RECOGNITION STATEMENTThe Board recognizes COHE as the exclusive representative of the collective bargaining unit, as determined by the Division of Labor and Management Document No. 12E 1976/77, dated the 11th day of August, 1977, or as may be modified by this agreement, for the purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment, grievance procedures and other conditions of employment. The bargaining unit composition is referenced in Appendix A.
RECOGNITION STATEMENTThe Board agrees not to meet with, recognize, or negotiate with any teachers' organization other than the RTA. The RTA is the only organization which shall represent teachers in matters of professional concern.
RECOGNITION STATEMENT. The Columbiana Exempted Village Board of Education, hereinafter called the “Board”, hereby recognizes the Columbiana Local Association of School Support, an OEA/NEA affiliate, hereinafter called the “Association”, as the sole and exclusive representative for the purpose of collective bargaining as defined in Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code.
RECOGNITION STATEMENTThe Xxxxx Local Board of Education (hereinafter Board) recognizes the Xxxxx Teachers Association (hereinafter LTA) an affiliate of NCOEA, OEA, and NEA, as the sole and exclusive representative for the bargaining unit as set forth below in matters pertaining to wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment, and the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision of a collective bargaining agreement.
RECOGNITION STATEMENT. The Delaware Area Career Center Board of Education, hereinafter called the "Board" or the "Employer," hereby recognizes the Delaware Area Career Center Education Association/OEA/NEA (DACCEA/OEA/NEA), hereinafter called the "Association," as the sole and exclusive representative of employees in the bargaining unit for the purposes of collective bargaining as defined in Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code.
RECOGNITION STATEMENTThe Corporation hereby recognizes the Xxxxxxx Education Association as the exclusive representative of all teachers in the School Corporation for subjects of bargaining under IC 20-29-6-4.
RECOGNITION STATEMENT. It has been certified that the Pequannock Township Education Association has been designated and selected by a majority of the employees of the Pequannock Township Board of Education, in the unit described below, as their representative for the purposes of collective negotiations, and that pursuant to the New Jersey Employer-Employee Relations Act, as amended, the said representative is the exclusive representative of all the employees in such unit for the purposes of collective negotiations with respect to terms and conditions of employment. Pursuant to the Act, the said representative shall be responsible for representing the interests of all unit employees without discrimination and without regard to employee organization membership; the said representative and the above-named Public Employer shall meet at reasonable times and negotiate in good faith with respect to grievances and terms and conditions of employment; when an agreement is reached it shall be embodied in writing and signed by the parties; and written policies setting forth grievance procedures shall be negotiated and shall be included in any agreement. The employee unit includes: • Teachers, librarians, nurses, guidance counselors, special service teachers, child study team members, department chairpersons, athletic trainer. • Part-time certificated personnel as noted above. • Para-professionals (library aides-classroom aides). • Secretarial and clerical personnel. • Custodial/Maintenance employees, Mail Carrier/Courier, and Computer Repair Technician. • Xxxxx, (teacher, clerical, bus, lunchroom and playground) and bus drivers who are regularly employed three or more hours per day. • Coordinator of Data Management Excluded from the employee unit: Superintendent, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Principals, Vice, Assistant and Associate Principals, Xxxx of Students, Supervisors, Directors (including the Director of Adult Education), Coordinators, Supervisor of School Plant and Facilities, Transportation Supervisor, Board Office Personnel and Secretaries to the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, and the Supervisor of Technology/Systems Maintenance and Repair. A. Unless otherwise indicated, the term “employee” when used hereinafter in the Agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and references to male employees shall include female employees.
RECOGNITION STATEMENT. Pursuant to Chapter 303, Laws of the State of New Jersey, known as the Employer-Employee Act of 1968, the Board hereby recognizes the Upper Freehold Regional Education Association as the majority representative with all the exclusive rights granted by the laws of the State of New Jersey, for purposes of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certified personnel under contract with the Board (excluding Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Directors, Principals and Vice Principals).
RECOGNITION STATEMENTThis agreement entered into by and between the Shelby City Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, hereinafter referred to as the “Board” and the Shelby Association of School Support (SASS) affiliated with the Ohio Education Association, the National Education Association, and the North Central Ohio Education Association hereinafter referred to as the “Union” has as its purpose the mutual satisfactory relationship between the Board and the Union; the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences which may arise; and the establishment of wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment and the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision of a collective bargaining agreement. The maximum number of third party employed classified positions shall not exceed 5% of the remaining district classified employees. Additional part time, hourly, and third party individuals may be added through mutual agreement between the Superintendent and union leadership.
RECOGNITION STATEMENT. Pursuant to Chapter 303, Laws of the State of New Jersey, known as the Employer-Employee Act of 1968, the Board hereby recognizes the Association as the majority representative with all the exclusive rights granted by the laws of the State of New Jersey, for purposes of collective negotiations concerning the terms and conditions of employment for all certified personnel under contract with the Board (excluding Superintendent, Secretary to the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Business Administrator, Secretary to the Business Administrator, District Accountant, Directors, Principals, Vice Principals, and Certified Novell Engineer(s)), all assistants including non-instructional assistants, instructional assistants, safety and security, security monitors and network technicians, custodians, and all secretarial personnel.