Overtime by Seniority. Where a Health Authority/PHC has implemented automated call- in technology, overtime that is pre-booked greater than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the shift will be offered by seniority order.
Overtime by Seniority. All Employees shall be eligible for overtime in their department and all overtime shall be offered in order of seniority.
Overtime by Seniority. Overtime hours of four (4) hours or more will be offered to employees by seniority only if:
(a) The employee has registered for the overtime list;
(b) They have the capability to perform the work; and
(c) Are willing to work all necessary hours that the work is available. The Employer is entitled to minimize the cost of overtime hours.
Overtime by Seniority. The relief Employee in the temporary position may work additional relief hours and may be called to work overtime in accordance with Article 27.10. In the event that either party wishes to terminate this Agreement, that party shall give twenty-eight (28) days written notice to the other party. Employee Request Employee Name: Classification: Status: Department: Site: Current Schedule (attached): Desired New Hours (three week period): Duration Requested (minimum 4 months-maximum 12 months): Start Date: / / MM DD YY Expiration Date: / / MM DD YY Reason for Request: Date of Application: / / Employee Signature: MM DD YY Union and Employer Approval -Employer: •Yes •No -Union: •Yes •No Incumbent of Temporary Vacancy: Approved Time Frame: (Implementation Date: / / ) MM DD YY Expiration Date: / / MM DD YY Agreement Date: / / MM DD YY CUPE Local: Employer: Date: / / Date: / / MM DD YY MM DD YY
Overtime by Seniority. All overtime shall be allocated on the basis of seniority by classification at each job site.
Overtime by Seniority. In the event a need for overtime should occur in the Police Department because of vacation, sickness or other unforeseen conditions, an attempt shall be made to offer overtime on a seniority basis. Open shift, due to an absence shall be offered for the full shift by seniority to the officers scheduled off on that particular day. The Chief, Sergeant or designee will make a reasonable effort not to exceed ten (10) minutes per officer or thirty (30) minutes in total to locate the most senior officer after which the Chief or designee may assign overtime at the Chief’s or designee’s discretion. Any emergent overtime that has less than 4 hours’ notice or 4 hours of coverage, may be offered, in part or total, to an on-duty employee, to extend their current shift, before call-outs are conducted. This provision is not subject to the grievance process.
Overtime by Seniority. Overtime hours of four (4) hours or more will be offered to employees by seniority only if there are three (3) hours or more before the start of the shift (or first shift of a block of shifts) and:
(a) The employee has registered for the overtime list;
(b) They have the capability to perform the work; and
(c) Are willing to work all necessary hours that the work is available. The Employer is entitled to minimize the cost of overtime hours. Employees who have not been available for overtime work for three (3) consecutive months may be removed from the overtime list. The Employer will send a letter to the Employee and Union informing the Employee of their removal from the list.
Overtime by Seniority. All Overtime shall be voluntary. All overtime shall be allocated on the basis of seniority applied on a Classification basis at each job site provided the employees have advised the Staffing Department in writing of their availability. In the event of a breach of this provision, the Union will notify the employer as soon as possible.
Overtime by Seniority. 23.1 The method of distribution for overtime work shall be by seniority among regular employees within a classification who are qualified to do the class of work to be performed and who usually perform such work during their normal working schedules.
23.2 If volunteers are not sufficient to meet the Company’s needs the overtime will be assigned in inverse order of seniority within the work group affected until the Company’s needs are met.
Overtime by Seniority. The relief Employee in the temporary position, may work additional relief hours and may be called to work overtime in accordancewith Article In the event that either party wishes to terminate this Agreement, that party shall give twenty-eight (28) days written notice to the other party. Application for Variable Hours