Service Career Policy Sample Clauses
Service Career Policy. Postings
(a) Vacancies of a regular nature that are to be filled, for positions in the bargaining unit, shall be posted within 30 days. Such postings shall be throughout CLBC.
(b) Eligibility lists may be established through the posting process and used to fill vacancies. When eligibility lists are established it shall be stated on the posting. Eligibility lists shall be in effect for a maximum of one year from the establishment of the list. The Employer agrees to share all eligibility lists on a bimonthly basis with the Labour Management Committee.
(c) Vacancies of a temporary nature which are known to exceed twelve months shall be posted within 30 days. Such postings will normally be limited to the geographic area. For the purpose of this clause "geographic area" shall mean that area from which persons could reasonably be expected to commute.
(d) Notices shall be posted at least seven calendar days prior to the closing date of the competition, except as provided for in Clauses 12.7 - Transfers Without Posting, 12.8 - Relocations, 12.9 - Rehabilitation
Service Career Policy.
12.1 Posting a Vacancy This section does not apply to casual positions of less than 30 calendar days’ duration.
(a) Prior to filling any job opening Management will post an announcement for the purpose of providing employees with an opportunity to declare their candidacy for the job. The period of posting shall not be less than one week.
(b) Management will not hire outside applicants to posted vacancies until all qualified internal applicants have been interviewed and preference shall be given the latter where relative ability and qualifications are equal.
12.2 Role of Seniority in Promotions and Transfers Both parties recognize:
(a) the principle of promotion within the service of the Employer;
(b) that job opportunities should increase in proportion to length of service; therefore, where two or more applicants have qualifications, and/or abilities, and experience which are relatively equal, the applicant with the greater seniority shall be awarded the position, promotion, and/or transfer.
Service Career Policy. (a) Vacancies of a regular nature that are to be filled, for positions in the bargaining unit, shall be posted within 30 days. Such postings shall be throughout the BPCPA unless limited by the President and CEO or their designate or as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding #8—Priority Placement and Employment Equity.
(b) Eligibility lists may be established through the posting process and used to fill vacancies. When eligibility lists are established it shall be stated on the posting. Eligibility lists shall be in effect for a maximum of one year from the establishment of the list.
(c) Vacancies of a temporary nature which are known to exceed seven (7) months shall be posted within thirty (30) days. Such postings will normally be limited to the geographic area. In cases where a position is unique to the Business Practices & Consumer Protection Authority or forms a career path for BPCPA employees, the opportunity may be limited to a BPCPA location within the geographic area. In those circumstances where the posting is not limited to the geographic area, Memorandum of Understanding #2—Board and Lodging and Relocation Expenses, shall not apply. Where necessary to facilitate and support succession planning, the Employer may approve payment of board and lodging in accordance with memorandum of Understanding #2, Part 1 providing the posting for the temporary vacancy contains notice that this discretion will apply. For the purpose of this clause "geographic area" shall mean that area from which persons could reasonably be expected to commute.
(d) Notices shall be posted at least fourteen (14) days prior to the closing date of the competition, except as provided for in Clauses 12.7, 12.8, 12.9 and Article 13—
Service Career Policy. (a) Regular employees wishing to substitute in a different department for reasons of career development shall make written application to the Employer.
(b) Any shortfall of hours resulting from substitution shall be worked by the employee prior to the end of the year.
Service Career Policy. All new or vacant positions within the bargaining unit to be filled shall be posted internally on the union bulletin board for a period of not less than ten (10) working days prior to the closing date for the filling of the position. The posting shall include the qualifications, and all information relevant to the position.
Service Career Policy. Important terms and conditions of employment are found in the Public Service Act.
Service Career Policy. (a) Vacancies will be filled on the basis of seniority subject to the employee's capabilities and meeting the qualifications as defined in the job specifications based on the following order:
(1) Senior qualified deemed capable regular employee in descending order below the vacant classification, in the order as specified within the department as described in Appendix 1, within the same site seniority block;
(2) Senior qualified deemed capable regular employee from within any department in the same site seniority block;
(3) Senior qualified deemed capable auxiliary employee from within the same site seniority block;
(4) Prior to hiring outside, consideration will be given to qualified deemed capable employees who have expressed interest from all other worksites within ALFD.
(b) For the purpose of selecting employees in (a) above, for the positions of, Captain, Mate and Engineer, the sum of seniority plus years of capability seniority shall determine who is the senior qualified deemed capable employee. Example: Selection to position as Captain For the purpose of promotion Mate A would be the successful candidate, followed by Mate B, Mate C and finally Mate D.
Service Career Policy. 12.1 Role of Seniority in Promotions and Transfers
(a) Both parties recognize:
(1) the principle of promotion within the service of the Employer;
(2) that job opportunities should increase in proportion to length of service.
(b) Positions at grid level 3 and Circulation grid level 9 positions shall be awarded to the senior qualified applicant. For all other positions, where two or more applicants have qualifications, and/or abilities, and experience which are relatively equal, the applicant with the greater seniority shall be awarded the position, promotion, and/or transfer.
Service Career Policy. The President of the Union or his/her designate may sit as an observer on a selection panel for positions in the bargaining unit. The observer shall be a disinterested Party. This clause shall not apply to excluded positions. The Union observer should be provided with a minimum selection criteria for the job posting, the review and short list of all applicants and any other tool used in determining the selection.
Service Career Policy