Allocation of Resources Whenever a disaster causes Vendor to allocate limited resources between or among Vendor's customers, vendor will not provide priority over Prudential to any other customers of Vendor. In addition, in no event will Vendor re-deploy or reassign any vendor Key Employee (as identified and defined in an applicable Engagement Schedule) or any Affected Employee (as identified and defined in an applicable Engagement Schdule) to any other Vendor account in the event of a disaster.
Management of Company 5.1.1 The Members, within the authority granted by the Act and the terms of this Agreement shall have the complete power and authority to manage and operate the Company and make all decisions affecting its business and affairs. 5.1.2 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all decisions and documents relating to the management and operation of the Company shall be made and executed by a Majority in Interest of the Members. 5.1.3 Third parties dealing with the Company shall be entitled to rely conclusively upon the power and authority of a Majority in Interest of the Members to manage and operate the business and affairs of the Company.
Performance Management 17.1 The Contractor will appoint a suitable Account Manager to liaise with the Authority’s Strategic Contract Manager. Any/all changes to the terms and conditions of the Agreement will be agreed in writing between the Authority’s Strategic Contract Manager and the Contractor’s appointed representative. 17.2 The Contractor will ensure that there will be dedicated resources to enable the smooth running of the Framework Agreement and a clear plan of contacts at various levels within the Contractor's organisation. Framework Public Bodies may look to migrate to this Framework Agreement as and when their current contractual arrangements expire. The Contractor will where necessary assign additional personnel to this Framework Agreement to ensure agreed service levels are maintained and to ensure a consistent level of service is delivered to all Framework Public Bodies. 17.3 In addition to annual meetings with the Authority's Strategic Contract Manager, the Contractor is expected to develop relationships with nominated individuals within each of the Framework Public Bodies to ensure that the level of service provided on a local basis is satisfactory. Where specific problems are identified locally, the Contractor will attempt to resolve such problems with the nominated individual within that organisation. The Authority's Strategic Contract Manager will liaise (or meet as appropriate) regularly with the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager, and where common problems are identified, it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to liaise with the Authority's Strategic Contract Manager to agree a satisfactory course of action. Where the Contractor becomes aware of a trend that would have a negative effect on one or more of the Framework Public Bodies, they should immediately notify the Authority's Strategic Contract Manager to discuss corrective action. 17.4 Regular meetings, frequency to be advised by Framework Public Body, will be held between the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager and the Contractor's representative to review the performance of their Call-Off Contract(s) under this Framework Agreement against the agreed service levels as measured through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Reports will be provided by the Contractor to the Framework Public Bodies' Contract Manager at least 14 days prior to the these meetings. 17.5 Performance review meetings will also be held annually, between the Authority's Strategic Contract Manager and the Contractor's representative to review the performance of the Framework Agreement against the agreed service levels as measured through Key Performance Indicators. A summary of the quarterly reports will be provided by the Contractor at least 14 days prior to these meetings. 17.6 The Authority will gather the outputs from contract management to review under the areas detailed in the table below. Provision of management reports 90% to be submitted within 10 working days of the month end Report any incident affecting the delivery of the Service(s) to the Framework Public Body 100% to be reported in writing to FPB within 24 hours of the incident being reported by telephone/email Prompt payment of sub-contractors and/or consortia members (if applicable). Maximum of 30 from receipt of payment from Framework Public Bodies, 10 days target 100% within 30 days
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5.1 The Employee agrees to participate in the performance management system that the Employer adopted for the employees of the Employer; 5.2 The Employee accepts that the purpose of the performance management system will be to provide a comprehensive system with specific performance standards to assist the employees and service providers to perform to the standards required; 5.3 The Employer must consult the Employee about the specific performance standards and targets that will be included in the performance management system applicable to the Employee; 5.4 The Employee undertakes to actively focus on the promotion and implementation of the key performance indicators (including special projects relevant to the employee’s responsibilities) within the local government framework; 5.5 The criteria upon which the performance of the Employee shall be assessed shall consist of two components, Operational Performance and Competencies both of which shall be contained in the Performance Agreement; 5.6 The Employee’s assessment will be based on his performance in terms of the outputs/outcomes (performance indicators) identified as per attached Performance Plan, which are linked to the KPAs, and will constitute 80% of the overall assessment result as per the weightings agreed to between the Employer and Employee; 5.7 The Competencies will make up the other 20% of the Employee’s assessment score. The Competencies are spilt into two groups, leading competencies (indicated in blue on the graph below) that drive strategic intent and direction and core competencies (indicated in green on the graph below), which drive the execution of the leading competencies. Strategic direc on and leadership People management Program and project management Financial management Change leadership Governance leadersip Moral competence Planning and organising Analysis and innova on Knowledge and informa on management Communica on Results and quality focus
MANAGEMENT OF EVALUATION OUTCOMES 12.1 Where the Employer is, any time during the Employee’s employment, not satisfied with the Employee’s performance with respect to any matter dealt with in this Agreement, the Employer will give notice to the Employee to attend a meeting; 12.2 The Employee will have the opportunity at the meeting to satisfy the Employer of the measures being taken to ensure that his performance becomes satisfactory and any programme, including any dates, for implementing these measures; 12.3 Where there is a dispute or difference as to the performance of the Employee under this Agreement, the Parties will confer with a view to resolving the dispute or difference; and 12.4 In the case of unacceptable performance, the Employer shall – 12.4.1 Provide systematic remedial or developmental support to assist the Employee to improve his performance; and 12.4.2 After appropriate performance counselling and having provided the necessary guidance and/or support as well as reasonable time for improvement in performance, the Employer may consider steps to terminate the contract of employment of the Employee on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to carry out his or her duties.
