Payslips Sample Clauses

Payslips. (a) The following particulars of details of payment to each Employee must be included on the Employees’ work statement/ payslip: (i) Name of the employing Employer; (ii) Business name, Legal name, trading name ABN/ACN; (iii) Name of Employee; (iv) Employee’s classification; (v) Date of payment and period covered by work statement/ payslip; (vi) Details of the number of ordinary hours worked; (vii) Details of the number of overtime hours worked; (viii) The ordinary hourly rate and the amount paid at that rate; (ix) The overtime hourly rates and the amounts paid at those rates; (x) The gross wages paid; (xi) The net wages paid; (xii) Details of any deductions made from the wages; (xiii) Details of all accrued entitlements including RDO accruals, personal leave, annual leave, long service leave etc.; (xiv) Details of the Employer’s Incolink and CBUS/superannuation contributions, including when the contribution was made and the amount, and, details of Employee contributions, including when the contribution was made and the amount;
Payslips. Particulars of details of payment to each employee will be provided in a statement handed to the employee at the time payment is made and will contain the following information:-
Payslips. Employee/s may notify the Enterprise that wages be paid weekly by electronic funds transfer in to the employee’s nominated back account/s. Payments will be available to the employee/s not later than the cessation of ordinary working hours on Thursday of each working week. Where Thursday or Friday of any given week is a non-working day, payments and wage slip will be made available to the employee/s on the Wednesday. The Enterprise will supply the employee weekly payslips that include the following information: • Name and classification of employeeDate of payment • Period covered by such payment • Ordinary hourly rate & number of ordinary hours worked per dayOvertime rate & number of overtime hours worked • Amount of allowances or special rates and the nature thereof • Gross amount of wages and allowances paid • Net amount of wages and allowances paid • Deduction of net payment from gross payment • Amount of superannuation contributionAnnual leave loading payments
Payslips. Residents may view and print pay stubs online via the One Touch portal. Residents may opt-in to enroll to electronically view/receive W-2 information via One Touch.
Payslips. Pay slips shall show a breakdown of payments, among other things into day work, overtime and work on public holidays (stórhátíðardagar). A breakdown of all deductions shall also be shown. Holiday pay shall be recorded on the payslip according to holiday pay law, among other things, holiday pay on day work and overtime if appropriate. Accrued rights to take leave shall also be specified pursuant to Article 2.4.2.
Payslips. All documents that are submitted are required to be original or certified copies.
Payslips. Payslips with the following minimum information must be used in connection with the payment of wages: - The CVR No. of the enterprise - Hourly-paid work - Piece-work/surplus - Overtime - Pay during sickness - Holiday and public holiday savings - Mileage allowance - ATP - Pension - Compensation for first and second days of unemployment
Payslips. (a) The Act and Regulations set out an Employer's obligations with respect to pay slips, including but not limited to a requirement to specify: (i) the period to which the pay slip relates; (ii) the amount of wages to which the Employee is entitled; (iii) if an amount was deducted from the gross amount of the payment, the name or the name and number of the fund or account into which the deduction was paid; and (iv) the net amount for each payment. (b) To the extent reasonably practicable, payslips will record an Employee's accrued annual leave and personal leave. (c) Where an adjustment is made to the Doctor’s pay to reflect an error arising from another pay period (such as overpayment or an entitlement to an additional payment) the Doctor will be advised in writing. (d) Note: in the event of a proposed deduction for an overpayment, please see clause 46, Recovery of Overpayments. (e) Payslips are important to ensuring that Doctors can be satisfied they are being paid correctly. Where a Doctor has a query about the content of their payslip, the Doctor may: (i) raise that query with the Medical Workforce Unit or Payroll Department (where applicable); and (ii) request that the AMA, including the Ambassador, raise any query with the Medical Workforce Unit or Payroll Department (where applicable) on their behalf.
Payslips. FAMILY AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEAVE SHOULD not be recorded on pay slips but employers should keep the usual records relating to leave records in the employee’s employment records. For further information about Family and Domestic Violence Leave go to the National Employment Standards page on The People in Dairy website.
Payslips. The Employer will provide the employee with a payslip which include the details required under regulations 19.20 and 19.21 of the Workplace Relations Regulations (or equivalent provision in any successor regulations or legislation) together with the classification of the employee.