MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT COST ESCALATION. If, during the performance of the contract, the price of material or equipment that is solely procured through the Owner Direct Purchase program, significantly increases, through no fault of the Construction Manager, the price may, at the sole discretion of the Owner, be equitably adjusted by an amount reasonably necessary to cover any such significant price increases. Such price increases will act as a pass-through price to the Owner and shall be documented through quotes, invoices, or receipts from the manufacturer documenting the original price quoted and the difference from the original price. Material and equipment escalation costs that may be passed through to the Owner are subject to the following: Only material and equipment purchased for the project through the Owner Direct Purchase program may be considered for material and equipment escalation costs. The Construction Manager shall ensure that all original subcontractor bids include the detail as to material and equipment costs. Escalation costs will not be considered by the Owner without sufficient verifiable documentation as to original material and equipment costs. The total amount that may be approved by the Owner for material and equipment escalation costs is $126,247.04 as outlined in the attached Heard Construction, Inc. proposal dated September 12, 2022. Approved material and equipment escalation costs shall not contain any fee mark- up from the Construction Manager or any subcontractors. Contingency shall not be used for material and equipment escalation costs. The material and equipment escalation allowance shall not be used for any other project expenses. The Construction Manager shall maintain a material and equipment escalation use log and shall create a material and equipment escalation use form for each intended use to be reviewed and signed by the Construction Manager and the Owner’s Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Services or Designee before the Owner issues the material or equipment purchase order. The material and equipment use form must be property executed and approved by the Construction Manager and the Owner before the Owner issues the material or equipment purchase order. The Construction Manager may not request consideration of material and equipment escalation after the Owner has issued the material or equipment purchase order. Use of the material and equipment escalation reserve shall be subject to audit by the Owner. Heard Construction, Inc. PO BOX 540218 MERRI...
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  • EQUIPMENT TAX ASSESSMENT 17.1 Any bid for public improvement shall comply with Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 77-1323 and 77-1324. Indicating; every person, partnership, limited liability company, association or corporation furnishing labor or material in the repair, alteration, improvement, erection, or construction of any public improvement shall sign a certified statement which will accompany the contract. The certified statement shall state that all equipment to be used on the project, except that acquired since the assessment date, has been assessed for taxation for the current year, giving the county where assessed.

  • Five Day Work Week Schedule When working under the five (5) day work week schedule, Employees shall receive one and one-half (1.5x) times their regular rate of pay for the first two (2) hours of overtime Monday through Friday. All other overtime Monday through Friday shall be paid at double time (2x).

  • Project Cost a. The estimated cost of the Project is $ 97,740.00. This amount is based upon the Schedule of Financial Assistance in Exhibit "B", attached to and incorporated in this Agreement. Exhibit “B” may be modified by mutual execution of an amendment as provided for in paragraph 5.i.

  • CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost [for Geysers Main only] The CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost is given by Equation C2-1. CAISO Monthly Billed Fuel Cost Equation C2-1 = Billable MWh ◆ Steam Price ($/MWh) Where: • Steam Price is $16.34/MWh. • For purposes of Equation C2-1, Billable MWh is all Billable MWh Delivered after cumulative Hourly Metered Total Net Generation during the Contract Year from all Units exceeds the Minimum Annual Generation given by Equation C2-2. Equation C2-2 Minimum Annual Generation = (Annual Average Field Capacity ◆ 8760 hours ◆ 0.4) - (A+B+C) Where: • Annual Average Field Capacity is the arithmetic average of the two Field Capacities in MW for each Contract Year, determined as described below. Field Capacity shall be determined for each six-month period from July 1 through December 31 of the preceding calendar year and January 1 through June 30 of the Contract Year. Field Capacity shall be the average of the five highest amounts of net generation (in MWh) simultaneously achieved by all Units during eight-hour periods within the six-month period. The capacity simultaneously achieved by all Units during each eight-hour period shall be the sum of Hourly Metered Total Net Generation for all Units during such eight-hour period, divided by eight hours. Such eight-hour periods shall not overlap or be counted more than once but may be consecutive. Within 30 days after the end of each six-month period, Owner shall provide CAISO and the Responsible Utility with its determination of Field Capacity, including all information necessary to validate that determination. • A is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) due to the curtailment of a Unit during a test of the Facility, a Unit or the steam field agreed to by CAISO and Owner. • B is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) due to the retirement of a Unit or due to a Unit’s Availability remaining at zero after a period of ten Months during which the Unit’s Availability has been zero. • C is the amount of Energy that cannot be produced (as defined below) because a Force Majeure Event reduces a Unit’s Availability to zero for at least thirty (30) days or because a Force Majeure Event reduces a Unit’s Availability for at least one hundred eighty (180) days to a level below the Unit Availability Limit immediately prior to the Force Majeure Event. • The amount of Energy that cannot be produced is the sum, for each Settlement Period during which the condition applicable to A, B or C above exists, of the difference between the Unit Availability Limit immediately prior to the condition and the Unit Availability Limit during the condition.

