OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. (i) If the Employer has reasonable advance notice of an employee's absence which causes a full shift overtime assignment, or if overtime is for a full shift for other reasons, such overtime assignments shall be equalized and offered among all employees in the appropriate position classification within the agreed unit. If, after a reasonable attempt, an employee cannot be contacted for overtime, the next eligible employee shall be contacted. However, the employee by-passed shall not be credited with any hours worked.
(ii) However, if reasonable advance notice was not forthcoming and/or overtime is for a period less than a full shift, such overtime assignment shall be equalized and offered to those employees already at work on that shift whose work schedule shall be extended by such assignment.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. Weekly overtime offered to the weekend shift that is offered after the midpoint of their Monday shift, will not be charged if refused, however, will be charged only if worked.
26 A weekend employee that was on a day-at-a-time vacation, when overtime is scheduled, that is eligible and qualified to work overtime, will be eligible to work the overtime, provided the employee notifies their supervisor of their intent to work such overtime. If such employee replaces another employee, the employee being replaced is not charged for that overtime. 27 Mandatory overtime language will not apply to the weekend shift employees.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. Notice of scheduled Saturday or Sunday overtime will given to the employee(s) affected by no later than the end of his (their) scheduled shift on Thursday preceding the weekend.
A. When the scheduled of a shop is to be changed, the Company shall notify the shop employee(s) affected prior to the end of his (their) shift on the preceding day.
B. Employees may be notified by bulletin board notice and/or personal communication. Employees so scheduled to work will be expected to work as scheduled unless excused in advance by their supervisor. Should the Company fail to provide such advance notice of weekend or shop schedule changes, the employee or employees affected are free to reject the opportunity to work at the time it is offered.
C. It is understood that the preceding paragraphs are not applicable 'to casual or emergency overtime on a daily basis.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. The Company will notify employees as soon as reasonably possible that overtime work will be required. The Company will notify the employees of the anticipated amount of overtime being offered.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. 11-4-1 An employee called back to work for an emergency shall be paid a minimum of four
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. 11-4-1 An employee called back to work for an emergency not including snow removal shall be paid a minimum of four (4) hours plus one hour of travel time at the rate of time and a half (1 ½) of the employee’s regular hourly rate.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. Employees assigned to work overtime shall be obligated to perform said work in the same manner and to the same extent as they are required to perform work on regular time, provid- ed employees receive reasonable notice of required overtime. Absent unusual circumstances, reasonable notice is defined as the employee’s lunch break for required daily overtime. For overtime required prior to the start of the shift the next sched- ule workday reasonable notice is defined as prior to the end of the shift. For overtime outside of the scheduled work week notice shall be as follows: • Prior to the end of the shift on the 4th regular workday for required overtime on the 6th or 7th day for a 5 day work schedule. • Prior to the end of the shift on the (3rd) regular workday for required overtime on 5th, 6th, or 7th workday for a 4 day work schedule. • Prior to the end of the shift on the second (2nd) regular workday for required overtime on the 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th day for a 3 day work schedule. The Company agrees that the above notice posted for work outside the regular work week will state the specific hours to be worked on such days. The Company may revise such scheduled hours, but such revi- sions will not occur later than 2:00 p.m. on: • The 5th workday for a 5 day work schedule. • The 4th workday for a 4 day work schedule. • The 3rd workday for a 3 day work schedule. Should overtime be scheduled, the parties agree that prefer- ence shall be given to the employees regularly employed on the job or operation working overtime, and insofar as is prac- ticable, the seniority of the employees involved in the over- time work shall be observed.
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. 2 ARTICLE 3 - VACATIONS 3.1 Eligibility............................................... 3 3.2 Anniversary............................................... 3 3.3
OVERTIME NOTIFICATION. Overtime is offered in the following order by seniority:
i. Short Term Short Term – Will be defined as a shift which commences less than 18 hours from the time of the call out process. The shift will be awarded immediately. Pilots will not be contacted by telephone during their rest period.
ii. Medium Term Medium Term – Will be defined as a shift which commences within the next 24 hours to 14 days. The call out process will be done to those eligible and awarded as above (20.01 a) after 24 hours has elapsed.