds, and prior experiences and/or the plan is inappropriately tailored to the specific population of students in the classroom. • The teacher demonstrates familiarity with students’ background knowledge and experiences and describes multiple procedures used to obtain this information. • The teacher’s instructional plan draws upon an accurate analysis of the students’ development, readiness for learning, preferred learning styles, and backgrounds and prior experiences. • The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the purpose for learning about each students’ background experiences, demonstrates familiarity with each students’ background knowledge and experiences, and describes multiple procedures used to obtain this information. • The teacher’s analysis of student data (student development, student learning and preferred learning styles, and student backgrounds/prior experiences) accurately connects the data to specific instructional strategies and plans. • The teacher plans for and can articulate specific strategies, content, and delivery that will meet the needs of individual students and groups of students. I N S T R U C T I O N A L P L A N N I N G EVIDENCE Rating (circle one) Ineffective = 1 Developing = 2 Skilled = 3 Accomplished = 4 SCORE FOR SECTION 4 = INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished 5 LESSON DELIVERY (Standard 2: Content; Standard 4; Instruction; Standard 6: Collaboration and Communication) Sources of Evidence: Formal Observation Classroom Walkthroughs/Informal Observations • A teacher’s explanations are unclear, incoherent, or inaccurate, and are generally ineffective in building student understanding. • The teacher uses language that fails to engage students, is inappropriate to the content, and/or d...
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished. Improvement Plan Recommended