CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. If one or more clauses in this Contract are found to be invalid or declared to be invalid in accordance with any law, regulation or following a definitive decision by a competent court, other clauses will still retain their force and bearing.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. The above Contract is approved in all parts.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. By this Amendment, as a result of the merger of INTERCAMP SISTEMAS E COMÉRCIO DE INFORMÁTICA S.A. into LINX SISTEMAS E CONSULTORIA LTDA., identified in the preamble, the Parties agree to make the following changes in the AGREEMENT: i) deletion of items VIII, IX, XI, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, and XXI from Section Eight, ii) addition of the obligations referred to in Section Eight, items XII, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, and XXI of Agreement No. 15.2.0579.1 of December 11, 2015 to Section Eight of the AGREEMENT, iii) amendment to Section Nine, iv) amendment to the main provision of Section Thirteen, v) deletion of clause “d” from the main provision of Section Eighteen, and vi) deletion of Section Fourteen.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. (a) If there are any new proposed working operations or new uses of materials, or any new rulings; this Agreement may be opened for discussion of such proposals.
(b) Whenever there is a mutual agreement on the part of the Employers and the Union, the Contract shall be considered open for discussion on a specific item or items only. If parties cannot agree on a change, the contract will nevertheless continue in accordance with its terms.
(c) In case of a misunderstanding between Labor and Management and it becomes necessary to utilize the Mediation Services or an impartial arbitrator; the cost will be born equally between Labor and Management.
(d) Binding Arbitration - Sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement or before 1 March 2020 either party signatory to this Agreement may request by certified mail to open this Agreement for the discussion of wages, working conditions, and other items to be included in a Collective Bargaining Agreement. Both parties to this contract hereby agree on the principle or binding arbitration in the event no agreement can be reached for the succeeding year(s) of this Agreement. This arbitration clause hereby includes a no-strike, no lock-out provision, meaning that under no circumstances shall the Union strike if no agreement can be reached, nor shall the Employer lock out the Union employees if no agreement can be reached. If no agreement is reached by 30 days prior to the expiration of the Agreement, both parties shall agree on a date to notify the Arbitrator, requesting arrangements be made to have both parties submit their proposals to binding arbitration for a final settlement. Prior to the actual arbitration procedure, negotiations shall continue between both parties. In the event no decision is reached by the Arbitration Board by the expiration of this contract, the contractors agree to pay retroactive pay for one-half (1/2) of the working days after the expiration date, not to exceed one-half (1/2) of thirty (30) days after the expiration date.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. 16.1. The terms of this Contract may only be amended by written agreement of the parties.
16.2. Except as provided in point 16.1, the Contract shall be automatically amended or supplemented by any amendments or additions to the applicable legislation. In case of any such amendment or supplement, BE shall notify BRP accordingly within 2 working days of the adoption of the respective amendments/completions to the applicable legislation.
16.3. The Parties agree to revise this Contract upon written request of BRP or BE if:
a) the operational reliability of the natural gas system in the Republic of Moldova is adversely affected by the continued performance of this Contract;
b) new circumstances or a new legal provision arise which directly or indirectly affect the ability of the Parties to implement this Contract.
16.4. If the parties do not accept to amend this Contract after 12 (twelve) working days from the date either party has sent to the other party a written request in accordance with point 16.3, either party may declare the termination of this Contract, where upon the outstanding payment obligations shall become effective immediately or on a date specified by BE or BRP in the declaration of termination.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. 1. The Company shall post an amended version of this Agreement on the Company’s website if changing this Agreement.
2. Users have a duty to regularly check the details of changes to this Agreement on the Company’s website.
3. If a User does not agree to the changes to this Agreement, the User shall immediately stop using the Software and must uninstall the Software.
4. If a User continues to use the Software after changes to this Agreement, the User shall be deemed to have agreed to the changes to this Agreement.
