Notice of Appointment Sample Clauses
Notice of Appointment. All applicants shall be advised in writing of the outcome of their applications within ten (10) working days after the receipt in the hiring Writing Centre of the written acceptance of the position by the successful candidate, and earlier if practicable. This written communication shall also include the name of the successful candidate.
Notice of Appointment. Not later than the effective date of the appointment of a new Warrant Agent the Company shall cause notice thereof to be mailed to the former Warrant Agent and the transfer agent for the Company's Common Stock, and shall forthwith cause a copy of such notice to be mailed to each Holder of a Warrant Certificate. Failure to mail such notice, or any defect contained therein, shall not affect the legality or validity of the appointment of the successor Warrant Agent.
Notice of Appointment. Notice of the appointment of the hearing officer, together with a copy of these rules, and the signed acceptance of the hearing officer shall be filed prior to the open- ing of the first hearing.
Notice of Appointment the arbitrator is to give the parties notice of his or her appointment;
Notice of Appointment. Subject to the provisions of Clause 33.1, the party wishing to appoint the Expert will give notice in writing to that effect to the other party, together with details of the matter which he wishes to refer to the Expert.
Notice of Appointment. Full-time and part-time summer appointments shall be made by memorandum of appointment before March 15 for the May term and April 15 for the June and July terms, but may be earlier if budget schedules permit. Later appointments may be made, if agreed by the employee and employer, in the case of positions for which the availability of funds is not known until a later date.
Notice of Appointment. 1. All newly appointed and re-appointed TAs and GAs shall receive a letter of appointment which specifies the appointment title, wage amount, effective dates (duration) of service (including any mandatory or optional orientation sessions), the name and phone number of the supervising official in the department, the full- time equivalence (FTE) of the appointment, tuition and fee waiver, and the major components of the assignment. The general hours of work and specific work assignment will be described by the supervisor. Assignments may be changed at the discretion of the department with notice to the assistant. TAs may submit, for consideration, course placement preferences in writing.
2. The letter of appointment shall be issued no later than 45 days before the start of the appointment. In the case of appointments made less than forty five (45) days before or forty five (45) days after the beginning of the semester, the letter of appointment shall be issued as soon as practicable. Upon request of the Union, Campus Human Resources will conduct an audit of offer letters issued by departments considered by the Union to have repeatedly issued letters of appointment less than 45 days prior to the start of the appointment. When a pattern of late offer letters has been ascertained by audit, a joint meeting will be held for purposes of addressing the reasons for late offers. These meetings shall include the Department Head or designee, a representative from Campus Human Resources and a representative of the Union. All letters of appointment shall include the following statement: “The terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to benefits and wages, for this appointment are governed by a collective bargaining agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Graduate Employees’ Organization, which may be found at the following web address: xxxxx://
3. Appointing units shall use the template letter of appointment as provided on the Campus Human Resources website. The letter will include notification of tuition differential and taxation information for those appointments subject to taxation of tuition waivers or assessment of tuition differentials. The letter will also identify any contingencies or documents required to be completed prior to employment. xxxxx://
4. Departments and units shall post unfilled available As...
Notice of Appointment. Prior to the beginning of employment and, subsequently, upon a significant change in status (i.e., items a, e, g, i, m below and any special salary increases), each employee will receive a Notice of Appointment signed by the President or his/her representative and the employee. The University may enclose informational addenda, except that such addenda may not abridge the employee’s rights or benefits provided in this Agreement. The University Notice of Appointment shall contain the following elements:
(a) Professional Classification System title, class code, rank and appointment type;
(b) Employment unit (e.g., department, school, college, institute, center, etc.)
(c) The dates of appointment;
(d) Special conditions of employment;
(e) A statement that the position is (1) tenured, (2) non-tenure earning, (3) tenure- earning, (4) non-permanent status earning, or (5) permanent status;
(f) A statement that the employee’s signature on the Notice of Appointment shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to process a grievance with respect thereto in compliance with Article 20;
(g) A statement about notice provisions.
(h) A statement that the appointment is subject to the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida and the United States, the Regulations of the Board and the University, and this Agreement;
(i) Percent of full-time effort (FTE) assigned;
(j) Salary rate;
(k) A statement of non-discrimination conforming with Article 6;
(l) A statement informing the employee of the obligation to report outside activity and conflict of interest under the provisions of Article 19 and the Agreement; and
(m) Principal place of employment.
Notice of Appointment. Within seven (7) calendar days of the date of appointment to a vacant position, the name of the successful applicant shall be posted on the secure area of the school district website. The Union shall be notified of all appointments, hiring, lay-offs, transfers, recalls and terminations of employment.
Notice of Appointment. You give us the exclusive right to act as your agent in making all supply and delivery arrangements with your Utility and others so that we may provide your full Electricity and/or Gas and JustGreen.