Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide remediation services for Section 508 compliance to Chemonics and the GHSC-PSM Project. This section contains the technical requirements of the requested services that may be ordered under the BPA mechanism. The table below contains the list of services and allows for the provision of prices for each service. The firm shall, and when requested, provide the following services:
1. Scan documents and produce a summary report that identifies which documents require remediation to be compliant with Section 508 and summarizes the issues for each document.
2. Remediate all documents that are not compliant.
3. Provide alternative-text for pictures and graphs
4. The ability to scan and remediate documents in PDF and Microsoft Office application such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
5. Produce a certification report upon completion of remediation certifying that the remediated document meets section 508 requirements for accessibility.
1. The ability to perform all the above services
2. The ability to provide a report certifying that the deliverable has been made Section 508 compliant.
3. The ability to scan and remediate documents in PDF.
4. The ability to send and receive digital files via email and/or a file sharing system such as Dropbox. Offered unit prices should include transportation/delivery costs. Please indicate if unit prices vary based on complexity of the document. Also, please specify firm standard delivery time, if the firm provides expedited services, and if there is premium for these services. The table below contains the list of services that may be ordered under the BPA mechanism. Offerors are requested to provide per-unit quotations containing the information below on official letterhead or official quotation format. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete this Section 3 and submit a signed/stamped version to Chemonics. Each offeror is required to remediate the sample documents provided in Attachments 1 and 2 based on the per-unit quotation submitted. Instructions for preparation and submission of the sample documents are below. Task Unit Price per unit Standard Delivery Time (days) Expedited Price per unit Expedited Delivery Time (days) 1. Creating Compliant PDFs
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide graphic design services to Chemonics and TCA. List of specific services solicited through this RFQ can be found in attached MS Excel file named “Scope of Work and Price Quotation.” Technical Qualifications that the selected offeror must possess: • Minimum 3 years of experience and provide track record of providing translation and interpretation services as outlined in the Scope of Work. • Experience with USAID or other donor- funded projects in Ukraine, especially those implemented by for-profit international firms like Chemonics, is highly preferred. Offerors are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead by filling out the quotation in Microsoft Excel format (see file named “Scope of Work and Price Quotation”) in Section 3 of the RFQ. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete their own quotation format. Розділ 3: Технічні характеристики та технічні вимоги Метою цього запиту є залучення фірми до надання послуг графічного дизайну, необхідних для діяльності Проекту Кімонікс «Трансформація комунікацій». Перелік конкретних послуг, що вимагаються у відповідності до цього Оголошення про тендер, можна знайти у вкладеному файлі MS Excel під назвою «Обсяг робіт та ціни». Технічна кваліфікація, якою повинен володіти обраний учасник тендеру: • Мінімум 3 роки досвіду та послужний список надання послуг перекладу а також завдань, зазначених у Обсязі робіт. • Надзвичайно важливим буде вважатись досвід роботи з USAID чи іншими проєктами, що фінансуються донорами в Україні, та реалізуються такими неприбутковими організаціями як Кімонікс. Учасникам пропонується надавати цінові пропозиції на офіційних бланках, заповнюючи їх у форматі Microsoft Excel (див. Файл із назвою “Обсяг робіт та ціни”) у Розділі 3 Оголошення. Якщо це неможливо, учасники тендеру можуть заповнити власний формат цінової пропозиції. Attachment 1 to Section 3 of RFQ Graphic Design Services/ Додаток 1 до Розділу 3 Оголошення про тендер на закупівлю послуг графічного дизайну № Послуга / Service , UAH Одиниця / Unit Вартість одиниці, грн. / Cost per Unit Коментарі / Comments Дизайн / Design Віжуал може бути розроблено на основі ключового іміджу або «під захід» за допомогою графічних елементів та фото/картинок, наданих замовником / Visual can be developed on the basis of key image or for event with graphic elements and photographs/pictures provided by client Дизайн навігаційного віжуала / Navigation visual design Послуга/Ser v...
