Promotional List. In establishing the promotional list following the selection procedure, the names of the persons who have attained a passing xxxx shall be placed in the order of final earned ratings, except as such order may be modified by the application of this section. The names of employees who separate from county service shall be removed from the promotional list.
Promotional List. On-Call Firefighters who meet the minimum qualifications for the Regular Firefighter classification will, upon written request, be placed in a separate hiring pool for the promotional classification, as stated in Article 20.5.
Promotional List. Promotional lists shall be established from test scores, with number one on the list being that employee who had the best or top overall score. The list will serve to advise each applicant of his standing relative to the outcome of the testing procedure.
Promotional List. A new promotional procedure will be initiated every three (3) years. The promotional list generated by a procedure will be good for three (3) years. The Department shall be required to maintain a current promotional list at all times.
Promotional List. 14.5.1 It is the intent of the District to offer a promotional exam for the rank of Captain and Deputy Fire Marshal on even years and the rank of Engineer on odd years. Promotional exams for the rank of Captain, Deputy Fire Marshal, and Engineer shall normally be held in the first two weeks of March unless a specific business need for alteration is identified by the Fire Chief. The Battalion Chiefs exam will be held every four (4) years, or more often as needed.
14.5.2 The District shall make promotions from the three (3) persons with the highest final scores remaining on the list. For example, if there are six (6) names on the list, the District must first choose from numbers 1, 2 or 3; if No. 3 is chosen, the second hire must be made from numbers 1, 2 or 4, et cetera.
14.5.3 Promotional lists for Captain, Deputy Fire Marshal, and Engineer shall expire on the first day of promotional testing for the subsequent promotional test of that rank, normally approximately 24 months after its approval by the Fire Chief. Any vacancy which has occurred prior to the first day of promotional testing shall be filled from the promotional list approved at the time the vacancy occurred, even if the process of filling the vacancy extends past the start of the next testing process. Extension of any promotional list will require a meet and discuss between the Fire Chief and the Union. The Battalion Chief Promotional List shall expire when determined to be exhausted by the Fire Chief, or at the completion of the next examination process.
14.5.4 Successful candidates in all ranks shall receive a Currency Task Book from the Training Division each year. All candidates on the secondary or promotional list(s) are required to complete a Currency Task Book annually to maintain acting and promotional status for the respective position.
14.5.5 Persons promoted under this Article shall be placed in the appropriate pay step to ensure a minimum of a five percent (5%) pay increase in base salary.
Promotional List. A list of names of persons employed in lower classifications, as defined in Appendix A, who have been found qualified through the promotion tests for promotion to a higher classification. Promotional lists will remain active for six (6) months.
Promotional List. A list of persons, who have been found qualified for promotion.
Promotional List. A promotional list shall be established for the remaining applicants achieving 70 points or greater and such list will stand for two (2) years from the date of completion of the process and posting of the list. During this period any promotions will first come from this list.
Promotional List. A. Candidates who score in the “qualified” and “highly qualified” bands shall be placed on a list in order of their scores.
1. The list will remain valid for one (1) calendar year from the date it was posted.
B. Process shall include an interview with the Chief of Police and the City Manager or his/her designee of the top scoring three (3) candidates.
C. A list shall be formed of the top three (3) candidates if they fall within the “highly qualified” or “qualified” band. The City Manager may appoint from among these individuals. Following the promotion a list shall be formed which contains the top two (2) candidates plus the fourth candidate on the list if that person falls within the “highly qualified” or “qualified” band. The list shall be valid for one year from the date of the first promotion from the list.
Promotional List. A. The promotional list shall be established by combining the category scores in the following manner: 1. Written exam = 40% 2. Oral exam = 30% 3. Resume (scored by oral board) = 10%