Account Management 15.1 The Contractor is required to provide a dedicated Strategic Account Manager who will be the main point of contact for the Authority. The Strategic Account Manager will: Attend quarterly, or as otherwise agreed, review meetings with the Authority, in person at the Authority’s premises or other locations as determined by the Authority Attend regular catch-up meetings with the Authority, in person or by telephone/videoconference Resolve any on-going operational issues which have not been resolved by the Contractor or Account Manager(s) and therefore require escalation Ensure that the costs involved in delivering the Framework are as low as possible, whilst always meeting the required standards of service and quality. 15.2 The Contractor is also required to provide a dedicated Account Manager for every Framework Public Body using the Framework, if required by the Framework Public Body. The service to be provided will be agreed with each Framework Public Body and may include: regular review meetings, which may be in person at the Framework Public Bodies’ premises, by video-conference, webinar or telephone Regular catch-up meetings/telephone calls to discuss current and on-going issues Work with the Framework Public Bodies Contract Manager to resolve any on-going operational issues Work with the Framework Public Body ’s Contract Manager to pro-actively introduce initiatives to: Create efficiencies in processes Improve the environmental performance of the contract. 15.3 It is expected that end users will contact the Contractor in the first instance to resolve any operational issues. The Account Manager will act as a point of escalation to be contacted either by end users or by the Framework Public Body’s Contract Manager should there be issues that the Contractor needs to resolve. 15.4 Further details of the roles and responsibilities of the Contractor, Authority and Framework Public Bodies are provided in Schedule 4 – Management Arrangements
Management of the Partnership The Limited Partners shall not participate in the management or control of Partnership business nor shall they transact any business for the Partnership, nor shall they have the power to sign for or bind the Partnership, such powers being vested solely and exclusively in the General Partner.
Exit Management 58.1. The Service Provider shall perform its relevant Exit Management obligations as part of the Contract whether applicable on either the expiry or early termination of this Contract. 58.2. The Service Provider agrees that if it breaches (or attempts or threatens to breach) its obligation to provide Exit Management, the Purchaser and their respective customers and stakeholders shall be irreparably harmed. In such circumstance, the Service Provider agrees that the Purchaser may proceed directly to court notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the dispute resolution procedure outlined in Clause 53 (Dispute Resolution). If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that the Service Provider has breached (or attempted or threatened to breach) any such obligation, the Service Provider agrees that without any additional findings of irreparable injury, or other conditions to interdict, the Service Provider shall not oppose the entry of an appropriate order compelling performance by the Service Provider and restraining the Service Provider from any further breaches or attempted or threatened breaches of its obligations in relation to Exit Management. 58.3. A draft of the Exit Plan shall be produced by the Service Provider and supplied to the Purchaser within [three (3) months] after the Commencement Date and shall include or address the matters specified in Clause 59.3. The Purchaser shall provide to the Service Provider the Purchaser’s comments on the plan within one (1) month of the Purchaser’s receipt of the plan. The Service Provider shall take into account the comments and suggestions of the Purchaser and shall issue the final version of the Exit Plan to the Purchaser within ten (10) Working Days of receipt of the Authority’s comments. 58.4. The Service Provider shall throughout the period of the Contract review, maintain and continuously update the Exit Plan which shall include: 58.4.1. the activities required to enable the Purchaser to re-tender the Purchaser Requirements and/or the provision of the Services; 58.4.2. the activities necessary to support any Replacement Service Provider or the Purchaser in carrying out any necessary due diligence relating to all or part of the Services; 58.4.3. details of the Exit Management to be provided by the Service Provider prior to the Exit Management Date; 58.4.4. support for the Replacement Service Provider or the Purchaser during their preparation of any relevant plan for the transition of the System to the Replacement Service Provider or Purchaser, including prior to and during such transition period; 58.4.5. the maintenance of a ‘business as usual’ environment for the Purchaser during the period when Exit Management obligations are applicable; and 58.4.6. all other necessary activities to support the preparation for, and execution of, a smooth and orderly Exit Management and transfer of all or part of the Services to either a Replacement Service Provider or the Purchaser. 58.5. No amendment of the Exit Plan shall be made without prior written consent of the Purchaser.
Management In accordance with Section 18-402 of the Act, management of the Company shall be vested in the Member. The Member shall have the power to do any and all acts necessary, convenient or incidental to or for the furtherance of the purposes described herein, including all powers, statutory or otherwise, possessed by members of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Delaware. The Member has the authority to bind the Company.
MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 14.01 It is understood that the Management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Representative any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, or Stewards, and that if such complaint by Management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring Parties, it may be treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of any employee.