LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. (a) In the case of serious illness of an employee or of a member of an employee’s immediate family, Family Leave shall be granted on request and receipt of medical certification of the serious illness and the amount of leave time needed. Such Family Leave shall be unpaid, except as provided in section (b) below.
(b) During the Family Leave, at the employee’s option the employee may use up to six (6) weeks of any accrued paid leave, including, but not limited to, sick leave, annual leave and personal leave. Thereafter, employees may use only the following accrued paid leaves in the following order: compensatory time, personal time and annual leave. No combination of paid and unpaid leaves shall extend the statutory Family Leave beyond twelve (12) weeks. Notwithstanding the foregoing, even if statutory Family Leave is exhausted, this Agreement’s sick leave, unpaid medical leave and administrative leave provisions are still applicable and may provide for additional leave consistent with these provisions.
(c) Leave under this section is for providing care for serious illness and does not diminish the benefit available under the Sick Leave Article to use up to ten (10) sick days in other instances of family illness.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. Where an Employee has primary care responsibilities, he/she shall be granted leave with pay for the serious illness of a member of the immediate family as defined in Article 30.05 up to a total of two (2) consecutive working days. Serious illness shall be defined as an emergent or life-threatening situation. In addition the Employee may request vacation or unpaid leave of absence as may be required for this purpose.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. (a) In the case of serious illness of an employee or of a member of an employee’s immediate family, Family Leave shall be granted on request and receipt of medical certification of the serious illness and the amount of leave time needed. Such Family Leave shall be unpaid, except as provided in section (b) below.
(b) During the Family Leave, at the employee’s option the employee may use up to twelve
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. (a) In the case of serious illness of an employee or of a member of an employee’s immediate family, Family Leave shall be granted on request and receipt of medical certification of the serious illness and the amount of leave time needed. Such Family Leave shall be unpaid, except as provided in section (b) below.
(b) During the Family Leave, at the employee’s option the employee may use any accrued paid leave, including, but not limited to, sick leave, annual leave and personal leave. No combination of paid and unpaid leaves shall extend the statutory Family Leave beyond twelve (12) weeks. Notwithstanding the foregoing, even if statutory Family Leave is exhausted, this Agreement’s sick leave, unpaid medical leave and administrative leave provisions are still applicable and may provide for additional leave consistent with these provisions.
(c) Leave under this section is for providing care for serious illness and does not diminish the benefit available under the Sick Leave Article to use up to ten (10) sick days in other instances of family illness.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. An Employee Nurse may be granted leave with pay for the serious illness of a member of the immediate family or someone with whom they have had an equivalent relationship as defined in Article 14.04.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS or Injury in the Family
1. A unit member may be granted leave up to three (3) days each school year with full pay when a critical illness or injury, happens to a member of the immediate family.
2. A physician, or medical advisor, must provide a statement, which includes the nature of the critical illness or injury and the necessity of the unit member's presence. This statement must be submitted upon the unit member’s return to duty.
3. Additional accommodations may be made at the discretion of the Superintendent or designee.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. A leave of absence of up to one school year may be granted by the Board of Education at its discretion, with half pay, to a member of the faculty for reasons of poor health. This leave will be granted only when the necessity thereof is certified by the school physician. An employee on leave will not receive compensation in any other employment during the period of such leave. The period of such leave will count as regular employment in the District for all purposes.
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. An Employee may be granted leave with pay for the serious illness of a member of the immediate family (as defined in Article 17.06) to a total of two (2) working days. Serious Illness shall be defined as an emergent and life threatening situation. Leave Pressing Necessity An Employee shall be granted leave without pay for pressing necessities. Pressing necessity shall be defined as any circumstance of a sudden or unusual Occurrence that could not by the exercise of reasonable judgement have been by the Employee and which required the immediate attention of the Employee. The Employee may elect to use vacation, Statutory Holiday, earned day
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. An Employee may be granted leave with pay for the serious illness of a member of the immediate family or someone with whom they have had an equivalent relationship. Members of the immediate family shall include spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law,
LEAVE FOR SERIOUS ILLNESS. An Employee may be granted leave with pay to a maximum of five days per family member, lifetime, who suffers a degenerative or potentially life threatening condition requiring managed care where the family member is unable to care for themselves. An Employee must submit medical certification that substantiates the claim to the Return to Work Office. Payment for such leave shall be deducted from accrued sick leave credits. This benefit is only available after Family Leave in accordance with Article 6.13 has been exhausted. A family member is defined as a child/step child, spouse, father, mother, step-parents and parents in- law. An employee may elect to request additional time to deal with the situation and may access either (a) Unused vacation credits;