PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1. Upon informing the principal, a teacher shall be granted three (3) days of absence per school year with pay for personal reasons, except when circumstances put such a leave in conflict with the interests of the school. Such leave shall not be unreasonably denied. 12.2. Upon informing the superintendent or designate, a teacher covered in clauses 4.2.3, 4.2.4,
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 Teachers shall be allowed personal leave up to and including five (5) days in any one school year with the loss of substitutes’ pay only, and shall be deducted full salary for days absent for personal reasons in excess of five
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE a) leave of absence of up to one (1) day per school year with no loss of pay or benefits, may be used by a teacher to attend to private business provided that prior notice has been given to the principal or designate, and in the case of principals and central office staff, to the superintendent or designate prior to such leave being utilized.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 Upon request to the Superintendent or designate, with two weeks notice where possible, a teacher shall be granted up to three (3) personal leave days per school year subject to operational feasibility. 12.2 Two (2) of these days shall be at no cost to the teacher/principal. If these days are not used at the end of the school year, they will be accumulated at a rate of one (1) day per school year to a maximum of five (5) days. 12.3 For the other day the cost of a substitute, including benefits, shall be borne by the teacher. 12.4 A teacher/principal may not use more than four (4) personal leave days in one (1) school year, unless approved by the Superintendent. 12.5 Clause 12 shall be applicable to part-time teachers on a basis pro-rated to the period of the teacher’s actual service in the year bears to a year of full- time service.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 For personal reasons, and subject to the operational needs of the school, teachers shall be granted one (1) personal day per school year at no cost to the teacher. Unused days referred to in this Article shall accumulate to a maximum of three (3) days. No more than three (3) days of such leave may be used in the same school year. 12.2 Temporary leave of absence with pay, provided the School Division is reimbursed by deducting from the teacher's wages the costs of a substitute teacher, may be granted to school-based teachers upon approval by the principal (if the leave occurs on a Professional Development, Teacher Preparation, or Teachers’ Convention Day, this deduction shall be credited to the Professional Development Fund). All other certificated staff, including principals, may be granted temporary leave of absence upon approval by the superintendent. 12.2.1 Who attend any public event of educational value. 12.2.2 For personal reasons for not more than three (3) days per school year.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 Leave with pay for up to three (3) days per school year for personal reasons may be granted to teachers at the discretion of the school principal provided the educational program of the school is not disrupted and subject to the following: a) Where possible, all requests are to be made in writing in advance to the principal. b) Requests shall be made on the form provided by the Employer. c) The principal shall review each request to ensure the educational program of the school is not disrupted. d) Any principal taking personal leave shall notify the superintendent or designate prior to taking leave.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 A teacher may request from the Associate Superintendent of Human Resources a maximum of four (4) days off per school year for personal reasons (personal leave). Regardless of the amount of time a teacher is away on any personal leave the entitlement to personal leave shall be reduced by one full day. 12.1.1 The first approved day shall be at no cost to the teacher.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1 Leaves of absence for private business may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools, having due regard to all the circumstances and the interests of a school and/or the school system, for up to two days per school year. 12.2 Leave granted shall be with salary and benefits less the rate of pay of a substitute teacher as provided for in clause 5.1. 12.3 Subject to operational requirements, requests for leave which would extend the Christmas, spring recess, summer vacation period and other breaks of four (4) or more week days may be granted under this clause. Requests made under this clause shall not be unreasonably denied. 12.4 A teacher shall be permitted to accumulate and use any unused days up to a maximum of four (4) days.
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1. Subject to the school principal being able to arrange for coverage of a teacher's assignment, each teacher is eligible for 12.1.1. Four
PRIVATE BUSINESS/GENERAL/PERSONAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE. 12.1. Upon request to the principal, a teacher shall be granted one (1) day personal leave per school year except where circumstances put such a leave in conflict with the interests of the school, such as appropriate coverage. Upon request to the superintendent, a principal shall be granted one day personal leave per school year except where circumstances put such leave in conflict with the interests of the school. 12.1.1. For any teacher under contract for sixty (60) days or less in a school year, the provisions of clause 12.1 do not apply. 12.1.2. Any teacher under contract for sixty-one (61) to one hundred (100) days in a school year shall be granted half (1/2) day personal leave per school year. 12.1.3. Each teacher shall be entitled to accumulate unused personal leave to a maximum of five (5) days, in addition to the current school year entitlement. Under no circumstances shall a teacher be approved for personal leave of more than five (5) days of personal leave in any one school year. The personal leave shall not conflict with the interests of the school. 12.1.4. The teacher will be able to take one additional personal leave day, per school year, which the teacher will reimburse the School Division for the cost of a substitute teacher as provided in clause 5.1.1 regardless of whether a substitute teacher is required. Accumulation will not apply to this clause.