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide health insurance service to Chemonics and The Strategic Communications Support Activity. The firm shall, and when requested, provide the following services: Comprehensive health insurance coverage including but not limited to the following services. - In-patient services/hospitalization - Out-patient services - Ambulance/emergency - Maternity plan - Dental - Vision Offerors are required to provide the project with their established terms and conditions for payment and reimbursement. The offeror must indicate if the health insurance plan covers services provided by all hospitals in Armenia or if any limitations apply. If Chemonics enters into a service agreement with the offeror the prices offered for the services will be fixed for the duration of the one-year agreement. Offerors required to fill out the table and add additional services as needed. 1 In-patient services 2 Out-patient services 3 Ambulance/emergency 4 Maternity 5 Dental 6 Vision The table below contains the list of services that may be ordered under the BPA mechanism. Offerors are requested to provide per-unit quotations containing the information below on official letterhead or official quotation format. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete this Section 3 and submit a signed/stamped version to Chemonics. Cost per month for 1 adult (AMD) Cost per month for 1 additional adult (AMD) Cost per month for 1 additional child (AMD) Comprehensive health insurance plan Annual coverage maximum if applicable in AMD Electronic deliveries shall be made by the Vendor to Delivery time (after receipt of order): calendar days The delivery estimate presented in an offer in response to this RFQ must be upheld in the performance of any resulting contract. The prices quoted above remain fixed for the next 12 (twelve) months: Yes No
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide accommodation and event organization services to the Strategic Communications Support Activity project. The service provider shall, and when requested, provide the services indicated in the table below. Offerors are requested to provide per-unit quotations containing the information below on official letterhead or official quotation format. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete this Section 3 and submit a signed/stamped version to Chemonics. Minimum 3 of years of experience and proven track of record providing the accommodation and event organization services. Ability to invoice for services without value-added tax (VAT). 24/7 reception service. The offerors venue must be located in downtown Yerevan. Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in Armenia, especially those implemented by for-profit international firms like Chemonics, is highly preferred. Offerors required to fill out the quotation table. 1 Accommodation with breakfast included for 1 person (standard room + breakfast) per night 3 Conference room rent with capacity to host up to 25 people + audio/visual setup (screen/projector, speakers, microphones) per day per half day 4 Conference room rent with capacity to host up to 50 people + audio/visual setup (screen/projector, speakers, microphones) per day per half day 5 Conference room rent with capacity to host up to 100 people + audio/visual setup (screen/projector, speakers, microphones) per day per half day 6 Coffee break (coffee, decaffeneited coffee, tea selection, bottled water, and maximum 4 types of snacks) per person 7 Buffet style business lunch per person Note: Offerrors are required to provide accommodation options within maximum lodging rate of the U.S. State Department’s foreign per diem rates for Yerevan, Armenia. The maximum lodging rate for Yerevan in May 2024 is $143 US dollars. xxxxx:// Electronic deliveries shall be made by the Vendor to Delivery time (after receipt of order): calendar days The delivery estimate presented in an offer in response to this RFQ must be upheld in the performance of any resulting contract. The prices quoted above remain fixed for the next 12 (twelve) months: Yes No
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide notary services to Chemonics and TCA. The firm shall, and when requested, provide thefollowing services and guidance in accordance with USAID and Chemonics standards and policies: 14. Приватність: надсилаючи відповідь на це Оголошення про тендер, учасники тендеру розуміють, що USAID НЕ є стороною цієї заявки, і учасник тендеру погоджується з тим, що будь-який протест за цим Договором повинен бути представлений - у письмовій формі з повними поясненнями - для розгляду Компанії «Кімонікс Інтернешнл Інк.», оскільки USAID не буде розглядати протести, висунуті йому відповідно до субконтрактів, що фінансуються USAID. Кімонікс на власний розсуд прийме остаточне рішення. Розділ 2: Необхідні документи Для надання допомоги учасникам тендеру у підготовці пропозицій, нижче наведений перелік документів, які необхідно включити у пропозицію: □ Супровідний лист, підписаний уповноваженим представником учасника тендеру (див. Розділ 4). □ Офіційну цінову пропозицію, включаючи підтвердження технічної кваліфікації (див. Розділ 3 щодо обсягу роботи, необхідної технічної кваліфікації та шаблону для надання цінової пропозиції). □ Копію реєстраційного свідоцтва учасника тендеру та ліцензій на здійснення відповідної діяльності (див. Розділ 1.5). □ Контактну інформація щодо принаймні трьох (3) рекомендації минулих або теперішніх клієнтів із зазначенням відповідних послуг, здійснених протягом останніх трьох (3) років, які найкраще ілюструють кваліфікацію компанії / фізичної особи та минулі результати діяльності (докладніше див. Розділ 1.5). □ Опис технічної експертизи для досягнення визначеного обсягу роботи; □ Опис минулих результатів роботи з надання подібних послуг; Розділ 3: Технічні характеристики та технічні вимоги Метою цього запиту є залучення фірми до надання нотаріальних послуг, необхідних для діяльності Проекту Кімонікс «Трансформація комунікацій». За запитом фірма надає наступні послуги відповідно до стандартів та політики USAID та Кімонікс: • Notarial services, including, but not limited to the following: notarization of power of attorney for representation form a natural or legal person, notarization of applications, registration documents of the project, certification of authenticity of copies of documents and translation, etc. • Minimum 3 years of experience and provide track record of providing notary services as outlined in the Scope of Work. • Experience with USAID or other donor- funded projects in Ukraine, e...
