Principles of this Agreement Sample Clauses

Principles of this Agreement. This Agreement sets out employment terms and conditions for the employer’s employees. This Agreement should not be interpreted in a way that would hinder WaterNSW’s pursuit of the following objectives: • delivering essential and sustainable water services for the benefit of customers and the community; • performing its functions in a safely, efficiently and effectively • protecting the environment; and • protecting public health. All parties agree to work together to continually improve productivity, flexibility and customer service to ensure that WaterNSW is a successful business. To facilitate this process, all employees will demonstrate WaterNSW's values. The parties also agree to collaborate for mutual benefit in: • providing safety for employees and the public; • building a one team culture; • rewarding people for performance and outcomes; • assisting employees to balance their work and private commitments; • ensuring availability of employees to serve customers and communities; • providing an environment that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination; • making the most efficient use of resources and supporting innovation; • respecting and valuing diversity; and • ensuring freedom of association. The employer acknowledges the right of employees to be represented by their union in relation to workplace health and safety, their industrial interests and in negotiating industrial change.
Principles of this Agreement. This agreement seeks to ensure fair, equitable and reasonable conditions for all employees, consistent with OAU’s values. OAU puts its values at the centre of what it does and provides an environment where employees are respected, valued and are given the opportunity to contribute. OAU remunerates employees according to skill, knowledge and experience. OAU is committed to providing an environment that supports work life balance. OAU recognises the value of consultation and collaboration in effective decision making. Secure employment benefits all parties - OAU will utilise the most secure form of employment that is reasonably practicable.
Principles of this Agreement. 5.1 In consideration for the Funding, Essex will undertake all the operational contract management activities required pursuant to the Contract including but not limited to the assessment of milestone achievement, validation of payment claims, managing contractual payments, management of contractual changes, management of the overall supplier relationship with the Contractor, and enforcing the Contract where necessary for delivery of the Deployed Services (such decision to enforce being at the discretion of Essex acting reasonably) 5.2 Maldon acknowledge and agree that Essex is the contracting party in the Contract and Maldon are not entitled to any rights or liable for any obligations pursuant to such Contract. 5.3 The Authorised Representative from Maldon will be invited to attend the monthly Deployed Services governance meetings. 5.4 Maldon will be consulted on key decisions but Essex shall have the exclusive right to take the final decisions on all matters related to the Deployed Services and this is acknowledged and agreed by Maldon. 5.5 The Parties agree to work together with each other in relation to the Deployed Services to ensure the successful implementation of the Deployed Services and in doing so they shall: (a) work together in an open, co-operative and collaborative manner; (b) communicate openly about major concerns, issues or opportunities relating to the Deployed Services; and (c) respond to each other in a timely manner to all relevant requests from each other. 5.6 Contract management will be provided by Essex for the duration of the contract term, which is 10 years from signature
Principles of this Agreement. The Parties shall act and implement this Agreement in accordance with the following principles: 1. This Agreement and the Protocol, in particular the exercise of fishing activities, shall be implemented in such a way as to ensure a fair distribution of the resulting benefits. 2. The Parties shall act with due respect for sovereignty and sovereign rights within the meaning of Article 56 of UNCLOS. 3. The Parties shall implement this Agreement in accordance with Article 9 of the Partnership Agreement between the members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the one part, and the European Community and its Member States, of the other part1, as last amended (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Cotonou Agreement’) on essential elements regarding human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law, and the fundamental element regarding good governance, or in accordance with the corresponding article of any successor agreement between the Union and the ACP countries. 4. The employment and work of fishers on board Union vessels authorised under this Agreement or the Protocol shall be carried out in accordance with the principles laid down in the instruments applicable to fishers of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in particular the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, 1998, as amended in 2022, and the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188). Those include, in particular, the elimination of forced and child labour, freedom of association, the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, a safe and healthy working environment, and decent living and working conditions on board Union fishing vessels. 5. In accordance with the principle of transparency, the Parties shall ensure the public availability of bilateral or multilateral agreements allowing access by foreign vessels to their fishing zone or access by their own vessels to other fishing zones. They undertake to exchange information on the resulting fishing effort, in particular the number of authorisations issued and the catches made. 6. In accordance with the principle of non-discrimination, Madagascar undertakes to apply the same technical and conservation measures to any foreign industrial tuna fleets operating in Madagascar’s fishing zone that have the same characteristics as those covered by this Agreement ...
Principles of this Agreement. 2.1 This Agreement seeks to set out principles of information sharing, for the Parties in carrying out their respective functions while maintaining compliance with their respective governing legislation and any other legislation governing disclosure. 2.2 The Parties will look to share information when it is considered that disclosure would assist in the discharge of their respective functions. They will have regard to the legal restrictions and obligations on use of information shared between the Parties including onward disclosure of information by the Parties in the exercise of their statutory functions and to their respective stakeholders. 2.3 Recognising that there are shared goals and an overlap in responsibilities, the Parties agree that any complaints which have been wrongly directed will be passed (with the complainant’s consent) to the correct organisation with the minimum of disruption to the complainant.
Principles of this Agreement. This Agreement sets out employment terms and conditions for the eEmployer’s employees. This Agreement should not be interpreted in a way that would hinder WaterNSW’s pursuit of the following objectives:  delivering essential and sustainable water services for the benefit of customers and the community; Commented [EB27]: This doesn’t make sense grammatically. Consider altering it to – performing its functions safely, efficiently and effectively.  performing its functions in a safely, efficiently and effective;xxx  protecting the environment; and  protecting public health. All parties agree to work together to continually improve productivity, flexibility and customer service to ensure that WaterNSW is a successful business. To facilitate this process, all employees will demonstrate WaterNSW's vValues. The parties also agree to collaborate for mutual benefit in:  providing safety for employees and the public;  building a one team culture;  rewarding people for performance and outcomes;  assisting employees to balance their work and private commitments;  ensuring availability of our employees to serve our customers and communities;  providing an environment that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination;  making the most efficient use of resources and supporting innovation;  respecting and valuing diversity; and  ensuring freedom of association. The eEmployer acknowledges the right of employees to be represented by their union in relation to workplace, health and safety, their industrial interests and in negotiating industrial change.

