Site Inventory Sample Clauses
Site Inventory. The City is responsible for at least one (1) annual update to its inventory of all publicly and privately owned institutional, commercial, and industrial sites, which have the potential to generate pollutants to the MS4. County Health may assist in this effort when staff becomes aware of any changes in the inventory, including inactive sites or newly discovered, qualifying sites, that are not part of the inventory.
Site Inventory. 1. This Multi-Site Agreement applies to (a) the specific properties listed on the Site Inventory included as Attachment 1, for which BPX&O and/or Amoco have Corrective Action responsibility as of the Effective Date of this Multi-Site Agreement (“Original Sites”), and (b) other properties as the Parties mutually agree to add to the Site Inventory. Original Sites shall be listed in the Site Inventory under the “Original Site List”. Other properties that may be added to this Multi- Site Agreement after the Effective Date of this Multi-Site Agreement will be listed in the Site Inventory under the “New Site List”.
2. The Original Sites include current and former retail service station properties, current and former automobile repair facilities, and current and former petroleum storage terminal properties. However, not all of the Original Sites are properties currently owned by BPX&O or Amoco, and some of the Original Sites are properties that may never have been owned or operated by BPX&O or Amoco. The DEP acknowledges that Corrective Action at such Original Sites is dependent upon the cooperation of the owner of the Original Site.
3. This Multi-Site Agreement does not apply to the following categories of properties unless BP and the DEP specifically agree to the contrary:
a. Federal or State Superfund facilities;
b. Properties where a third party is taking the lead role in addressing Corrective Action on the property;
c. Properties that BP and the DEP agree in writing to address under a separate agreement, including, without limitation, properties subject to a “buyer-seller agreement”, or properties that the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) addresses under a separate agreement or order.
Site Inventory. The objective of this subtask is to establish an inventory of specific sites that will be assessed during the term of this project. Considerable inventory work has already taken place during the initial application phase for this project. The City of Moscow Planning Department has conducted a real-estate potential redevelopment index of all the vacant or underutilized parcels in Legacy Crossing and the Southeast Moscow Industrial Park area. An initial review of historic records at IDEQ’s regional office and Xxxxxxx Fire Insurance Maps combined with local knowledge, and the 2009 IDEQ brownfields inventory helped identify the five (5) sites proposed for assessment in the original grant application. The IDEQ also provided a preliminary list of 119 potential xxxxxxxxxx sites in the area, by reviewing regional leaking underground storage tank records on file at the IDEQ Regional Office and conducting an area windshield survey of suspect properties. This initial inventory work will be relied on as a basis for the site inventory and will be augmented and refined by utilizing a point and geographic information system (GIS) to rate and rank other parcels for inclusion into the inventory. The point system shall be based on the following property criteria: Willing participant/landowner = 5 points Property located within the Legacy Crossing Urban Renewal District = 4 points Property located adjacent to an arterial or collector roadway = 3 points Property served by public water and sewer = 2 points Larger parcels (greater than three (3) acres) under single ownership = 1 point Specific milestones and deliverables for this subtask include: GIS database inventory based on a property point system. Final site inventory developed and delivered to EPA Project Officer.
Site Inventory. The project manager will monitor the activities of the contractor to ensure proper public input and thorough inventory is achieved for both hazardous substances and petroleum sites. Existing information as well as information gathered through the public involvement meetings early in the process will be used to supplement the contractor-produced site inventory and prioritization plan.
Site Inventory. The contextual analysis of the corridor will include a “windshield survey” intended to photograph, inventory, and assess general site conditions, urban form and development character, pedestrian and vehicular circulation patterns and connectivity. VHB-MS will catalog the results of the photographic inventory and provide an analysis in the final Context Report. The Naval Air Station is a critical resource and plays a significant role in the form and function of the Warrington community. VHB-MS will review historical references of the Station to provide context for the future design guidelines. Through this research, historic design elements will be identified and recommendations for providing a consistent branded theme for the Navy Boulevard corridor will be made in the Context Report.