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide branding and printing services to Chemonics and Kosovo Economic Governance Activity. The firm shall, and when requested, provide the following services: Printing documents in A4 pages or booklets in A5 and A6, (please specify if the prices are different for printing one sided, double sided, in different paper quality, or bind with spiral, glue, etc) Printing posters, brochures, business cards, etc. Branding materials such are notebooks, pens, folders, bags, banners, diaries, etc. with USAID logo and Project Name and/or Ministry/Municipality as requested. Minimum three of years of experience and proven track of record providing the services outlined in Scope of Work. Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in Kosovo. The table below contains the list of services that may be ordered under the BPA mechanism. Offerors are requested to provide per-unit quotations containing the information below on official letterhead or official quotation format. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete this Section 3 and submit a signed/stamped version to Chemonics. The offeror may provide other services that are not mentioned in the list. The Project will issue specific purchase orders, on an as-needed basis, for the procurement of these item/services. Quantities listed in the table may vary depending on the needs of the Project.
1.1 Printing A4 documents in B&W up to 100 pages (please read the requests above and add the rows as needed) 100
1.2 Printing A4 documents in B&W up to 500 pages (please read the requests above and add the rows as needed) 50
1.3 Printing A4 documents one sided in color up to 100 pages (please read the requests above and add the rows as needed) 100
1.4 Printing A4 documents one sided in color up to 500 pages (please read the requests above and add the rows as needed) 50 2 Printing one A4 page double sided in color and plasticized 500 3.1 Printing two folded brochures in color and branded as requested 800
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to purchase video production services for AGRO as part of its program activities for the period from March 1, 2023, to March 1, 2024 (12 months). List of specific services solicited through this RFQ can be found in attached MS Excel file named “Scope of Work and Price Quotation”. Technical Qualifications that the selected offeror must possess: - Minimum 3 years of experience and proven track of record providing the services outlined in Scope of Work (see attached Excel file for details); - Offeror’s personnel involved in the provision of services must have higher education in video production, journalism, IT, design or related fields; - Ability to provide a qualified personal manager, with higher education in relevant field, minimum 3 years of practical experience, excellent communications and customer service skills, fluent in Ukrainian and/or English, who will coordinate the event and appoint technical specialists to respond to the direct requests of the AGRO Activity; - Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in Ukraine, especially those implemented by for-profit international firms like Chemonics, is highly preferred. Offerors are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead by filling out the quotation table in Microsoft Excel format (see file named “Scope of Work and Price Quotation”) in Section 3 of RFQ or in the event this is not possible, offerors may complete their own quotation format. Розділ 3:
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide stipend distribution services to Chemonics, Ma’an activity. The firm shall, and when requested, provide requested stipend distribution services in accordance with the below scope of work and the agreed upon table of pricing.
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to hire a Vendor to provide events logistics services for AGRO events in Ukraine for the period from November 1, 2022 to November 1, 2023 (12 months). Events include but are not limited to trainings, seminars, conferences, symposia, working meetings, press conferences and other events with the participation of AGRO target groups. List of specific events logistics services solicited through this RFQ can be found in attached MS Excel file named “Quotation Tables1-9_Attachments 1-9_AGRO-BPA-22- 0686-S”. Technical Qualifications that the selected offeror must possess: - Minimum 5 (five) years of experience and proven track of record providing the services outlined in Scope of Work (see attached Excel file for details); - Offeror’s candidate assigned to the position of the personal manager must demonstrate minimum 5 (five) years of experience in coordinating events logistics and supervising technical specialists responding to the clients’ requests; have excellent communication and customer service skills and be fluent in Ukrainian; - Proven track record of cooperation with regional transport, catering companies and hotels; - Signed cooperation agreements or protocols with hotels, including chain hotels (Reikarz and Premier Hotel), catering and transport companies or other agreement with them on cooperation; - Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in Ukraine, especially those implemented by for-profit international firms like Chemonics, is highly preferred. Offerors are requested to provide quotations on official letterhead by filling out the quotation in Microsoft Excel format (see file named “Quotation tables_Attachments 1- 9_AGRO-BPA-22-0686-S”) or in the event this is not possible, offerors may complete their own quotation format. Розділ 3:
Scope of Work and Technical Qualifications. The purpose of this RFQ is to engage the firm to provide Interpretation/Translation Services and Use of Simultaneous Equipment to Chemonics Kosovo e-Governance Activity. Design and Printing Company will ensure that their services meet the expectations and requirements of Chemonics Kosovo e-Governance Activity. The table below contains the list of services that may be ordered under the BPA mechanism. Offerors are requested to provide per-unit quotations containing the information below on official letterhead or official quotation format. In the event this is not possible, offerors may complete this Section 3 and submit a signed/stamped version to Chemonics.