Related to Principles of this Agreement

  • Objectives of this Agreement The objectives of this agreement are as follows: i. To maintain and enhance the efficiency and productivity of the company. ii. To provide for increased pay and conditions of employment for employees. iii. To engender a cooperative industrial relations environment within the company and between the parties. iv. To maintain and improve occupational health and safety standards on company projects. v. To recognise the value of training and provide increased opportunities for employees to upgrade skill levels. vi. To meet the requirements and structural changes of the principal contractors for which the company are engaged by.

  • Terms of this Agreement The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement and all of the respective terms of this Agreement shall be treated as Confidential Information of both Parties.

  • Amendments of this Agreement This Agreement may be amended by the parties only if such amendment is specifically approved by (i) the Directors/Trustees of a Fund, or by the vote of a majority of outstanding voting securities of a Fund, and (ii) a majority of those Directors/Trustees of a Fund who are not parties to this Agreement or interested persons of any such party and who have no direct or indirect financial interest in this Agreement or in any Agreement related to the Fund's Rule 12b-1 Plan, cast in person at a meeting called for the purpose of voting on such approval.

  • Copies of this Agreement This Agreement shall be executed in four counterparts; each party holds one and the rest are used for the transaction of related formalities. Each of the copies shall be deemed as the original one and has the same effect.

  • Application of this Agreement This Agreement applies to the Land and to the Development proposed in the Development Application, as may be modified.

  • of this Agreement The primary frequency response requirements contained herein shall apply to both synchronous and non-synchronous Small Generating Facilities.

  • Duration of this Agreement The Term of this Agreement shall be as specified in Schedule A hereto.

  • Nature of this Agreement 3.1. This Agreement is a framework agreement within the meaning of regulation 2(1) of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015. Call-off Contracts are public contracts within the meaning of that regulation. 3.2. This Agreement is a multi-supplier framework agreement and the contractors that are party to it are the Framework Contractors. No other contractors are party to the Framework Agreement. 3.3. This Agreement is a multi-user framework agreement and the public bodies that are party to it are the Framework Public Bodies. No other public bodies are party to the Framework Agreement. 3.4. The Contractor acknowledges that it is not the exclusive supplier of the Services to Framework Public Bodies and as such no guarantee of work or volume of work has been granted by any Framework Public Body. 3.5. The Contractor acknowledges that the Framework Public Bodies are separate legal persons and as such the Authority has no liability in relation to the performance or non- performance of other Framework Public Bodies' obligations under this Framework Agreement or any Call-off Contracts.

  • Amendment of this Agreement No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived, discharged or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is sought, and no amendment of this Agreement shall be effective until approved in a manner consistent with the 1940 Act and rules and regulations thereunder and any applicable SEC exemptive order therefrom.

  • SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT 2.1. This Agreement, including Parts A through L, Tables One and Two and exhibits, specifies the rights and obligations of each Party with respect to the establishment, purchase, and sale of Local Interconnection, Collocation, resale of Telecommunications Services and Unbundled Network Elements. Certain terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings defined in PART A – DEFINITIONS, or as otherwise elsewhere defined throughout this Agreement. Other terms used but not defined in this Agreement will have the meanings ascribed to them in the Act and in the FCC’s and the Commission’s rules, regulations and orders. PART B sets forth the general terms and conditions governing this Agreement. The remaining Parts set forth, among other things, descriptions of the services, pricing, technical and business requirements, and physical and network security requirements.