Site Inventory. Berkeley County’s Project Director will work with the residents living in the target area during community meetings to create a thorough site inventory for assessment. Although nine potential xxxxxxxxxx sites have already been identified within the target area, additional abandoned and underutilized properties identified by the residents of the target area will be researched further by the County’s staff using the property appraiser’s website. Once a list is compiled, the consultant will work with the County’s staff to create an evaluation ranking tool to determine, with the help of residents, the order in which the sites will be addressed. The County will contact the SCDHEC to identify the low priority petroleum sites within its grant jurisdiction. The State contacts can be found at xxxxx:// Contractual costs for site identification, prioritization and inventorying has an estimated cost of $8,000.
Site Inventory. The objective of this subtask is to establish an inventory of specific sites that will be assessed during the term of this project. Considerable inventory work has already taken place during the initial application phase for this project. The City of Moscow Planning Department has conducted a real-estate potential redevelopment index of all the vacant or underutilized parcels in Legacy Crossing and the Southeast Moscow Industrial Park area. An initial review of historic records at IDEQ’s regional office and Xxxxxxx Fire Insurance Maps, combined with local knowledge, and the 2009 IDEQ brownfields inventory helped identify the five sites proposed for assessment in the original grant application. The IDEQ also provided a preliminary list of 119 potential xxxxxxxxxx sites in the area, by reviewing regional leaking underground storage tank records on file at the IDEQ Regional Office and conducting an area windshield survey of suspect properties. This initial work inventory work will be relied on as a basis for the site inventory and will be amended if and when new information on specific sites becomes available. A public meeting will be conducted to allow additional input and comment on the site inventory. Coalition staff will assume the lead responsibility to maintain an up to date list of candidate properties during the term of the project and will not incur reimbursable expenses for this activity. Specific milestones and deliverables for this subtask include: • Public Meeting to gather community input and comment on site inventory. • Final Site Inventory developed and delivered to EPA Project Officer.
Site Inventory. Contractor shall: • Undertake on-site observations to include discussion with County facilities personnel. The following systems will be inventories and reviewed: ◦ site lighting; ◦ site utilities, including water, sanitary sewer, and electric; ◦ stormwater drainage; ◦ irrigation, including controls and equipment, and ◦ overview of site ecology, including soils, vegetation, drainage patterns, species diversity, and unique environmental conditions. • Evaluate existing infrastructure systems for added capacity, physical condition and sustainability best practices, including: ◦ capacity, performance, and anticipated lifespan of water and sewer systems; ◦ aesthetics and anticipated lifespan of site structures; ◦ irrigation distribution and control systems; ◦ Stormwater management, including best management practices, and ◦ vehicular circulation and parking capacity. • Synthesize site anaylsis, including consideration of park perimeter image, connectivity, adjacent land uses, park programming and usage, environment/sustainability, and maintenance.
Site Inventory. There has been no formal xxxxxxxxxx inventory in the South Waterfront Redevelopment Area. Knoxville Community Development Corporation conducted an inventory of blighted properties that met specific criteria set by the Advisory Board, and that will act as a base property inventory resource to develop an accurate description of number and types of brownfields that meet EPA criteria within the redevelopment area. A site inventory and a site prioritization plan for further assessment is proposed as part of this Community-wide Cooperative Agreement. Activities necessary to complete this task include but are not limited to a vehicular area survey by the Consultants and the Project Manager, research of properties that appear to meet EPA Criteria, research of current property owners, and presentation of findings and recommendations to the Project Team for approval. Sites will be prioritized by proximity to the Vision Plan and owner willingness to participate.
Site Inventory. Owner shall organize and provide dedicated space in the lower level of the Building for a parts inventory for the Supplemental HVAC System, such parts to be ordered and purchased by Licensee at its sole cost and expense.