Longevity Differential. Permanent, full-time and part-time employees who have completed fifteen (15) years of Contra Costa County service will receive a two and one-half percent (2.5%) longevity differential effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the employee qualifies for the fifteen (15) year service award.
Longevity Differential. The longevity differential for Medical Laboratory Technicians will be thirty cents ($0.30) per hour after ten (10) years of service with the Employer and forty cents ($0.40) per hour after fifteen
Longevity Differential. Effective July 1, 2023, Unit members who are at the top step within their respective classification level for a period of twenty-four (24) months shall receive a 6% longevity differential to the base pay effective July 1st after completing 24 months. Unit members who have served within the unit for 12 or more years shall also receive a 6% longevity differential increase to their base pay effective July 1st after completing the 12th year.
Longevity Differential. A teacher who is in his/her second year on the maximum step of a column and who has completed a full 10 years of consecutive service at Minuteman will receive a longevity payment beginning in their 11th year based upon the schedule below.
a. Longevity Payments will be made according to this schedule:
(1) Upon completion of 10 consecutive years of service = $3150 total
(2) Upon completion of 15 consecutive years of service = $3650 total
(3) Upon completion of 20 consecutive years of service = $4150 total
(4) Upon completion of 25 consecutive years of service = $4650 total
Longevity Differential. A. Prior to July 12, 1997: Employees who have completed 62,401 of County Service Hours shall be paid a Longevity Differential of 3.0% of their base hourly rate.
Longevity Differential. BCCHS will continue paying a three (3%) percent hourly wage differential to employees who have completed ten (10), fifteen (15), and twenty (20) years of service with BCCHS. The following conditions shall apply:
8.5.1 The employee must have worked at least seventy-five (75%) percent of total number of workdays in his or her assigned basis for that school year (from July 1 to June 30).
8.5.2 Employment outside of BCCHS is not considered for longevity. Prior services credit for step placement on the classified salary schedule is separate and distinct from the service date for longevity.
8.5.3 As the sole exception to Section 8.5.2, for purposes of calculating longevity, credit for up to three (3) years of prior service with LAUSD at Birmingham will be given for employees who, on June 30, 2009, transitioned directly from employment with LAUSD at Birmingham to employment with BCCHS as an independent charter school without a break in service. For all other classified staff hired on or after July 1, 2009, their initial hire date (first day of work) will be used to calculate years of service for purposes of qualifying for the longevity differential.
8.5.4 Longevity status begins on the first day of the fiscal year following completion of the required ten (10) years of service, as provided above.
8.5.5 Separation from BCCHS for a period of less than twelve (12) months shall not be considered a break in service to qualify for or continue qualifying for longevity.
Longevity Differential. Employees who have completed 52,000 hours (equivalent to approximately 25 years of full-time employment) shall be paid a Longevity Differential of 3.0% of their base hourly rate.
Longevity Differential. Upon completion of three continuous years of service, a full-time employee will receive a longevity differential of $0.90 per hour added to the base wage.
Longevity Differential. Employees who have the following years of seniority will be paid the rate shown above the hourly rate for each year as indicated below. Effective 7-1-22 Effective 7-1-23 Employees who have 7 or more years of service $ .43 $ .44 Employees who have 10 or more years of service $ .57 $ .58 Employees who have 15 or more years of service $1.01 $1.04 Common longevity date, effective July 1, 2022: effective July 1, 2022, July 1 of each year shall be the common longevity date shared by all unit employees. July 1 will replace the previous longevity date. Rules governing the transition between longevity dates are as follows: • On July 1, 2022, employees hired on or before June 30, 2022, will have a revised longevity date of July 1of the fiscal year of their current longevity date. Employees eligible for longevity prior to July 1, 2022, will receive longevity earned from their current longevity date to July 1 2022. • Effective July 1, 2022, and each fiscal year thereafter, new employees hired on or after July 1, and before January 1, will have a longevity date of July 1 of the calendar year in which they were hired. • Effective July 1, 2022, and each fiscal year thereafter, new employees hired on or after annuary 1, and before July 1, will have a longevity date of July 1 of the calendar year in which they were hired.
Longevity Differential. Upon completion of five (5) years of employment, employees in the Health Service will receive seven hundred dollars ($700) per year in addition to their base compensation rate. Upon completion of ten (10) years of employment, employees in the Health Service will receive an additional eight hundred and fifty dollars ($850) per year. Upon completion of fifteen (15) years of employment, employees in the Health Services will receive an additional seven hundred ($700) per year. Upon completion of twenty (20) years of employment, employees in the Health Service will receive another additional eight hundred dollars ($800) per year. Effective on or after 7/1/17 the longevity schedule shall be amended as follows: Upon the completion of 5 years of employment 10 years of employment 15 years of employment 20 years of employment 25 years of employment $750 $900 $750 $850 $100 Note: There will be no retro money paid; any modifications are prospective only. The current practice of accruing these differentials shall continue. Longevity Differentials shall be paid in a lump sum on the employee’s anniversary date.