Pass Days Sample Clauses
Pass Days. Section 1. Since members of this division may be required to work irregular shifts and hours, specific pass days shall be posted for each member. Said pass days must be posted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the actual day off.
Section 2. Employees covered hereby earn pass days every 28-day scheduling period, the equivalent of two bi-weekly payroll periods, that they are actively employed by the County. During each 28-day scheduling period, an employee working on a 10- hour per day schedule works 16 days, for an annual total of 208, compensated at 10 hours each, will earn 12 pass days, for a total of 157 pass days annually. An employee working on an eight hour per day schedule works 20 days during each scheduling period, for a total of 261 compensated annually, and earns eight pass days, for a total of 104 pass days annually. An employee working on a nine hour per day schedule works 18 days, for an annual total of 235, compensated at nine hours each, will earn 10 pass days, for a total of 130 pass days annually. An employee working on a 12 hour per day schedule works 14 days, for an annual total of 183 days, compensated at 12 hours each, except for the one eight hour day each 14 day period and will earn 14 pass days, for a total of 182 pass days annually.
Section 3. In addition to the pass days provided in Section 2, each eligible employee shall receive 24 hours of extra pass time. Employees become eligible for said time covered under this section after January 1 of a calendar year, shall receive said time on a pro rata basis. When an employee requests extra pass time, the request will be granted or denied within the next five (5) working days. The request for the extra pass time must be made at least 28 days in advance. The same shall be taken only during each calendar year of this agreement, and shall not be carried over to the next calendar year.
Section 4. Employees covered hereby may change a leave day after the schedule has been posted if they receive permission from the Sheriff, or his designee.
Section 5. Leave days herein provided for may be postponed by the Sheriff, or his designee, for emergency purposes, but leave days so postponed may be taken at a later date at a time mutually agreeable with the employee and the Sheriff, or his designee, or paid at a rate of one and one-half the regular rate of pay of the employee, at the discretion of the Sheriff, or his designee.
Section 6. Pass days shall be assigned by the members immediate ...
Pass Days. Section 1. Because deputies are required to work regardless of calendar weekends, i.e., Saturdays and Sundays, the County grants days off in lieu thereof and refers to these as "pass days."
Section 2. Employees covered hereby earn pass days every twenty-eight (28) day scheduling period, the equivalent of two bi-weekly payroll periods, that they are actively employed by the County. During each twenty-eight (28) day scheduling period, an employee working on a ten (10) hour per day schedule works sixteen (16) days, for an annual total of two hundred eight (208), compensated at ten (10) hours each, will earn twelve (12) pass days, for a total of one hundred fifty-seven (157) pass days annually. An employee working on an eight (8) hour per day schedule works twenty (20) days during each scheduling period, for a total of 261 compensated annually, and earns eight (8) pass days, for a total of one hundred four (104) pass days annually. An employee working on a nine (9) hour per day schedule works eighteen (18) days, for an annual total of two hundred thirty-five (235), compensated at nine
Pass Days. All employees shall be regularly scheduled to avoid split pass days except when the employee requests or agrees to same. Employee shall be scheduled for a minimum of four (4) pass days during each pay period.
Pass Days. 14.1: Definition: Because police officers are required to work regardless of calendar weekends, including Saturdays and Sundays, the City grants days off in lieu thereof and refers to these days as "pass days."
Pass Days. 11 Section 1.............................................................................................................. 11 Section 2.............................................................................................................. Section 3.............................................................................................................. Section 4.............................................................................................................. 12 Section 5.............................................................................................................. Section 6.............................................................................................................. 12 Section 7.............................................................................................................. ARTICLE 11 HOURS AND RATES OF PAY. 13 Section 1.............................................................................................................. Section 2.............................................................................................................. Section 3.............................................................................................................. Section 4.............................................................................................................. Section 5.............................................................................................................. Section 6.............................................................................................................. Section 7.............................................................................................................. 15 Section 8.............................................................................................................. Section 9. Dog Handlers 15 Section 10. Field Training Officer Pay 15 Section 11. Pagers 15 ARTICLE 12 VACATIONS.................................................................................................................... 16 Section 1.............................................................................................................. Section 2.............................................................................................................. Section 3.............................................................................................................. Section 4..................................................
Pass Days. The Sheriff shall assign pass days. If pass days are changed, it cannot be done for arbitrary and capricious reasons. Such changes are subject to review under the grievance procedure as to whether they were arbitrary and capricious. Requests for a change in pass days may be made at any time. Such request must be made in writing and shall be filed with the Sheriff or his/her designee.
Pass Days. Section 1. Since members of this division may be required to work irregular shifts and hours, specific pass days shall be posted for each member. Said pass days must be posted at least twenty-eight (28) days in advance of the actual day off.
Section 2. Employees covered hereby earn pass days every 28-day scheduling period, the equivalent of two bi-weekly payroll periods, that they are actively employed by the County. During each 28-day scheduling period, an employee working on a 10-hour per day schedule works 16 days, for an annual total of 208, compensated at 10 hours each, will earn 12 pass days, for a total of 157 pass days annually. An employee working on an eight hour per day schedule works 20 days during each scheduling period, for a total of 261 compensated annually, and earns eight pass days, for a total of 104 pass days annually. An employee working on a nine hour per day schedule works 18 days, for an annual total of 235, compensated at nine hours each, will earn 10 pass days, for a total of 130 pass days
Pass Days. If an employee's regular pass day falls in his vacation period, such pass day shall Dot be count.eel as a day of vacat.ion. The vClc:ati.on and pass day .:~chedulc.'::.::h1~1 be eff(?,-:xxx so t.hat an employee's scheduled p a ::-:~:3 d ,;=J Y t a 11 1. n 1;1 wit 11i n t. h e vve e k pre c (~d i. n 9 hi. 3 S c he du 1 e d v a cat. ion period will fall prior to that employee's scheduled vacation period.
Pass Days. All employees shall be regularly scheduled to avoid split pass days except when the employee requests or agrees to same. Within the “needs of the service”, selection of scheduled pass days shall be on a seniority basis within classifications. Employees shall receive a minimum of four (4) pass days during the scheduled work period, or be paid therefore in accordance with Section 6 of this Article. If an employee returning to work following a leave of absence under Article 16, Section 5 or 9, is compelled to work on any of his/her scheduled pass days remaining during the Scheduled Work Period, the employee shall be paid overtime pay for all hours the employee is compelled to work on such pass day(s).
Pass Days