  • Total Project Cost The total cost of the Project is $36,378,683, of which (i) a match is being contributed in the amount of $21,000,000 shall be Matching Funds, and (ii) $15,378,683 shall be provided by the Grant. The total estimated cost of the Project is based upon the Budget. To the extent that the actual cost of the Project exceeds $36,378,683, Grantee shall be solely responsible for such excess. Grantee shall monitor the Budget and submit an amended Budget to Triumph in the event that (a) the total cost of the Project increases or decreases by greater than five percent (5%), (b) total the Budget increases or decreases by greater than five percent (5%), (c) the Budget increases or decreases by greater than five percent (5%) within a particular Budget category, and/or (d) Grantee’s portion of the Matching funds decreases by greater than five percent (5%). If Grantee proposes an increase or decrease by greater than five percent (5%) as described above as compared to the most recently approved Budget, such proposal shall be submitted to Triumph in writing along with a proposed amended Budget, and Triumph shall have the right to approve or disapprove both the proposed Budget category increase or decrease and the proposed amended Budget. If Grantee fails to obtain Triumph's approval, that failure shall be sufficient cause for nonpayment by Triumph as provided in Section 4.2(f). Using the Grant, its own funds, and funds from other sources (including, but not limited to, the Matching Funds), Grantee agrees to bear the entire cost and expense of the Project, including but not limited to, all costs and all expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the Project, it being expressly understood and agreed that the Grant shall operate only to pay, on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, a portion of the costs and expenses of the Project. Furthermore, Grantee agrees to spend all of the Matching Funds as contemplated in the Budget, and agrees that its failure to do so shall be deemed a material breach of this Agreement.

  • Cost Estimate An estimate of the total project cost including but not limited to direct expenses, indirect expenses, land cost, and capital expenses.

  • Preliminary Cost Estimate Consulting Engineer/Architect shall furnish City an estimate of probable Construction Cost based on the preliminary design. Consulting Engineer/Architect's estimate of probable Construction Cost is to be made on the basis of Consulting Engineer/Architect's experience and qualifications and represent Consulting Engineer/Architect's best judgment as an experienced and qualified design professional, familiar with the construction industry.

  • Preliminary Cost Estimates The Engineer shall develop a preliminary cost estimate using the Average Low Bid Unit Price. The Engineer shall estimate the total project cost including preliminary engineering, final engineering, right-of-way (ROW) acquisition, environmental compliance and mitigation, construction, utility relocation, and construction engineering inspection (CEI).

  • Start-Up Costs 4.1.1 The Government of Ontario will provide:

  • ESTIMATED / SPECIFIC QUANTITY CONTRACTS Estimated quantity contracts, also referred to as indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity contracts, are expressly agreed and understood to be made for only the quantities, if any, actually ordered during the Contract term. No guarantee of any quantity is implied or given. With respect to any specific quantity stated in the contract, the Commissioner reserves the right after award to order up to 20% more or less (rounded to the next highest whole number) than the specific quantities called for in the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Commissioner may purchase greater or lesser percentages of Contract quantities should the Commissioner and Contractor so agree. Such agreement may include an equitable price adjustment.

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