Signing and Pavement Markings Sample Clauses
Signing and Pavement Markings. The Engineer shall provide the following services:
A. Prepare drawings, specifications, and details for all signs. Coordinate with the State (and other Engineers as required) for overall temporary, interim and final signing strategies and placement of signs outside contract limits.
B. Detail both permanent and temporary pavement markings and channelization devices on plan sheets. Coordinate with the State (and other Engineers as required) for overall temporary, interim, and final pavement marking strategies.
C. Select any necessary standard details from State or District’s list of standards for signing and marking items.
D. If requested by the State, the Engineer shall provide a 3D model with the proposed pavement marking stenciled onto the model.
E. The Engineer shall provide the following information on sign and pavement marking layouts: • Roadway layout. • Center line with station numbering. • Designation of arrow used on exit direction signs • Culverts and other structures that present a hazard to traffic. • Location of utilities. • Existing signs to remain, to be removed, to be relocated or replaced. • Proposed signs (illustrated, numbered and size). • Proposed overhead sign bridges to remain, to be revised, removed, relocated, or replaced. • Proposed overhead sign bridges, indicating location by plan. • Proposed markings (illustrated and quantified) which include pavement markings, object markings and delineation. • Quantities of existing pavement markings to be removed. • Proposed delineators, object markers, and mailboxes. • The location of interchanges, mainlanes, grade separations, and ramps. • The number of lanes in each section of proposed highway and the location of changes in numbers of lanes. DocuSign Envelope ID: F43CDC74-DA27-4A02-AC2A-90D8CB2811D6 • Right-of-way limits. • Direction of traffic flow on all roadways.
Signing and Pavement Markings. This project will include proposed striping and pavement messages for the bus bay improvements. Striping will also be added within the parking lot adjacent to the proposed landing area with ramps. Four parking spaces will be closed due to the proposed improvements within the parking lot. Two existing signs will be relocated to the median due to the bus bay improvements.
Signing and Pavement Markings. Signing and Pavement Marking Layout (Assumed 9 plan sheets) Summary Tables (Assumed 1 plan sheet) Assembly of Sign and Marking Standards
Signing and Pavement Markings. The Engineer perform the following tasks:
Signing and Pavement Markings. Signing and pavement markings should be designed as per applicable California MUTCD and municipal standards, with variances requested, if necessary for any BRT distinguishing signing or markings. Treatments or markings to differentiate the transitway can effectively convey where a BRT service operates. Differentiation in the appearance of the transitway can be accommodated through a number of techniques including pavement markings, lane delineators, and alternate pavement color. Signage is the most basic form of marking a lane as reserved for BRT service. The use of “BUS ONLY” pavement legends has been chosen to indicate the exclusive use of the lanes by buses. In addition, the logo “sbX” will be installed on each block in the center of the sbX lanes in each direction to indicate that the lanes are for the exclusive use of sbX and to prevent any other vehicles, including non-sbX buses, to enter the exclusive lanes. Where transitways and/or bus lanes are built on arterials, signs are provided in each direction at each intersection.
Signing and Pavement Markings. The Consultant will analyze, design, and develop contract documents for signing and marking features associated with the trail and street crossings in accordance with applicable provisions. The Consultant will consider various alternatives in preparing the most economical solution for the given conditions.
Signing and Pavement Markings. The Contractor shall be responsible for replacing all work shown on the grading plan and pavement markings remove or obliterated by the work being performed and/or any new striping, signing and pavement markings shown on the plans. This shall include all areas within the project limits and extend beyond these areas where the existing striping and pavement markings have been noticeably obscured due to tracking and other negative impacts associated with the work being performed. Contractor shall adequately locate and note the type and location of all existing striping and pavement markings. Thermoplastic traffic stripes (traffic lines) and pavement markings shall be applied in conformance with the provisions in Section 84, "Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Thermoplastic material shall be free of lead and chromium, and shall conform to the requirements in State Specification PTH-02ALKYD. Retroreflectivity of the thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall conform to the requirements in ASTM Designation: D 6359-99. White thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall have a minimum initial retroreflectivity of 250 mcd⋅m-2⋅lx-1. Yellow thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall have a minimum initial retroreflectivity of 150 mcd⋅m-2⋅lx-1. Where striping joins existing striping, as shown on the plans, the Contractor shall begin and end the transition from the existing striping pattern into or from the new striping pattern a sufficient distance to ensure continuity of the striping pattern. Thermoplastic traffic stripes and pavement markings shall be free of runs, bubbles, craters, drag marks, stretch marks, and debris.
Signing and Pavement Markings. Submit a Permanent Pavement Marking, and Signing Plan (in accordance with applicable publications and the Pavement Marking, and Delineation sheets) for review and approval by the District Traffic Unit.
Signing and Pavement Markings. Traffic Control plans (Full phasing, typical sections, and narrative)
Signing and Pavement Markings. The Developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of all permanent signs, pavement markings and indicators required for the safe and efficient operation of the highway including, kilometre markers in both directions, directional signs, distance indicators, advisory signs and pathfinders. Signs and pavement markings shall have an initial minimum retroreflectance of 250 millicandelas/m2/lux and a minimum 5 year Service Life rating. Due consideration shall be taken in the design of traffic sign, traffic signal and lighting columns for hurricane conditions. (BS K factor of 5)