Openings. Openings for dispatched HCA positions shall be filled on the level of demonstrable skills as required for the position. In filling open dispatched HCA positions among competing, equally qualified candidates, seniority shall apply. Dispatched HCA positions shall be opened and filled at the sole discretion of the Employer.
Openings. 10.6.1 Once a vacancy has been posted and either filled by a voluntary transfer or reassignment, further openings shall not be considered vacancies and are not subject to the procedures of Article 10.4. If a vacancy has been posted and no one has applied for it at the end of the posting period, it shall become an opening.
10.6.2 The site administrator may use the openings to adjust the staff internally, in compliance with other sections of this Article.
10.6.3 A teacher from another site who has a transfer request on file with the District Human Resources Office may be considered for an opening.
10.6.4 An opening may be filled by hiring a new teacher.
Openings. All cafeteria openings will be made available to those cafeteria employees in the Westwood Public Schools, if qualified, and finally to outside applicants. All vacancies shall be posted for seven days each school. Westwood Public Schools shall endeavor to fill vacant/open positions within 30 days of the initial posting. The selection of employees for openings will be based on evaluations. All in-house applicants shall be notified in writing as to whether or not they were awarded the vacant position within 30 days. All new employees will be required to complete a trial period of 90 school days. Personal, sick, and holiday leave will be accrued monthly on a pro-rata basis during this trial period.
Openings. Openings for positions in the school district's summer programs shall be posted by the Administration by June 1st. Seniority will be considered. However, selection by the Superintendent will be based upon his/her opinion of the teacher's qualifications for the position.
Openings. Openings for summer school and evening school professional positions shall be posted electronically to all staff via District email.
Openings. The Superintendent shall notify all staff of any openings that occur so that current staff can apply. Notification of openings shall be sent via email; a mass notification system will be utilized for alert of posting sent via email. Current regular teaching staff, if certified and having applied within the five (5) day posting period shall have preference over hiring new personnel. The building principal and/or superintendent shall have the right, not obligation, to meet with the teacher applicant to discuss the expectations of the position. If two (2) or more current regular teaching staff apply for the same opening, seniority shall be the sole determining criteria, if Paragraph A.1. above, does not apply. Tutors currently employed by the Board will be guaranteed an interview for a regular teaching position.
Openings. 6.1.1 The Human Resources Office shall provide for posting at each school a list of openings as they occur throughout the year. The specifications of the position and the qualifications required of the applicant shall be on file in the Human Resources Office.
6.1.2 Unit members shall indicate their desire for transfer or reassignment to the Deputy Superintendent for Human Resources prior to March 15th.
6.1.3 A list of unit members requesting transfer shall be sent to each site administrator by March 20th for consideration for vacancies as they occur.
6.1.4 A unit member who has not requested a transfer or reassignment in writing prior to March 15th may apply for openings as they occur.
6.1.5 Written notice of transfer or reassignment shall be given by an administrator to the unit member as soon as practicable and, under normal circumstances, not later than ten (10) days before the end of the unit member's work year.
6.1.6 A unit member requesting a transfer shall have consideration for any District opening within the same certification.
6.1.7 A unit member returning from a job sharing assignment shall have consideration for openings within his certification.
6.1.8 A special education teacher who requests a reassignment shall meet with the Deputy Superintendent for Human Resources to explore potential assignments.
6.1.9 The Association President shall be notified of all certificated openings or any newly created certificated classification, excluding management and supervisory positions, under Article 1, Section 1.2, of the Agreement, within three (3) days. Updated Version – TA Signatures dated 3/13/15
Openings. Openings for summer school and evening school professional positions shall be posted in each school and on the bulletin board at the Administration Office at County Street as soon as possible.
Openings. 4.1.1. Overhead Doors Operators – Xxxxxxxxxxx/Liftmaster;
4.1.2. Door Hardware – Best Locks - 7 pin, G Keyway, Antimicrobial Finish, L-Privacy, N- Passage, D-Storeroom;
Openings. 65-1 When openings occur for an Auxiliary Staff position, an internal posting will be created. Members may submit a letter of interest. Interviews will be granted only to qualified personnel as determined by job description or civil service requirements.