Sick Policy a. If a child has a temperature 100 degrees or more, the parent/guardian must be called and the child must be picked up immediately. Parent must wait 24 hours and provide appropriate documentation from a physician clear- ing the child before they may return
b. Any child that experiences diarrhea more than 3 consecutive days must be picked up and cannot return for 24 hours. In additional the Parent/Guardian must provide clearance documentation from a physician before child may return.
c. If a child vomits, parent/guardian will be contacted and child will be sent home. Parent/Guardian is required to wait 24 hours and provide clearance documentation from a physician before child may return. MEAL SCHEDULE Food items that my child does not like: Day Hours Of Care Meals (please check) Monday Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner Tuesday Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner Wednesday Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner Thursday Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner Friday Breakfast AM Snack Lunch PM Snack Dinner Childs Name:
1. Payment Authorizations. I authorize SELC to:
Sick Policy. ● In compliance with the CDC and local health officials, no person who has symptoms of COVID-19, which may include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion, running nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea or new loss of taste or smell, should enter the studio. ● If anyone in your party has been sick, they must remain home for a minimum of 7-14 days after all symptoms have subsided. Individuals who have been sick are asked to take a COVID-19 diagnostic test, and receive a negative result, before returning to the facility. ● If someone in your party becomes ill during your rental, this individual must be separated from the rest of your group, and isolated to a closed area until they can leave the building. ● Inform the staff immediately by emailing with URGENT in the subject header. ● Urbanity prioritizes the privacy of all community members. Urbanity must notify the local Board of Health, and inform the Urbanity community of a reported illness, but will not identify the diagnosed individual by name. ● Urbanity continues to closely monitor the cases in Boston, and reopening guidelines/requirements via the State of Massachusetts and the City of Boston. ● Urbanity is prioritizing public health in every detail of our reopening plans. ● If the COVID-19 case load increases and city/state guidelines shift, Urbanity will cancel all rentals. Tenants may then receive a refund for remaining classes, or donate the difference to the organization. ● If anyone in the Urbanity community tests positive for COVID-19, all Urbanity facilities will close to be disinfected. All rentals will be cancelled for a 14 day minimum, and will only open when and if it is deemed safe to reopen.
Sick Policy. Should a child be diagnosed with COVID-19, the child should remain out of camp for at least 5 days and then be masked in camp for an additional 5 days. Each camper attending Xxxxxxx Summer Camps must submit all the required paperwork with payment to be considered registered for camp. Any forms that are submitted incomplete will be rejected and the the child will not be registered until all completed forms are submitted. Late fees will apply if a registration is rejected and not resubmitted prior to the on time registration deadline. Forms must be completed by April 1st if you register with the early bird discount. If you register after the early bird discount, forms are to be completed at least one week prior to camp. Forms Required: ● Camper Photo ● Camper Application ● Registration Forms: Camper Waiver Release, Camper Behavior/Sick, Camper Profile, Damaged Property Account, Photo Release, Sunscreen Waiver, Swim/Pool Agreement ● Camper Health History Form (DHMH 4768) (one per camper) ● Self Administration of Medication Permission Form-must sign bottom of form even if no medications are required ● Medication Administration Authorization Form (DHMH 4758)-must sign bottom of form even if no medications are required ● Authorized Grown-Ups
Sick Policy. Our sick policy requires that children remain home if they are sick. This is for the safety of all students and staff.
Sick Policy. If your child has a temperature of 100.3 degrees or higher during drop off they will not be allowed to stay at school. As an added precaution, children must be fever free, without the use of a fever reducer, for 72 hours before returning to school. Please inform the Director if your child has taken any medication within 24 hours of coming to preschool. If your child has been ill, a doctor’s note will be required to return. Please notify the office immediately if anyone in your household is currently or becomes ill. Children will be monitored throughout the day for any signs of illness. If a child exhibits signs of illness or develops a fever, the child will be isolated from their class and the parents/caregiver will be called to pick up the child immediately. If you or your child have been exposed to or tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, you must follow a 14 day waiting period before returning, along with a physician’s note clearing the child. All of these policies are in place for the protection of our preschool staff, teachers and students and to help stop the spread of COVID- 19.
