Length Sample Clauses
Length. The total period of probationary service, prior to the acquisition of permanent status, shall be four (4) consecutive appointment years of service within a university without a break in service. For purposes of this Article, an appointment year is defined as service during a period starting from July 1 through June 30 annually that is at least one-half time (.5 FTE) for nine
Length. Upon request, maternity leave without pay shall be granted to natural or adoptive parents by the appointing authority for a period of up to six (6) months. With notice no less than one (1) month prior to the conclusion of the leave, such leave may be extended up to one
(1) year upon approval of the appointing authority. A request for extension can only be denied for good cause. An employee who is pregnant may continue to work as long as her physician approves. Adoptive parents shall not be covered by County medical benefits while on maternity leave, except as otherwise provided by law.
Length. Normally, a fixed-term appointment shall not exceed twelve (12) months in duration. The President shall provide a written explanation to the local Faculty Association when a fixed term appointment exceeds twelve months. The President may offer appointments up to a maximum of four (4) years when such an action is deemed to be in the best interests of the university. Fixed-term employment terminates at the end of the appointment period and carries no implication for future employment.
Length. This contract shall be effective from the date of its execution by both Parties through and including June 15, 2023.
Length. Personal leaves of absence will be issued for up to a six (6) month period. Extensions will not be approved if they result in total personal leave exceeding twelve (12) months or the employee’s length of active service, whichever is shorter. An employee may apply to return to a position at any time during the leave. At the end of a leave which is longer than ninety (90) days the employee may only return to an available position. If no such position is available he will be placed on recall in Craft Seniority order.
Length. The total period of probationary service prior to the acquisition of tenure shall not be less than one (1) year in the university and shall not exceed five (5) years of full- time equivalent service. Provided, however, that:
1. A faculty member who serves as a department chair for at least two (2) full years during the faculty member’s probationary period shall, upon completion of the second (2nd) year of service as chair, receive a one-year extension of the probationary period beyond the five (5) year limit. The faculty member may decline this extension by submitting a written declination to their immediate supervisor.
2. The probationary period shall be extended by one (1) year on the occasion of the birth of a probationary faculty member’s child or the adoptive/xxxxxx placement of a child with that faculty member. The birth or adoptive/xxxxxx placement must occur during the probationary period. The faculty member may decline this extension by submitting a written declination to their immediate supervisor. Such extensions shall not be granted more than two (2) times.
3. The probationary period shall be extended by one (1) year at the written request of a probationary faculty member under the following circumstances:
i. if the faculty member is required to give documented, medically necessary care to an immediate family member (as defined by the FMLA), or
ii. if the faculty member is required to give documented, medically necessary care to a domestic partner, who has an extended serious illness, injury, or debilitating condition, or
iii. when the faculty member has a documented extended serious illness, injury, or debilitating condition. Normally, the request for an extension of the probationary period under this paragraph must be submitted within nine (9) months of the commencement of the medically necessary care by the faculty member or the extended serious illness, injury or debilitating condition of the faculty member. The probationary period shall not be extended more than one (1) time.
4. Extensions of the probationary period will not exceed a total of three (3) years. For those persons who, because of prior part-time service, reach five (5) FTE years of service during the academic year, the probationary period shall end at the completion of that academic year.
Length. Long-term leaves of absence without pay in Category I may be granted for a period of up to one
(1) academic school year, and such leaves may be extended year to year for a total period not exceeding three (3) full academic school years. A unit member shall be allowed either one (1) such long-term leave of absence, as approved, not to exceed three (3) full academic school years, or any combination of such long-term leaves, as approved, not to exceed three (3) full academic school years, within a ten (10) year period.
Length. At the front of the vehicle. This requirement shall be deemed to be satisfied if the light emitted does not cause discomfort to the driver either directly, or indirectly through the devices for indirect vision and/or other reflecting surfaces of the vehicle.
Length. All newly hired or rehired employees will be employed on a probationary status. The probationary period shall be sixty (60) actual days of work taken from and including the first day of regular or continuous employment. If at any time prior to the conclusion of the sixty (60) working days probationary period the employee’s work performance is of unacceptable quality, as determined in the employer’s sole discretion, he/she may, upon the recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee, be subject to immediate dismissal. The sixty (60) day period may be extended for any absence during that period by the amount of said absences.
Length. Adoptive leave of one (1) year shall be granted to a faculty member. Any faculty member in applying for adoptive leave shall notify the Superintendent in writing. If the necessity for the leave is foreseeable based upon the expected placement of the child, the teacher shall provide the Superintendent with not less than thirty (30) days notice before the date the leave is to begin, except that if the date of placement requires the leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the teacher shall provide such notice as is practicable. The leave period shall start when a child is physically given over to the care of the faculty member-parent.