Part-Time Overtime. Employees who work less than full days will not receive overtime until their work exceeds the stated regular hours of work as specified in Article 11.1.
Part-Time Overtime. Regular part-time unit members shall receive overtime for work required on the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) scheduled day, provided the workday is an average of four (4) hours or more. If the regular workday is an average of less than four (4) hours, the unit member will receive overtime only for the seventh (7th) day worked.
Part-Time Overtime. Employees recognize the need for overtime. All overtime shall be given by seniority on a bargaining unit wide basis and will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner. If a part-time employee is authorized to and does work in excess of their forty (40) hours in a one (1) week period or/and more than twelve (12) consecutive hours, he/she will receive payment of overtime premium at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate of pay for said time worked. Work performed in excess of twelve (12) consecutive hours shall be paid at the applicable overtime rate. The intent of this article is not to regularly extend shifts or bypass the present call-in procedure.
Part-Time Overtime. If a part-time employee is authorized to and does work in excess of their scheduled shifts (8 hours/weekday and 12 hours/weekend). He/she will receive payment of overtime premium at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular straight time hourly rate of pay for said time worked (except when replacing a full-time’s scheduled 9 hours shift). (Definition of a 24-hour period is from 12 midnight to 11:59 p.m.) The exception to the article is the Sunday night shift of 12 hours.
Part-Time Overtime. Overtime for part-time Employees shall not be compensated on a daily basis but otherwise shall be the same as for full-time Employees, that is, when in excess of eighty (80) hours averaged over a two (2) week schedule.
Part-Time Overtime. Subject to Clause 7.2(b), if a part-time employee works in excess of 5 days in a week, 10 ordinary hours on any one day or shift, thirty-eight (38) ordinary hours in a week, in excess of their Permanent Hours (without their agreement) or outside the spread of ordinary hours in Clause 16.1 (for day workers), they shall be paid the appropriate overtime rate for such additional hours.
Part-Time Overtime. A part-time employee will be informed upon engagement of the ordinary hours of work and starting and finishing times. A part-time employee will not be required to work outside of the hours advised in accordance with clause 11.3.1 unless urgent and/or unforeseen circumstances intrude. In such a case, the overtime provisions of Clause 11.3 of the Agreement, Reasonable Additional Hours will apply.