Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 Bidder may be a firm that is a private entity, a Government owned entity or any combination of such entities in the form of JV/consortium under an existing agreement or with the intent to enter into such agreement supported by a Letter of Intent. Bidders that are Government owned entity in the employer’s country may participate only if they can establish that they (i) operate under commercial law and
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 Bidder may be a firm that is a private entity, a government owned entity or any combination such entities in the form of JV/consortium under an existing agreement or with the intent to enter into such agreement supported by a Letter of Intent. Bidders that are government owned entity in the employer’s country may participate only if they can establish that they (i) operate under commercial law and (ii) are not dependent agencies of the employer.
3.2 The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing similar works of the value as mentioned in clause 16.1
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders must meet the following pre-qualification criteria: -
3.1 The Bidder shall meet the qualification criteria of executing “Similar Works” of the value as mentioned in clause 16.1
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. 7.1 The Bidder should be a Single Entity (Firm / Company) registered in India and should be of National or International repute. Appropriate documents as enlisted in Clause 15.4 supporting their status must be submitted.
7.2 The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing similar works of the value as mentioned in Clause 16.1.1
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 Bidder should be one among the renowned Consultancy organization those who are private entities, Government entities having proven competence, capacity and experience in conducting evaluation of Market potential & Demand assessment, Infrastructure analysis, Front End Engineering and Design Work, Financial & Economic Analysis, Socio- Economic Environment analysis, Institutional Mechanism & Structuring and Project Management Consultancy.
3.2 The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing similar works of the value as mentioned in clause 16.1
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 Bidder should be the one among the renowned Consultancy organizations those are private entities, Government entities or any combination of such entities in the form of JV/consortium under an existing agreement or with the intent to enter into such agreement supported by a Letter of Intent having proven competence, capacity and experience in sphere of Port, Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector and experience in preparing preliminary design and drawings, technical specifications, BoQ’s, survey works and site investigations.
3.2 The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing similar works of the value as mentioned in clause 16.1
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 The Bidder shall indicate the value of the order executed by him together with the details of name of the party, order value, scope of work, completion period stipulated in the order and actual completion period / date / status. The completion certificate awarded by the client on its letter head should have a mention of start date, date of completion and value of the work executed by the Bidder. The Bidder can provide the details of the works that have been substantially completed. “Substantially Completed Works” means the works where financial value of similar works satisfactorily completed till Bid Submission Date exceeds the similar work requirements as stipulated in Clause 16.1 of ITB. Substantial completion of works shall be supported by client certificates with the details of name of the work, name and extent of similar work, work order value, start date, percentage of similar work completed till date. In case the work was performed by the Bidder in JV, the percentage share of the Bidders in the work executed as JV should be clearly mentioned in the completion certificate. In case the work was performed by the bidder as a sub-Consultant, the bidder shall submit completion certificate awarded to it by the main Consultant.
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. 3.1 The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria: Bidder may be a firm that is a Private entity/ Individual firm or Joint Venture (JV) or Indian lead firm supported by another firm (s) or a Government entity.
a) Bidders that are government owned entity in the Employer’s country may participate only if they can establish that they
(i) operate under commercial law and
(ii) are not dependent agencies of the Employer.
b) Bidder(s) shall be individual firm or Joint Venture (JV) or Indian lead firm supported by another firm (s). The bidder has to submit documentary proof of "intent of forming JV/consortium" on Rs.100/- notarized stamp paper at the time of submission of bid. However, successful bidder is required to submit proof of registration of JV/consortium after issue of Letter of Intent and before signing of agreement. Experience of individual firms of the JV will also be considered for evaluation. Indian Subsidiary of an International firm can bid using the references of its parent / sister company.
c) Joint venture is allowed with two or more partners. The lead partner should have minimum 51% equity participation. Equity means the technical and financial responsibility of the JV partners. If a Bidder constitutes (under applicable laws) a joint venture they shall submit and comply with the following requirements;
(i) There shall be a Joint Venture Agreement specific for the contract between the constituent firms, indicating clearly, amongst other things, the proposed distribution of responsibilities both financial as well as technical for execution of the work amongst them. Financial responsibilities means furnishing performance security, mobilization of teams etc. For the purpose of this clause, the most experienced lead partner will be the one defined. A copy of the Joint Venture agreement in accordance with requirements mentioned shall be submitted along with the bid.
(ii) The bid, and in the case of the successful bidder, the Form of Agreement, etc., shall be signed and/ or executed in such a manner as may be required for making it legally binding on all partners (including operative parts of the ensuing Contract in respect of Agreement of Arbitration, etc.). On award of work, the Form of Agreement and Contract Documents shall be signed by all partners of the Joint Venture to conclude Contract Agreement.
(iii) Lead partner shall be nominated as being partner-in- charge; and this authorization shall be evidenced by submitting a power ...
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. 3.1. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria: Bidder may be a firm that is a Private entity or a Government entity. Bidders that are government owned entity in the Employer’s country may participate only if they can establish that they (i) operate under commercial law and (ii) are not dependent agencies of the Employer.
3.2. The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing “Similar Works” of the value as mentioned in clause 10 of ITB. The Bidder shall indicate the value of the orders executed by him together with the details of name of the party, order value, scope of work / component breakup, completion period stipulated in the order and actual completion period. The completion certificate, awarded by the client should have a mention of start date, date of completion and value of the work executed by the Bidder. In case the work was performed by the Bidder in a JV, the same shall be supported by a client certificate enumerating the claimant share also. In case the work was performed by the Bidder as a sub-contractor, the Bidder shall submit similar completion certificate awarded to it by the main contractor and countersigned by the Employer / Client of the main Contractor.
3.3. Copy of work order / letter of award / letter of work agreement alone shall not suffice Bidders claim for executing the Similar Works. Submitting completion certificate from the client on its letter head along with supporting documents as mentioned in clause 3.2 above is mandatory to qualify.
3.4. Average Annual Turnover during the last three (03) years ending 31st March of the previous financial year should be as mentioned in clause 10 of ITB. The Bidders shall provide financial turnover of the firm for the last three years duly certified by the Statutory Auditor(s).
3.5. Bidder should not have been debarred / blacklisted during the last three years. However, hiding of the facts or non-compliance by the Bidder in this regard would be punishable under existing law and would lead to rescinding or termination of the work if information relating to debarment or blacklisting is brought to knowledge of the Employer even during the currency of the contract brought forward at a later stage. Declaration in this regard has been incorporated in Form 4G, Section IV.
3.6. The similar works experience of parent company / subsidiary / sister Company of the Bidder shall not be considered.
3.7. The Bidder shall also indicate the following:
3.7.1. The Bidder sha...
Bidder Eligibility Criteria. The Bidders shall meet the following pre-qualification criteria:-
3.1 Bidder may be a private or government firm that is a reputed and resourceful fleet operator, and xxxxxxx contractor having experience in supply of the crew/manpower for xxxxxxx of inland or sea going vessels/dredgers and their operation and maintenance. Bidders that are government owned entity in the employer’s country may participate only if they can establish that they (i) operate under commercial law and (ii) are not dependent agencies of the employer.
3.2 The Bidder shall meet the Qualification criteria of executing similar works of the value as mentioned in clause 16.1