NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION a. Employees who have competed and were selected for positions with known promotion potential will be promoted when the following conditions are met: (1) The employee has been fully trained to perform the duties of the targeted or next higher grade. (2) The employee has appropriate length and type of experience required by rule or regulation and time-in-grade if applicable. (3) Work is available at the next higher or targeted grade level and the supervisor certifies the employee is capable of performing duties at the next higher grade level. (4) A promotion classification review, when required, verifies that the duty assignment is commensurate with the next higher or targeted grade. b. Certification by the supervisor and other management personnel required by this section shall not be unreasonably delayed. The promotion normally will be effected at the beginning of the first pay period following the activity servicing staffing function certification that the above conditions have been met.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. When the servicing personnel office determines that there has been an accretion of duties and responsibilities that warrants an increase in grade, the Employer shall notify the employee, supervisor, and Union representative and may promote the employee without competition if the employee is deemed qualified or may reassign the higher graded duties.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. If a classification review of a position or position description reveals that there has been an accretion of duties which would result in the classification of a position at a higher grade, Management may decide: to eliminate and/or redistribute the grade-controlling duties; the employee may be promoted; or the position may need to be competed in accordance with DR 0000-000-000, Merit Promotion and Placement. If Management eliminates and/or redistributes the grade controlling duties, the employee will be advised in writing of the decision within fifteen
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. When management has determined there has been an accretion of duties or additional responsibilities assigned to warrant an increase in grade, Management may noncompetitively promote the employee in accordance with DR 4030- 335-002 or eliminate or redistribute the grade-controlling duties. Before management may consider an accretion of duties noncompetitive promotion, the criteria noted in DR 0000-000-000 must be met, which includes: a. The major duties and basic functions of the current position must be absorbed into the new position;
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. 1. Any bargaining unit employee may appeal the classification of his or her position as provided in the OPM’s Employee Fact Sheet On Position Classification Appeals and DOJ regulations. 2. When, as the result of an appeal of a classification decision, the appropriate classification authority (OPM or JMD as appropriate) determines that there has been an accretion of duties and responsibilities that warrants an increase in grade, the Employer will be notified. The Employer will, within thirty (30) workdays of notification, either promote the employee without competition or eliminate or redistribute the grade controlling duties.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. Management shall refrain from temporarily reassigning an employee’s work during the position classification review if the purpose for reassigning the work is to avoid reclassification of the said employee’s position. Accretion of duties occurs when all conditions for accretion as specified in the Merit Promotion Plan have been met.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. A noncompetitive promotion is advancement to a position which has not been advertised or posted and does not involve a vacancy. A noncompetitive promotion is an upward reclassification and includes advancement from Level I to Level II or from Level II to Level III in set of classifications. A set of classifications is a group of classifications having the same title except for the Level I, II or III designation. A noncompetitive promotion may occur in the following circumstances: a. The duties of the job have been reevaluated. b. The employee has met department-established criteria for advancement to a higher level in a set of classifications. If the Job Evaluation Committee is used, the Union will have two members in the pool from which the job evaluation committee is selected.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. When HRD determines that there has been an accretion of duties and responsibilities that warrants an increase in grade, the employee and supervisor will be notified. The Employer will either promote the employee without competition or eliminate or redistribute the grade controlling duties by the end of the next full pay period from the date of notification.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. 1. If an employee was ever the same grade as the position being filled, or held a higher grade, or was competitively selected for a position with the same promotion potential, that person may be non-competitively reassigned or promoted. The employee must have been selected from an OPM, delegated examining, or a USDA Demonstration Project certificate or under competitive merit promotion procedures. 2. When OHRM determines that there has been an accretion of duties and responsibilities that warrants an increase in grade, the employee and supervisor will be notified.
NONCOMPETITIVE PROMOTION. When there has been an accretion of duties and responsibilities to warrant an increase in grade, the employee in the position, if qualified, will be promoted without competition, unless the EMPLOYER eliminates or redistributes the grade-controlling duties.