Sick Policy. The child will not be allowed to attend class and should be kept home from school when: ● Vomiting/diarrhea in the last 24 hours ● Fever above 100.4 within the last 24 hours ● Severe sore throat. Strep throat-must be taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning ● Head lice-until properly treated ● Excessive cough or runny nose ● Pink eye-must be taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning ● Any contagious illness When a child behaves in such a way it interferes and disrupts the program and renders the children or staff unable to participate in the school’s educational program. If a child requires a major part of the teacher’s attention, the teacher shall discuss the situation with the parents involved. If the situation does not subsequently improve and is detrimental to the school as a whole, the Board of Trustees/School Board may decide to ask the parents to withdraw the child from the school. If parents are not able to fulfill their obligations as members of the school, the Board of Trustees shall first discuss the situation with the parents involved and then may ask these parents to withdraw their child from the school. Hospital of Choice: Doctor’s Name: I, agree that in the case of an accident or injury, emergency medical care may be given in the event I or the person designated cannot be reached. Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date I give permission for my child to be photographed and/or video recorded to be used on the school website, school social media sites and our private Shutterfly site.
Sick Policy. When can a sick child come back to school?
Sick Policy. To ensure the health of all children, we ask that you do not bring your child to school if you suspect illness or if any of the following are true. It is also important that if anyone in your household or caregivers are exhibiting symptoms, your child does not attend school. Nasal discharge (green) Chicken Pox Fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher Dry cough Vomiting on two or more occasions Shortness of Breath within the 24 hours Chills, Loss of taste or smell Diarrhea Sore throat Draining rash Muscle aches Eye discharge or pink-eye Lice or nits We understand that many of these symptoms can also be related to non-COVID-19 related issues, but we must proceed with an abundance of caution during this Public Healthy Emergency. These symptoms typically appear 2-7 days after being infected to so thank you for taking them seriously. You will need to be fever free for 72 hours or 7 days after the illness began, whichever is longer, before returning. We are so thankful that you have decided to send your child to school this year amid this pandemic. We are working diligently to keep your children safe and healthy to the best of our ability, but it is important for parents to be aware that just as your child may be exposed to COVID-19 in any other public setting, we can’t guarantee that there won’t be exposure at Celebration Kidz. If your child comes down with any symptoms listed above after leaving the facility and you suspect they may have been contagious, please notify us so we can sanitize the facility and communicate to parents as necessary. If your child is ill, they should remain at home until they are able to participate in a normal school day, including outdoor play.
Sick Policy. A student will not be allowed to attend class and should be kept home from school for any of the following reasons for the safety of other students: ● Vomiting/diarrhea in the last 24 hours ● Fever above 100.4 within the last 24 hours ● Severe sore throat. Strep throat-must be taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning ● Head lice-until properly treated ● Excessive cough or runny nose ● Pink eye-must be taking antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning ● Any contagious illness When a child behaves in such a way that it interferes and disrupts the program and renders the children or staff unable to participate in the school’s educational program. If a child requires a major part of the teacher’s attention, the teacher shall discuss the situation with the parents involved. If the situation does not subsequently improve and is detrimental to the school as a whole, the Board of Trustees/ School Board may decide to ask the parents to withdraw the child from the school. If parents are not able to fulfill their obligations as members of the school, the Board of Trustees shall first discuss the situation with the parents involved and then may ask these parents to withdraw their child from the school.
Sick Policy. Shall your child experience any COVID-19 related symptoms they will need to be tested and will not be allowed back to camp without results from the test. Shall a child be diagnosed with COVID-19, the child should remain out of camp for at least 14 days and will need a doctors note in order to return. Plan for daily monitoring of campers for COVID-19. Xxxxxxx’x youth camp program keeps a daily log of temperature and symptom screening for campers and staff. Children’s temperatures will be taken upon arrival each day *Xxxxxxx has a detailed COVID-19 plan that includes daily monitoring of COVID-19 systems, social distancing and face coverings, infection control strategies, response and management for COVID-19, and detailed cleaning systems. REGISTRATION AGREEMENT