5. The Company shall not make any changes to this Agreement that incur a monetary burden on Users in relation to the Software.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. Buyer may from time to time issue written changes to this contract as may be required to account for revised business requirements. Such changes include, but are not limited to, place of manufacturing, method of shipment, and modification of express responsibilities delineated in Article 6, above. In the event Buyer issues a written change to this contract under the authority of this Article 14, Manufacturer shall have [****] to assert a claim for equitable adjustment in the prices to be paid for Products, or for service fees not previously within the scope of the contract. A failure to assert a claim for equitable adjustment within the prescribed [****] period shall be conclusive as to whether the ordered change is reimbursable or not by Buyer. Moreover, in the event that Buyer’s conduct (including contractual direction by authorized Buyer representatives) under this MMSSA is deemed to constitute a material or cardinal change in Manufacturer’s existing obligations, Manufacturer may assert a unilateral claim for equitable adjustment for the Buyer’s consideration prior to performing the allegedly changed work. In such a case, the parties shall immediately meet and confer as to whether the changed requirement shall be the subject of a formal, written contract amendment. A failure to agree shall be treated as a dispute under the provisions of the Disputes clause (Article 24).
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. Subject to the Opt Out, with effect from the Date of Implementation, the clauses set out in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 will replace equivalent terms relating to days and times of attendance; mobility; notice of change; part year and compressed hours working and pay in the contracts of employment of the Relevant Employees whether such terms are expressly agreed and set out in their Statement of Terms and Conditions of employment or some other written agreement, or whether they were agreed orally or implied. All other terms and conditions remain as previously stated. The revised terms and conditions have been agreed with the Public & Commercial Services (PCS), FDA and Prospect trade unions. It is agreed that they will be applied in accordance with the provisions outlined below, which do not create contractual obligations for either party to the agreement.
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. This Service Agreement may change and ArmorPoint may update this Service Agreement from time to time. It is your responsibility to check this Service Agreement periodically for changes. The following Governance structure defines the Contract Change Process: Service scope Change of scope presented with justification and supporting data. Changes that cause a change to the monthly cost to Client of more than $1,000 will require further Executive Approval through a Contract Change process. Order Form New project or effort Each proposed effort or initiative will be presented to executive leadership and/or board with supporting charter, solution outline and estimates. Order Form Change to the overall service requirements and performances Each change will be presented to the Executive and be processed with further Executive Approval Contract CCR or Addendum Change to the scope, terms and conditions of the current Each change will be presented to the Executive and be processed with further Executive Approval Contract Addendum The following exclusions apply to the scope of the work stated above and have been incorporated into the pricing stated below: • Implementation of technology, including software agents, is not included within the Statement of Work • Any work or services not expressly provided for herein • Any application development or integration efforts not expressly provided for herein • Any actual hardware purchases for on-premise needs • Any migration or upgrade of Client infrastructure (servers, network, etc.) • Any actual implementation of the recommendations made by ArmorPoint unless specified in this document • Any efforts tied to re-installing OS due to virus or malware or any system instability after the removal of a virus • Any work related to being crypto-locked. ArmorPoint will work to mitigate the spread by blocking at the edge and/or taking machines offline • Any data recovery and forensics work due to purposeful or malicious Client or application errors • Any software license or physical hardware expenses • Any software license that’s not explicitly mentioned, and not covered by ArmorPoint • All Travel and lodging costs • Any fees related to shipping, handling, customs, duties and/or taxes • Any additional work requested beyond the scope of this Agreement will be expressly set forth by subsequent agreement, including, but not limited to, a Contract Change Request (“CCR”) The following constitutes the reference for performance and expectations...
CONTRACTUAL CHANGES. Jiva Health may from time to time change or add to these terms for security, legal, regulatory or operational reasons. Where reasonable Jiva Health will provide one month’s notice of any significant changes. If any change has a material adverse effect on your use of the facilities you may resign your membership at any time on giving Jiva Health 10 days written notice.