Management Response. Management assured the Union that bargaining unit employees properly excused from work for Union business should not be subject to negative commentary for such activity on their CAP by affected leaders.
Management Response. Upon receipt of a timely filed grievance, management shall have 15 business days (i.e., Monday through Friday) to file a written response. Upon receipt of management’s response, the aggrieved employee shall have 15 calendar days to respond to management with an acceptance or
Management Response. During these negotiations, the parties had extensive discussions regarding the need to clearly communicate benefits available to salaried employees and more importantly members of Local 1869. Union Proposals 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 46, 47, 48, 49, 56, & 58: Union Management Meeting Topics
Management Response. During these negotiations, the parties had extensive discussions regarding workload and resource management. Management recommits to monthly Union/Management meetings, to discuss all aspects of Union business, including, but not limited to: People Changes, the current Workload Model, Grievances, Current Events, Organization Structure and General Business. Union Proposal 24 & 25: DLT’s and 7B’s Proposal 24: Add more DLT’s so they can focus on quality reviews.
Management Response. During these negotiations, the parties had extensive discussions regarding the need to promote a better Quality of Work life for the members of the union. On April 20,2021, Xxxx Xxxxx introduced "Work Appropriately", our new approach to the future of work at General Motors. This culture shift addresses the change in the world of work since the beginning of the global pandemic and acknowledges that employees and their leaders can work together on what that means for their position specifically. Where the work permits, employees will have the flexibility to work where they can have the greatest impact on achieving our goals. Management fully supports this approach for the Design team. Union Proposal 39: Stronger Computers Stronger computers for the two districts in Local 1869 who use them During these negotiations, the parties had extensive discussions regarding the need to ensure employees have adequate computer equipment to perform their assigned job duties. Management is committed to regular evaluation of software and hardware tools (investigation, testing and comparison of equipment) to ensure employees have the needed tools to perform these duties, and will request and support the acquisition and upgrade of these tools as they are available/needed. Union Proposal 40: Open grievance resolution of 963201, 963205, 963214, & 963215. Resolve ALL open grievances as part of negotiating process, prior to contract ratification.
Management Response. Management recognizes the benefits of rotational assignments. These opportunities help employees gain exposure, build relationships, and develop valuable skillsets. It is Management's intent to continue to leverage these assignments and appropriate considerations will be given. To ensure a documented record and process for the rotational assignments, a living administrative process will be created in agreement between Union and Management and will be part of the regular agenda in the Monthly Union Management meeting. This process will include candidate names, assignments, duration and Workday process for documentation, as well as other important considerations for employee development. At no point will any member be disadvantaged by taking part in any rotational training opportunity. Notification to the union of new hires into the union, well in advance of the event. New Hire Steps During these negotiations, the parties had extensive discussions regarding the need for open communication with respect to the hiring process. Steps will be as follows: • Have discussion about coming opportunities during the Monthly Union/Management Meetings. • Notify Chairman and the district's Committeeperson prior, that a posting is to be made, and for what position in which district. • Then in conclusion, notify Chairman and the district's Committeeperson who accepted the offer, their level upon entry, and date of entry into which district. March 7, 2022
Management Response. Management agrees to provide the support needed to ensure that the assignment inputs meet the requirements for an on- time-with-quality deliverable. When necessary, management commits to work with the membership on a mutually beneficial solution. 2015 Union Proposal 15: Computers for Trim Department General Motors shall provide laptop computers for bargaining unit Trim Department employees.
Management Response. As business conditions dictate, management will provide ample computers to allow bargaining unit Trim Department employees to complete training and manage GMS requirements. 2015 Union Proposal 23: Absence for Union Business Management shall eliminate stressful practices of overworking employees prior to or upon their return to work from vacations and/or Union leaves.
Management Response. Management will supply the Union with an ample quantity of printed local agreements for distribution to the membership. In addition, Management will provide an electronic version, which will have formatting capabilities, to the Union. 2011 Union Proposal 6: Health & Safety / Stress Reduction General Motors and Local Management must promote health and safety initiatives for stress reduction within the Salaried Represented workforce. Health and safety are an overriding priority for General Motors. Management will continue to encourage full utilization of the Worklife Plus and Lifesteps Programs available to all salaried employees. In addition, at the request of the Union, Management will facilitate organizational development activities focused on stress reduction. All resolutions must be implemented within 4 months of ratification of this Local Agreement.
Management Response. The Purchasing Department has a process for obtaining proof of insurance prior to contact award. Once proof of insurance is obtained, it is included in our database for monitoring. Since this contract was not awarded through the Purchasing Department, the insurance was not included in our database, and therefore, not monitored.