Leave Arrangements Sample Clauses
Leave Arrangements. 35.1 Employees maintain coverage for long service leave, compensation leave and maternity leave under the relevant Acts.
35.2 In keeping with the principles of achieving cost-effective personnel services and good management of employees‘ entitlements, Section Heads, in consultation with the employee(s) concerned, should encourage the use of flextime or TOIL for absences of less than one day.
35.3 Grants of annual leave, personal/xxxxx's leave and miscellaneous leave are based on ordinary hours specified in a part-time agreement, rostered ordinary hours or ordinary hours according to the employee‘s status.
35.4 Annual and other leave will be debited at the applicable rate, including for rostered employees, whose leave will be debited at the rate applicable to the particular rostered day had the employee worked that day.
35.5 Leave that an employee has accrued before the lodgement of this Agreement will be credited in line with the AWM's leave arrangements in existence at the time the leave entitlement was accrued.
35.6 Full time employees and employees whose ordinary rostered working hours are 73.5 per fortnight are entitled to 147 hours of paid annual leave per annum.
35.7 Rostered employees whose ordinary hours are 38 hours per week or 76 hours per fortnight are entitled to 152 hours of paid annual leave per annum.
35.8 Annual leave accrues daily and will be credited monthly.
35.9 Annual leave credits will not accrue during aggregated periods of leave not to count as service over 30 days in the accrual year or for any unauthorised absence.
35.10 Pro rata leave (this applies to those employees who have not completed a full calendar year or those employed on a part time basis) will be calculated according to the following formula: A = standard number of hours per week for period. B = number of calendar days to count as service in period. Where C = a basic annual leave credit of four weeks. D = number of calendar days in the year.
35.11 Employees will accrue an additional 0.5 day credit for each rostered Sunday worked, subject each year to a maximum of:
(a) 38.00 hours for employees in Security; or
(b) 36.45 hours for other employees with the above maximums being pro rated for part-time employees.
35.12 An employee whose employment is subject to a roster and who would normally be rostered on for duty when a shift penalty is payable, who is on annual leave, will be entitled to half the normal shift penalty payment.
35.13 Shift allowance is payable through per...
Leave Arrangements. Employees should submit a leave application to their immediate supervisor, who will forward it to Human Resources. In instances where leave is foreseeable, employees must provide 30 calendar days advance notice of the leave request. In cases of planned medical treatment, the employee should consult with the immediate supervisor in an attempt to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the University's operations. Where leave is not foreseeable, such as during a medical emergency, notice must be given as soon as practicable, and ordinarily within one or two business days of when the employee learns of the need for the leave. Where the leave is for the serious medical condition of the employee or the employee's spouse, child, or parent, the employee must submit a medical certification form supporting the need for the leave. This form will be provided by the Human Resources Department and will be filled in by the employee's health care provider. In certain instances, a second or third medical certification may be required at the University's expense. An employee will not be permitted to commence or remain on a FMLA leave unless a valid medical certification form is provided. In the case of a foreseeable intermittent leave for planned medical treatment or during a period of recovery from a serious health condition, the University may require an employee to transfer temporarily to an available alternative position, at the equivalent pay and benefits, for which the employee is qualified and which better accommodates recurring periods of leave than does the employee's regular position.
Leave Arrangements. 16.1 Annual leave shall be granted in accordance with the conditions laid down by the Minister for Education and Skills from time to time, for permanent whole-time teachers.
Leave Arrangements. Annual Leave 6.1 Personal/Carers Leave 6.2 Personal Leave 6.2.1 Paid Carers Leave 6.2.2 Unpaid Carers Leave 6.2.3 Compassionate Leave 6.3 Long Service leave 6.4 Parental Leave 6.5 Parental leave definitions 6.5.1 Transfer to a safe job 6.5.2 Return to work guarantee 6.5.3 Jury Leave 6.6 Statutory Holidays 6.7 Entitlement 6.7.1 Substitution 6.7.2
Leave Arrangements. Annual Leave – Interns will be entitled to all Public Holidays and 1.75 days annual leave for each month that they participate on the National Internship Scheme.
Leave Arrangements. Apart from personal leave taken when you are sick or for carers’ leave, all leave must be approved before it is taken. All applications for the taking of leave other than leave under flexible working arrangements which have been approved by the CEO must be made by completing and submitting an approved form and, if relevant, appropriate supporting documentation.
Leave Arrangements. 36.1 Where an employee joins ONA on or after the lodgement date from an employer staffed under the Public Service Act 1999, the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 or from the ACT Government Service, accrued annual leave and personal/carers leave (however described) will be transferred, provided there is no break in continuity of service.
36.2 Annex C provides further detail regarding a number of aspects related to leave.
Leave Arrangements. Employees working on the Marine Services 12 Hour Shift are entitled to 240 hours/20 shifts of annual leave. Sick leave entitlements are 120 hours/10 shifts. Leave (annual or long service) may be approved where there is at least 1 person remaining on each shift with required qualifications to relieve in the Signal Tower or as a Coxswain on the launch. Other operational demands will be taken into consideration at the time of the application for leave. Prior to any second MST member applying for leave, the MST Team Leader must contact the Launch Crew to verify that the Launch Crew have not already arranged to take leave. A minimum 7 days notice of intention to take leave is required. Annual leave can be taken in shifts or hours if required subject to approval as per the Leave Policy. The ability to take annual leave in hours is provided for personal/domestic emergencies that employees may have to attend from time to time whilst on shift. Flinders Ports will be flexible where possible to facilitate employees using long service leave as long as relief can be arranged and operational needs are met. Extended periods of long service leave require as much notice as possible in order to facilitate relief employees being arranged if necessary. Any leave or other absence such as workers compensation etc that extends beyond 4 weeks will be replaced on shift with a casual/GWE employee. At any time, 2 coxswains may be allowed leave at any one time (not on same shift). Regardless of the above considerations, no more than 2 people from each shift will be allowed on leave at any one time (excepting emergencies).
Leave Arrangements. The Proposed Agreement makes a number of improvements in relation to employee leave entitlements, including: increases the maternity leave period to sixteen weeks; introduces the payment of superannuation contributions in respect of parental absences (up to 52 weeks) for which they are the primary caregiver, to be made at the conclusion of the 52-week period (provided the employee continues to be employed at that time), or during the 12-month period if operationally more efficient; increases partner leave to 20 days' (in respect of a full-time employee) paid leave; increases other paid parental leave to sixteen weeks and clarifies eligibility for this leave; provides for two days' paid leave on five occasions per child for short term xxxxxx or kinship care; provides for paid leave to attend medical appointments associated with pregnancy of up to 38 hours without deduction of personal leave credits (with the same entitlement available to education support class and other employees), and increases spousal entitlement to 15.2 hours; confirms concurrent leave of eight weeks applies to eligible employees under the National Employment Standards; and confirms parental absences can commence up to six weeks prior to birth or adoption as provided for under the National Employment Standards. introduction of continuous accrual of personal leave (sick / carer's) and more inclusive definition of 'immediate family'; and increase to casual employee entitlement to not be available to attend work, or to leave work, upon the death of an immediate family / household member or to provide care to an immediate family / household member in specified circumstances to three days per occasion.
Leave Arrangements. 15.10.1. Annual Leave Maintenance Technicians are entitled to 152 hours Annual leave each year from the anniversary of the date of commencement of their employment. When Annual leave is taken, ordinary hours are deducted from their entitlement for each day taken. A record is required to record the taking of any leave. Annual leave loading of 17.5% is paid to Maintenance Technicians in the December pay each year regardless of when annual leave is actually taken.