of ITB Sample Clauses
of ITB. Not satisfying any of the qualification criteria will render the bid non-responsive and financial bids of such bidders will not be opened.
of ITB. In case a bidder fails to meet the above mentioned qualification criteria, their bids shall be treated as non- responsive and financial bids of such bidders shall not be opened.
of ITB. The Bidder shall indicate the value of the order executed by him together with the details of name of the party, order value, scope of work / component breakup, completion period stipulated in the order and actual completion period. The completion certificate, awarded by the client on its letter head should have a mention of start date, date of completion and value of the work executed by the Bidder. In case the work was performed by the Bidder in a JV, the same shall be supported by a Client Certificate enumerating the claimant share also. In case the work was performed by the bidder as a sub-contractor, the bidder shall submit similar completion certificate awarded to it by the main contractor and countersigned by the Employer / Client of the main contractor.
of ITB. The Bidders shall provide financial turnover of the firm for the last three years duly certified by statutory auditors.
of ITB. The Bidder shall indicate the value of the order executed by him together with the details of name of the party, order value, scope of work / component breakup, completion period stipulated in the order and actual completion period. The completion certificate, awarded by the client should have a mention of start date, date of completion and value of the work executed by the Bidder. In case the work was performed by the Bidder in a JV / Consortium, the same shall be supported by a client certificate regarding total contract value along with JV / Consortium Agreement to substantiate claim of share between the JV / Consortium members. In case the work was performed by the Bidder as a sub- contractor, the Bidder shall submit similar completion certificate awarded to it by the main Contractor and countersigned by the Employer / Client of the main Contractor. 3.3 Copy of work order / letter of award / letter of work agreement alone shall not suffice Bidders claim for executing the similar works. Submitting completion certificate from the client on its letter head along with supporting documents as mentioned in clause 3.2 above is mandatory to qualify.
of ITB. The proceeds of the Performance Guarantee shall be payable to the Procuring Agency as compensation for any loss resulting from the Service Provider’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. 6.3. As per Rule-56 of PPR-14, the performance guarantee shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract acceptable to the Procuring Agency and shall be in one of the following forms: (a) a bank guarantee or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a reputable bank located in the Procuring Agency’s country, in the form provided in the Bidding documents or another form acceptable to the Procuring Agency; or (b) a cashier’s or certified cheque or CDR.
of ITB. In case of JV, for availing the benefits of MSME all the participating JV members must be registered under MSME acts and relevant provisions.
of ITB. The proceeds of the Performance Guarantee shall be payable to the Procuring Agency as compensation for any loss resulting from the Service Provider’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.
of ITB. The Bidders shall provide financial turnover of the firm for the last three years duly certified by statutory auditors.
3.5 Any entity which has been barred by the Central Government, any State Government, a statutory Authority or a public-sector undertaking, as the case may be, from participating in any project, and the bar subsists as on the Bid submission date, would not be eligible to submit Bid.
3.6 The similar work experience of parent company/subsidiary/sister Company or any associated firm/company of the Bidder shall not be considered unless the parent company/subsidiary/sister company or associated firm/company is part of the JV/consortium participating in the Bid.
3.7 The Bidder shall offer and make available the list of all Key Personnel as specified in Clause - 7 of Section – VI: Terms of Reference.
3.8 Bidder should have, during the last three years, neither failed to perform on any agreement, as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial Employer or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against the Bidder, nor been expelled from any project or agreement nor have had any agreement terminated for breach by such Bidder.
3.9 The Bidder shall also indicate following:
3.9.1 The Bidder shall have adequate resources for successful execution from design to construction and commissioning of floating pontoons and gangways and should be financially solvent. Bidder shall provide a solvency certificate from any nationalized/scheduled bank in India for an amount as indicated in Section - III: Data Sheet.
3.9.2 The Bidder shall be income tax assesses and accordingly the Bidder shall submit copy of Income Tax Return (ITR) filed by the Bidder for the last three financial years.
3.9.3 A preliminary design and detailed schedule of detailed design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning is required to be submitted.
3.9.4 The details of manufacturing yard as the proof of adequate capacity available for the work which must include the size, capacity and facilities etc, is required to be furnished along with the registration and survey certificate (if any) from the concerned organization.
4. Pre–bid Meeting
of ITB. The Bidder shall indicate the value of the order executed by him together with the details of name of the party, order value, scope of work / component breakup, completion period stipulated in the order and actual completion period. The completion certificate, awarded by the client on its letter head should have a mention of start date, date of completion and value of the work executed by the Bidder. The Bidder can provide the details of the works that have been substantially completed. “Substantially Completed Works” shall be based on completion of 80% or more works that have been financially completed under the claimed relevant component of the contract. Substantial completion of works shall be supported by client certificates with the name of the work including component breakup of relevant work to the extent of similar work, work order value, start date, percentage of similar work completed till date of issue of the Tender in financial terms (Net Payment received against the Contract) as indicated in Form 4B. In case the work was performed by the Bidder in a JV, the same shall be supported by a Client Certificate enumerating the claimant share also. In case the work was performed by the bidder as a sub-contractor, the bidder shall submit similar completion certificate awarded to it by the main contractor and countersigned by the Employer / Client of the main contractor.