ROLE OF THE NURSE. Section 1. The parties recognize the importance of providing the patients with adequate and safe nursing care.
Section 2. a. The Hospital will make every reasonable effort to develop job descriptions so that the level of training, education, experience and ability of the Registered Nurses can be utilized to the fullest extent possible in providing nursing care.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. The parties recognize the importance of providing patients with adequate and safe nursing care. The standards of nursing conduct and practice of the Employer shall be as set forth in the Washington Administrative Code.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. Section 1. The employees covered by this Agreement work as members of a health team to further community health. They utilize the philosophy, content and methods of both professional nursing and public health, and participate in the diagnosis, planning and treatment of community health needs. They provide nursing services to individuals and families at home, school, work, in hospitals, clinics, and other settings. Such employees also participate in educational programs for nurses, community groups, co-workers in public health and allied professionals. In all phases of work, they emphasize promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disabling conditions, and comprehensive care.
Section 2. Except for the use of computer equipment, the parties agree that filing, typing and other routine clerical duties are not the ordinary responsibility of employees covered by this Agreement.
Section 3. The Association agrees that the role of the employee as set forth in Section 1 above presently exists and the Employer agrees that it will continue to make reasonable efforts to implement the definition of functions so that employees can be fully utilized in providing the best possible public health nursing care.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. Public Health Nurses work as members of a health team to further community health. They utilize the philosophy, content and methods of both professional nursing and public health. Public Health Nurses participate in the diagnosis, planning, and treatment of community health needs. They provide nursing services to individuals and families at home, at school, at work, and in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other settings. Public Health Nurses participate in educational programs for nurses, community groups, co-workers in public health, and allied professions. In all phases of the work, they emphasize promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disabling conditions, comprehensive care, including maximum rehabilitation of the sick and disabled.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. A. Both parties agree that they share responsibility for providing nursing services which are consistent with the needs and goals of the recipient(s) who use the agency/facility. To this end, both parties further agree to recognize the responsibilities of the Registered Nurse and the Employer within the scope of the Michigan Public Health Code, Act #368, 1978 (Nursing Practice Act of Michigan, Section 17201), the Code for Nurses and the Standards of Nursing Practice as adopted by the American Nurses Association, Condition of Participation, agency standardized Care Plans, policies and standing orders and other appropriate legal requirements.
B. Both parties agree that the Registered Nurse as provided in the Michigan Public Health Code, must and shall have authority commensurate with his/her responsibility for directing, teaching and supervising of less skilled personnel in carrying out delegated nursing activities. The Registered Nurse has the responsibility for assessment, planning, implementing, evaluating nursing care including patient teaching and coordination of services. The Employer has the responsibility to assist the R.N. in fulfilling these requirements.
C. Both parties agree that in order to permit the Registered Nurse to perform the activities associated with his/her responsibility for nursing care, Registered Nurses will normally only assume those functions identified as the practice of nursing.
D. With the emergence of new knowledge, technologies and continuing social change, a joint effort between agency management and staff council is needed to assist Registered Nurses to improve their practice and exercise leadership in promoting change which upgrades health care.
E. It is the responsibility of each Registered Nurse to maintain and upgrade his/her knowledge and skill affecting the quality of nursing care.
F. It is the Employer’s responsibility to establish programs and/or provide resources and appropriate opportunities within and outside the agency/facility for orientation and staff development; and to support, encourage and equalize opportunity to seek continuing professional development within the employee’s job responsibilities.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. Role of the Nurse Public Health Nurses work as members of a health team to further community health. They utilize the philosophy, content and methods of both professional nursing and public health. Public Health Nurses participate in the analysis, planning, and treatment of community public health needs. They provide nursing services and epidemiological follow-up to individuals and families at home, at school, at work, in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other settings. Public Health Nurses participate in educational programs for nurses, community groups, co-workers in public health, and allied professions. In all phases of their work, they emphasize promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disabling conditions and comprehensive care. The Public Health Nurse frequently serves as liaison in bringing together the professional and non-professional workers involved in insuring continuity of care and comprehensive services to individual patients and families. The Public Health Nurse presents the potential of public health nursing's contributions in community program planning and in analysis and treatment of community ills. They lend support and special skills to the total configuration of public health practice.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. Section 1. The employees covered by this Agreement work as members of a health team to further community health. They utilize the philosophy, content and methods of both professional nursing and public health, and participate in the diagnosis, planning and treatment of community health needs. They provide nursing services to individuals and families at home, school, work, in hospitals, clinics, and other settings. Such employees also participate in educational programs for nurses, community groups, co-workers in public health and allied professionals. In all phases of work, they emphasize promotion and maintenance of health, prevention of disease and disabling conditions, and comprehensive care.
Section 2. Employees covered under this Agreement are responsible to maintain patient records, program activity records, update policies and procedures and prepare reports. Routine clerical duties that are performed by other employees of the Health Department are not the ordinary responsibility of employees covered by this Agreement.
Section 3. The Union agrees that the role of the employee as set forth in Section 1 above presently exists and the Employer agrees that it will continue to make reasonable efforts to implement the definition of functions so that employees can be fully utilized in providing the best possible public health nursing care.
ROLE OF THE NURSE. Section 1. The parties recognize the importance of providing the patients with adequate and safe nursing care.
a. The Hospital will make every reasonable effort to develop job descriptions so that the level of training, education, experience and ability of the Registered Nurses can be utilized to the fullest extent possible in providing nursing care.
b. The Hospital will operate a Staff Development Program available to Registered Nurses on a continuing basis in accordance with Article XII, Staff Development.
Section 3. A Registered Nurse is to assess, plan, implement, evaluate, and document the total nursing needs of the patient. The Registered Nurse shall, accordingly, among other duties and responsibilities:
a. reduce the severity of illness, speed the process of recovery, and lower the incidents of readmission through teaching;
b. observe the patient, interpret and translate information into concrete action;
c. evaluate the results of therapy by patient responses, setting priorities for care;
d. prepare, administer and supervise a patient care plan including discharge planning for each patient the Nurse is responsible for;
e. perform and/or supervise therapeutic measures prescribed and delegated by medical authority;
f. interpret to the patient that the Nurse is the most important resource in promoting successful therapy and rehabilitation;
g. demonstrate clinical judgment which leads to and emanates from gathering and interpreting comprehensive and detailed information required to identify both present and future help needed and to evaluate the effectiveness of service provided;
h. participate in the Hospital’s Staff Development Program in accordance with Article XII, Staff Development, as part of the Nurse’s professional growth and development and otherwise to maintain a level of professional competence and knowledge consistent with advancing nursing technology as defined in Article XXX.
i. assume charge responsibility when so assigned, when necessary, in the nurse’s own unit or a unit similar to the one the Nurse is normally assigned to.
Section 4. Nurses who demonstrate competency caring for all patients in their unit or area of specialty may volunteer to orient to the Charge Nurse role. Volunteers will be oriented on a fair and equitable basis. Upon successful demonstration of the revised Charge RN competencies a Registered Nurse will be eligible to take charge. Charge responsibility shall not include issuing discipline to other employees or effect...
ROLE OF THE NURSE. A. The Hospital recognizes that the Registered Nurse subscribes to a Code of Ethics and will support the Nurse in her/his compliance with that Code to the extent that it is not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Public Health Code or any other state or federal law and/or regulation. The Code is as follows: Provision 1 The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person. Provision 2 The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population. Provision 3 The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient.