Substitute Compensation Sample Clauses
Substitute Compensation. Teachers requested by the Principal and/or designee to substitute for a fellow staff member during free or preparation time beyond the teacher’s administrative period, will be paid, beginning with the second hour of substitution, an amount consistent with the daily substitute rate, pro-rated. Payments will be made quarterly.
Substitute Compensation. Faculty members who are called upon to teach in emergency situations will receive 1.5 times their normal overload pay rate for new class prep; and 1.25 times their normal overload pay rate for a class they previously taught. An emergency situation will be deemed to exist when the scheduled instructor is unable to continue their assignment after the term has begun and for the duration of the term for any of the following reasons: approved sick leave, termination of employment, unexpected resignation, death, and active duty call up. Emergency pay rate is not applicable to subsequent terms. Substitution assignments are voluntary and are made upon agreement of the faculty member.
Substitute Compensation a. When custodians substitute for head custodians or maintenance personnel, they shall be paid the higher rate starting with the fourth (4th) day of substituting in any school year.
b. When assistant cooks substitute for managers, they shall be paid the manager's rate starting with the fourth (4th) day of substituting in any school year.
c. When non-instructional paraprofessionals substitute for educational paraprofessionals, they shall be paid the higher rate starting with the fourth (4th) day of substituting in any school year.
d. When any person substitutes as set forth in paragraph a, b, or c above, he/she shall move laterally to his/her step on the other scale and will be compensated for hours worked at that rate of pay. Said hours to be worked shall be the usual and normal number of hours worked by the employee being replaced.
Substitute Compensation. A faculty member who substitutes for another faculty member in a class(es) who is absent because of illness or vacation leave day shall be compensated at a rate of $30 per lecture hour and $25 per lab hour. Substitutes for hospital clinical supervision in the area of clinical nursing will be compensated at a rate of $45 per hour. The administration will strive to utilize full-time teaching faculty for substitute teaching assignments. In case of a long-term absence, the substituting faculty member will have the remaining compensation calculated by prorating his/her current overload rate for the remaining period of time he/she is serving as a substitute. A long-term absence occurs when a substituting individual consecutively teaches more than three (3) weeks. Substitute pay for a long-term absence will be paid as prorated overload at the earliest of the date the absent instructor submits an approved notification of leave described in Article IV of this Agreement or three (3) weeks of substitution. The substitute load will not be included in the full-time faculty member’s 42-hour maximum academic year course load.
Substitute Compensation. 1. On occasion employees may be requested to serve as a substitute teacher. Volunteers will be requested, and if no volunteers are found, the administration has the right to assign an eligible employee. For 2014-2014, employees who use their preparation time to serve as a substitute teacher shall be compensated as per the following schedule using the 2001-02 year as the base year: 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 Gr. 6-12 less than 30 minutes $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PK-5 less than 30 minutes $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 30 minutes to 45 minutes $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 46 minutes to 60 minutes $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 $16.16 61 minutes to 75 minutes $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 $20.19 76 minutes to 90 minutes $24.23 $24.23 $24.23 $24.23 $24.23 $24.23 $24.23 $24.23
2. For the purpose of this article, preparation time will be defined as follows:
a. For PK-5 teachers this includes any preparation time when their classes are scheduled to have music, media, guidance, physical education, art, extended learning opportunities or other designated specials.
b. For 6-8 teachers this includes regularly scheduled preparation time.
c. For 9-12 teachers this includes regularly scheduled preparation time but does not include Seminar period.
Substitute Compensation. If a Para-educator is required to be the substitute teacher for a day, an extra $35.00 will be added to that employee’s daily pay (prorated accordingly for ELT schools). Substitute coverage will be recorded in one (1) hour increments and submitted weekly.
Substitute Compensation. 1. Long-Term Substitutes Substitutes will not be included in the bargaining unit as provided in Article I, Recognition.
2. Regularly employed teachers shall be compensated at $25.00 per hour taught while serving as a substitute. As an alternative to receiving the hourly pay rate for substituting, a teacher may elect to accumulate compensatory time. The following guidelines will be followed:
a. One (1) hour will be defined as sixty (60) minutes or a class period at the secondary level.
b. Six (6) hours will constitute one (1) day.
c. Accumulation will be no more than six (6) hours.
d. A request for compensation time off may be denied by the building principal.
e. Request for a compensation day off must be made to the building principal a week in advance. No compensation days may be used during May or June.
f. All accumulated compensation time must be used within one (1) year month from the accumulation of six (6) hours or it will be converted to hourly pay.
g. Any compensation time not converted to hourly pay will be paid out at the end of the school year.
Substitute Compensation. 6.11.1 Substitute salaries shall be reviewed annually by the District, and shall be paid at a rate at least equal to the average of comparable districts within the County. The rates will be one hundred forty dollars ($140) for daily rate, one hundred sixty dollars ($160) for a retired Redwood City teacher, and one hundred seventy five dollars ($175) per day the long term assignment (greater than 20 days in the same assignment) rate.
6.11.2 Substitutes who have achieved long-term status by serving in one (1) classroom for at least twenty (20) days may be allowed to take one (1) day of unpaid sick leave up to a total of three (3) days for each multiple of twenty
Substitute Compensation. Any teacher assigned by the principal/supervisor to use preparation time to supervise or conduct a class for an absent teacher shall be compensated at the teacher’s current rate of pay.
Substitute Compensation. Substitute pay for bargaining unit members shall be compensated at the rate set by the College, but shall not be less than the rate paid to the full time faculty. The following method shall be used to calculate substitution pay: Calculate the scheduled number of minutes for the class session without subtracting for any breaks. Divide this total number by 50 minutes (contact hour). Multiply the resulting number of contact hours by the rate of substitute pay for the full time faculty. For example, if a class meets for 179 minutes, 179 minutes should be divided by 50 minutes. This results in 3.58 contact hours being calculated. If the substitute pay is $31 per contact hour, $110.98 will be the substitution compensation.